A service number or roll number is an identification code used to identify a person within a large group. Service numbers are most often associated with the military; however, they also may be used in civilian organizations. National identification numbers may be seen as types of service numbers.
The term "serial number" is often seen as a synonym of service number; however, a serial number more accurately describes manufacture and product codes, rather than personnel identification. In the Canadian military, a "serial number" referred to a unique number assigned each unit that mobilized for the Second World War.
In the First Australian Imperial Force soldiers were allotted numbers known as regimental numbers. These were allotted to NCOs and other ranks but not to officers or nurses, who had no numbers. Regimental numbers were rarely unique. Each battalion or corps had its own sequence, usually starting at 1, although some units were formed in the field and this did not occur. The result was that several dozen soldiers had the prestigious number 1, which was usually given to the Regimental Sergeant Major or the Regimental Quartermaster Sergeant. When soldiers were transferred from one unit to another, they often kept their number if it was not already held by someone else. Otherwise, they might be allotted a new number or the letter A or B might be added to make the number unique with their unit again. Re-enlisted soldiers often used the additional letter R. In 1917, the AIF switched to a scheme whereby reinforcements were drawn from the common pool instead of being supplied on a per-unit or corps basis. These were known as "general reinforcements" and they were allotted unique numbers in the range of 50000–80000. Despite the limitations of the scheme, in researching a soldier, it is handy to know the regimental number. [1]
In 1921, the assignment of identifying numbers based on regiments was abolished in the Australian Army and replaced with an Army-wide system. This meant that soldiers in all branches of the Army received a unique number, and if they re-enlisted they kept their previously allocated number. [2]
The problems inherent in the First World War scheme were acknowledged and all members of the Second Australian Imperial Force were allocated a unique service number known as an Army number. The first letter represented the state of enlistment: N: New South Wales; V: Victoria; Q: Queensland; S: South Australia; W: Western Australia; T: Tasmania; D: Northern Territory. The serial numbers of female soldiers followed this with an F. AIF serial number then had an X. A low number indicated an early enlistment. General Sir Thomas Blamey was VX1. Soldiers transferring from the Militia often kept their old number with 100,000 added, while PMF officers had 200,000 added. [3]
Following the Second World War, the system employed by the Australian Army was quite complex, as the Second AIF was disbanded and an Interim Army was established. A dual system existed until July 1947 as existing personnel kept their Second AIF numbers until that point, while new enlistments received a service number starting from X500000, while maintaining the state-based prefix of the old Second AIF system. For the second half of 1947, numbers were allocated starting from X700000, again prefixed with the state of recruitment. However, from September 1947, another system based on military districts was introduced for members of the Australian Regular Army, while personnel who enlisted specifically for service during the Korean War with K-Force received numbers beginning from 400,000, although those who volunteered for service with the Regular Army Supplement received a new number beginning with 900,000 and others who transferred from the Interim Army to K-Force received a new number beginning with 905,000, beginning with a number from 1 to 8 representing each state and territory (beginning with Queensland), including Papua New Guinea. This system (the 900,000 series) remained in use until 2002, when it was replaced with an integrated system based on the Personnel Management Key Solution (PMKeyS) system, which moved the Australian Defence Force away from service numbers to employee numbers. [2]
Canada began using "Regimental Numbers" during the First World War.
During the Second World War, units were allocated blocks of Regimental Numbers to issue out, usually in the 5 or 6 digit range, though extremely low numbers were also possible due to the blocks.
The Social Insurance Number (SIN) replaced the regimental number in the 1960s.
The SIN was itself replaced by a Service Number in the 1990s.
The use of the SIN was granted by Revenue Canada to the CF for service numbers as a temporary measure and was revoked in the 1990s. The new Service Number used a random alphabetic letter and 8 numbers in the same format as SINs to avoid changing service forms.
Current officers of the Hong Kong Police use a 5 digit number and are worn by all ranks below senior officers.
The same numbering pattern is used by the Hong Kong Correctional Services and the Hong Kong Fire Services.
Soldiers in the British Army are given an eight-digit number, e.g. 25232301. Prior to 1920, each regiment issued their own service numbers which were unique only within that regiment, so the same number could be issued many times in different regiments. When a serviceman moved, he would be given a new service number by his new regiment. Commissioned officers did not have service numbers until 1920. The modern system was introduced by Army Order 338 dated 9 August 1920. Numbers were then a maximum of seven digits, later groups of numbers up to eight digits were added. [4] [5]
For example:
Royal Army Service Corps: 1 to 294000 [6]
Lancers: 309001 to 386000
Royal Corps of Signals: 2303001 to 2604000
Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers: 16000001 to 16100000
Until 1960, National Servicemen who voluntarily remained in the Armed Forces continued to use their National Service numbers. Until 2007 and the introduction of the Joint Personnel Administration (JPA) system, Army Officers were issued with a six-digit Personal Number, as opposed to the eight-digit Army Number for enlisted personnel. Newly commissioned officers now receive an eight-digit service number, but six-digit Officers' Personal Numbers issued prior to the introduction of JPA remained unchanged.
