S (disambiguation)

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S is the nineteenth letter of the English alphabet.


S may also refer to:


Language and linguistics


Mathematics and logic

Physics and chemistry

Biology and medicine



Arts and entertainment






Production models

Prototypes and concepts

Series and trims

Other uses

See also

Related Research Articles

CC, cc, or C-C may refer to:

3 is a number, numeral, and glyph.

C is the third letter in the Latin alphabet.

E is the fifth letter of the Latin alphabet.

D is the fourth letter of the Latin alphabet.

Z, or z, is the twenty-sixth and last letter of the English alphabet.

I is the ninth letter of the Latin alphabet.

V, or v, is the twenty-second letter of the English alphabet.

K, or k, is the eleventh letter of the English alphabet.

W, or w, is the twenty-third letter of the English alphabet.

T, or t, is the twentieth letter of the English alphabet.

N is the fourteenth letter of the English alphabet.

J, or j, is the tenth letter of the English alphabet.

B is the second letter of the Latin alphabet.

A is the first letter of the Latin and English alphabet.

F is the sixth letter of the Latin alphabet.

G is the seventh letter of the Latin alphabet.

H is the eighth letter of the Latin alphabet.

M, or m, is the thirteenth letter of the English alphabet.

Y, or y, is the twenty-fifth letter of the English alphabet.