Schliemann (crater)

Last updated
Schliemann crater 1116 med.jpg
Coordinates 2°06′S155°12′E / 2.1°S 155.2°E / -2.1; 155.2
Diameter 80 km
Depth Unknown
Colongitude 206° at sunrise
Eponym Heinrich Schliemann
Oblique photo from Apollo 16, facing south Schliemann crater AS16-M-0597.jpg
Oblique photo from Apollo 16, facing south
Oblique photo from Apollo 17, facing north Schliemann crater AS17-151-23153.jpg
Oblique photo from Apollo 17, facing north

Schliemann is a lunar impact crater on the far side of the Moon. It is located just to the northwest of the somewhat larger crater Ventris, and to the northeast of the prominent Chaplygin. Farther to the northeast of Schliemann is the large Mandel'shtam.

This crater has undergone a moderate amount of impact erosion, although no significant craters lie across the rim. The interior floor is marked by several small craterlets that form an arcing group in the southern half of the crater. There is also a small craterlet near the northern inner wall.

Satellite craters

By convention these features are identified on lunar maps by placing the letter on the side of the crater midpoint that is closest to Schliemann.

A1.2° N155.4° E64 km
B2.1° N156.2° E32 km
G2.4° S156.8° E19 km
T2.0° S152.8° E21 km
W0.2° N152.4° E19 km

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