Second Battle of Guilin

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Second Battle of Guilin
Part of the Central Plains War
DateJuly 17, 1930
Result Hunan Army victory
Hunan Army
Supported by:Flag of the Republic of China.svg Nationalist government
New Guangxi clique army
Commanders and leaders
Li Zongren

The Second Battle of Guilin was fought between the invading Hunan Army, allied to the forces of Chiang Kai-shek, and the forces of the New Guangxi clique personally commanded by Li Zongren. Li was facing a second invasion by the forces of the Yunnan Army (also allied to Chiang Kai-shek) targeted at Nanning. Li was forced to withdraw his forces from Guilin.

25°16′30″N110°17′46″E / 25.27500°N 110.29611°E / 25.27500; 110.29611

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