Secretary of State for Energy (Spain)

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Secretary of State for Energy
Secretario de Estado de Energía
Escudo de Espana (mazonado).svg
Coat of Arms used by the Government
Logotipo de la Secretaria de Estado de Energia.png
Manuel García Hernández
since November 25, 2024
Ministry for the Ecological Transition
Secretariat of State for Energy
Style The Most Excellent (formal)
Mr. Secretary of State (informal)
Reports to Ecological Transition Minister
Nominator Ecological Transition Minister
Appointer Monarch
PrecursorGeneral Secretary for Energy and Mineral Resources
FormationMay 11, 1996
First holderNemesio Fernández-Cuesta

The secretary of state for energy is a senior official within the Ministry for the Ecological Transition of the Government of Spain. The secretary of state is appointed by the monarch after being nominated by the Council of Ministers with the advice of the minister for the ecological transition.


The secretary of state for energy is the minister responsible for the development of the Government's energy and mining policy, to ensure the energy supply as well as the imposition and regulation of energy tariffs, taxes and prices, the processing of carbon subsidies in accordance with European Union regulations, the economic and financial analysis and monitoring of energy markets and the regulation, monitoring and analysis of gas and electricity auctions.

It is also responsible for the realization of statistics and analysis on the energy sector and the monitoring of the conjunctural and sectoral energy indicators, the settlement of the costs and revenues of the energy sectors, the inspection of compliance with the technical conditions of the facilities and energy authorizations that are the responsibility of the General State Administration, the certification of consumption and sale of biofuels, the supervision of the liquid hydrocarbon market, the exercise of powers of control, inspection and sanction in energy matters and monitoring of the international litigation related to the regulation of the energy sector. Most of this competencies are exercised in coordination with the National Commission on Markets and Competition (CNMC). [1]

The Secretariat of State is structured in a two departments: the Directorate-General for Energy Policy and Mines and the Directorate-General for Energy Planning and Coordination.


The energy policy in Spain has been traditionally bound to the industrial policy and started taking more importance in 1979, when the Ministry of Industry was modified and named Ministry of Industry and Energy.

However, it wasn't until 1996 that the energy was granted with its own higher body, the Secretariat of State for Energy and Minieral Resources, assuming the competences of the General Secretariat for Energy and Mineral Resources. [2] The life of this body was very short, being integrated in the Secretariat of State for Industry between 1998 and 2000 and in the Secretariat of State for Economy between 2000 and 2002, both bodies within the Ministry of Economy. In 2002, the competences over economy and over Energy and SMEs split in two Secretariats of State recovering its autonomy for 2 years until the change of government of 2004, when the new prime minister relegated the body to a General Secretariat level within the Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Trade. In 2009 was re-created.

The zenith of its autonomy reached it in 2016 when the prime minister split the Ministry of Industry originating a new Ministry of Energy that assumed also the competences over Tourism and Telecommunications.

In 2018, the new government modification integrated the Secretariat of State in the Ministry of Environment in order to establish a transversal environmental policy. This new ministry integrated all the environmental-related competences (except for industrial ones) and received the name of Ministry for the Ecological Transition.



The current organization of the Secretariat of State is: [1]

The secretary of state has its own Cabinet composed of four advisors.

The secretary of state directly depends on several public bodies and enterprises such as the Institute for the Restructuring of Coal Mining and Alternative Development of the Mining Regions (IRMC), the Institute for the Diversification and Saving of Energy (IDAE), the City of Energy Foundation (CIUDEN) and the National Energy Efficiency Fund (FNEE). In addition, the state-owned enterprises National Company of Radioactive Waste (ENRESA) and Strategic Reserves of Petroleum Products Corporation (CORES) are under the tutelage of the Secretariat of State.

List of secretaries

No.ImageNameTerm of office Prime Minister
BeganEndedDays of service
Escudo de Espana (mazonado).svg Nemesio Fernández-Cuesta11 May 199626 September 1998868 José María Aznar
Escudo de Espana (mazonado).svg José Manuel Serra Peris30 September 19986 May 2000584
Jose Folgado 2015 (cropped).jpg José Folgado Blanco 29 April 200020 April 20041452
Competencies assumed by the Secretary General for Energy (2004-2009)
Escudo de Espana (mazonado).svg Pedro Marín Uribe 18 April 200910 January 2011632 José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero
Juan Costa 2007 (cropped).jpg Fabricio Hernández Pampaloni [3] 10 January 201131 December 2011355
Escudo de Espana (mazonado).svg Fernando Marti Scharfhausen31 December 201129 December 2012364 Mariano Rajoy
Escudo de Espana (mazonado).svg Alberto Nadal Belda29 December 201212 November 20161414
Escudo de Espana (mazonado).svg Joan Mesquida Ferrando 19 November 201619 June 2018577
(Jose Dominguez Abascal) Castilla y Leon, Asturias y Aragon se reunen con la ministra de Transicion Ecologica. 2018 (cropped).jpg José Domínguez Abascal [4] 19 June 201818 January 2020578 Pedro Sánchez
10º Sara Aagesen 2024 (cropped).png Sara Aagesen Muñoz [5] 18 January 202025 November 20241773
- Escudo de Espana (mazonado).svg Manuel García Hernández (acting)25 November 2024Incumbent65

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  1. 1 2 "Royal Decree 864/2018, of July 13, which develops the basic organic structure of the Ministry for Ecological Transition". Retrieved 2019-01-26.
  2. "Royal Decree 839/1996, of May 10, which establishes the basic organizational structure of several ministries". Retrieved 2019-01-26.
  3. "El Gobierno nombra a Fabricio Hernández Pampaloni nuevo secretario de Estado de Energía". El Confidencial (in Spanish). 2014-10-19. Retrieved 2019-01-26.
  4. Monforte, Carmen (2018-06-15). "José Domínguez Abascal, nuevo secretario de Estado de Energía". Cinco Días (in Spanish). Retrieved 2019-01-26.
  5. "The Government appoints Sara Aages in new Secretary of State for Energy". Spain's News. 2020-01-17. Retrieved 2020-08-23.