Secretary of State for Territorial Administrations

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Secretary of State for Territorial Policy
Secretario de Estado de Política Territorial
Escudo de Espana (mazonado).svg
Coat of Arms used by the Government
Logotipo de la Secretaria de Estado de Politica Territorial.png
Miryam Álvarez Páez
 since July 21, 2021
Ministry of Territorial Policy and Public Function
Secretariat of State for Territorial Policy
Style The Most Excellent (formal)
Mr. Secretary of State for Territorial Policy (informal)
Reports to Territorial Policy Minister
Nominator Territorial Policy Minister
Appointer Monarch
PrecursorMinister for Territorial Administration
FormationFebruary 20, 1987
First holderJosé Francisco Peña Díez
Salary 113,145.95 per year [1]

The Secretary of State for Territorial Administrations, currently named Secretary of State for Territorial Policy is the highest official of the Ministry of Territorial Policy responsible for the development of the Government's policy about Spain's territorial organization as well as responsible for the relations between the central government and the regional and local authorities.


It's also responsible for the supervision of the decentralized departments of the central government in the regions and impulse and coordination of the Conference of Presidents (the main forum of collaboration between the Prime Minister and the regional leaders), as well as the Presidency of the Council of Official Languages in the General Administration of the State. [2]

Directly from the Secretary of State depends the Secretary General for Territorial Coordination.


The need to create a department focused on the coordination of the different state administrations appeared after the approval of the Constitution, which established a decentralized state composed of different autonomous communities. Given this, the Ministry of Territorial Administration was created in 1979 and was in force until the end of 1986.

In 1987, the Ministry of Public Administrations was created, which assumed the powers over the civil servants and the territorial organization, creating a Secretariat of State focused on the relations of the different administrations called the Secretary of State for Territorial Administrations. [3]

In 2000, the Secretariat of State changed its name to Secretariat of State for the Territorial Organization of the State and changed its name again in 2004 to Secretariat of State of Territorial Cooperation until 2011 when PM Rajoy in an effort to reduce the deficit of the State, reduced the governmental apparatus integrating this Secretariat of State in the Secretariat of State for Public Administrations (in charge of the civil servants and now also of the relations between administrations) and the Ministry of Public Administrations also merged with the Ministry of the Treasury.

In 2016, with the economical improvement, the Secretariats of State of Public Function and Territorial Administration were separated again and the latest was integrated with its Ministry in the Ministry of the Presidency.

Since 2018, the Ministry for Territorial Administrations recovered its independence and was renamed Ministry for Territorial Policy and Public Function (taking the competencies over the civil servants from the Ministry of the Treasury). Briefly, from 2020 to 2021 the Secretariat of State assumed all the competences about civil service.


Under the Secretary of State are the following officials: [2]

List of secretaries of state

No.ImageNameTerm of officeMinisters serving under: Prime Minister appointed by:
BeganEndedDays of service
Escudo de Espana (mazonado).svg José Francisco Peña Díez28 February 198711 May 19963360 Joaquín Almunia Amann
Juan Manuel Eguiagaray
Jerónimo Saavedra
Joan Lerma i Blasco
Felipe González
(Jorge Fernandez Diaz) Saenz de Santamaria y el ministro del Interior reciben al vicepresidente del Consejo de Ministros y ministro del Interior del Gobierno de Italia. Pool Moncloa. 25 de noviembre de 2013 (cropped).jpeg Jorge Fernández Díaz 11 May 199623 January 1999987 Mariano Rajoy José María Aznar
Francisco Camps (2009).jpg Francisco Camps 23 January 19991 April 2000434 Ángel Acebes Paniagua
Gabriel Elorriaga in the EPP Convention On Climate Change in Madrid (6-7 February 2008).jpg Gabriel Elorriaga Pisarik6 May 200020 April 20041445 Ángel Acebes Paniagua
Jesús Posada
Javier Arenas
Julia García-Valdecasas
Escudo de Espana (mazonado).svg José Luis Méndez Romeu20 April 200414 May 2005389 Jordi Sevilla José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero
Escudo de Espana (mazonado).svg Ana Isabel Leiva Díaz14 May 200514 July 2007791
Escudo de Espana (mazonado).svg Fernando Puig de la Bellacasa14 July 200725 April 2009651 Elena Salgado
Gaspar Zarrias portrait.jpg Gaspar Zarrías 25 April 200924 December 2011973 Manuel Chaves González
Antonio Beteta Barreda en la inauguracion del Encuentro Aporta 2012.jpg Antonio Beteta24 December 201112 November 20161785 Cristóbal Montoro Mariano Rajoy
10º Roberto Bermudez de Castro (2014).jpg Roberto Bermúdez de Castro Mur19 November 201619 June 2018577 Soraya Sáenz de Santamaría
11º Ignacio Sanchez Amor - April 2017b (cropped).jpg Ignacio Sánchez Amor 23 June 201829 June 2019371 Meritxell Batet Pedro Sánchez
Escudo de Espana (mazonado).svg Miryam Álvarez Páez
29 June 201930 January 2020215 Luis Planas
12º Escudo de Espana (mazonado).svg Francisco Hernández Spínola30 January 20203 February 2021370 Carolina Darias
- Escudo de Espana (mazonado).svg Miryam Álvarez Páez
3 February 202124 February 202121 Miquel Iceta
13º Escudo de Espana (mazonado).svg Víctor Francos Díaz24 February 202121 July 2021147
- Escudo de Espana (mazonado).svg Miryam Álvarez Páez
21 July 2021Incumbent722 Isabel Rodríguez García

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  1. "Retribuciones para el año 2017 para el organismo Ministerio de la Presidencia". (in Spanish). Retrieved 2018-09-26.
  2. 1 2 "Royal Decree 863/2018, of July 13, by which the basic organic structure of the Ministry of Territorial Policy and Public Function is developed". (in Spanish). Retrieved 2018-09-26.
  3. "Royal Decree 221/1987, of February 20, by which the basic organic structure of the Ministry for Public Administrations is determined". (in Spanish). Retrieved 2018-09-26.