In the Royal Navy, prior to the introduction of JPA, service numbers were also of eight digits but began and ended with a letter, depending initially on the depot where the sailor was recruited. The first letter designators were: P (Portsmouth), C (Chatham), and D (Devonport), with the final letter being a checksum. Later, the designators were reassigned and were used to distinguish between men and women within the Royal Navy as well as to distinguish between officers and ratings. A service number beginning with D designated a Royal Navy male rating, W a Royal Navy female rating, C male officers, and V female officers. P designated a Royal Marines other rank, while N a Royal Marine officer. Following the introduction of JPA, all newly issued Royal Navy service numbers became an eight-digit number format beginning with 3, with no distinction made between male, female, ratings, officers, and Royal Marines.
The Armed forces of the United States introduced service numbers in 1918, and discontinued their use in 1974. In 2011, the Department of Defense began implementing a new service number system in order to reduce identity theft. [7] The first U.S. military member to hold a service number was Arthur Crean.
The following formats were used to denote U.S. military service numbers:
Social Security Numbers are today used as the primary means to identify members of the U.S. military. The common format for social security numbers is 123-45-6789.
Effective June 2011, the US military has introduced a plan to eliminate the use of Social Security Numbers on military and dependent ID cards and replace them with a service number, in an effort to prevent identity theft against members of the armed services. [7] All members have now been issued a DoD ID number for this purpose. [7]
Dog tag is an informal but common term for a specific type of identification tag worn by military personnel. The tags' primary use is for the identification of casualties; they have information about the individual written on them, including identification and essential basic medical information such as blood type and history of inoculations. They often indicate a religious preference as well.
A company is a military unit, typically consisting of 100–250 soldiers and usually commanded by a major or a captain. Most companies are formed of three to seven platoons, although the exact number may vary by country, unit type, and structure.
Military ranks are a system of hierarchical relationships, within armed forces, police, intelligence agencies or other institutions organized along military lines. The military rank system defines dominance, authority, and responsibility in a military hierarchy. It incorporates the principles of exercising power and authority into the military chain of command—the succession of commanders superior to subordinates through which command is exercised. The military chain of command constructs an important component for organized collective action.
A regiment is a military unit. Its role and size varies markedly, depending on the country, service, or specialisation.
Corps is a term used for several different kinds of organization. A military innovation by Napoleon I, the formation was first named as such in 1805. The size of a corps varies greatly, but two to five divisions and anywhere from 40,000 to 80,000 are the numbers stated by the US Department of Defense.
Sergeant major is a senior non-commissioned rank or appointment in many militaries around the world.
The First Australian Imperial Force was the main expeditionary force of the Australian Army during the First World War. It was formed as the Australian Imperial Force (AIF) following Britain's declaration of war on Germany on 15 August 1914, with an initial strength of one infantry division and one light horse brigade. The infantry division subsequently fought at Gallipoli between April and December 1915, with a newly raised second division, as well as three light horse brigades, reinforcing the committed units.
The Second Australian Imperial Force was the volunteer expeditionary force of the Australian Army in the Second World War. It was formed following the declaration of war on Nazi Germany, with an initial strength of one infantry division and related auxiliary components. After considerable expansion of this force, three divisions were sent to the Middle East and North Africa, while the 8th Division was sent to garrison British Malaya and Singapore.
A United States military occupation code, or a military occupational specialty code, is a nine-character code used in the United States Army and United States Marine Corps to identify a specific job. In the United States Air Force, a system of Air Force Specialty Codes (AFSC) is used. In the United States Navy, a system of naval ratings and designators are used along with the Navy Enlisted Classification (NEC) system. A system of ratings is also used in the United States Coast Guard.
The Australian Army Reserve is a collective name given to the reserve units of the Australian Army. Since the Federation of Australia in 1901, the reserve military force has been known by many names, including the Citizens Forces, the Citizen Military Forces, the Militia and, unofficially, the Australian Military Forces. In 1980, however, the current name—Australian Army Reserve—was officially adopted, and it now consists of a number of components based around the level of commitment and training obligation that its members are required to meet.
A cap badge, also known as head badge or hat badge, is a badge worn on uniform headgear and distinguishes the wearer's nationality and/or organisation. The wearing of cap badges is a convention commonly found among military and police forces, as well as uniformed civilian groups such as the Boy Scouts, civil defence organisations, ambulance services, customs services, fire services etc.
A peaked cap, peaked hat, service cap, barracks cover, or combination cap is a form of headgear worn by the armed forces of many nations, as well as many uniformed civilian organisations such as law enforcement agencies and fire departments. It derives its name from its short visor, or peak, which was historically made of polished leather but increasingly is made of a cheaper synthetic substitute.
Full dress uniform, also known as a ceremonial dress uniform or parade dress uniform, is the most formal type of uniforms used by military, police, fire and other public uniformed services for official parades, ceremonies, and receptions, including private ones such as marriages and funerals. Full dress uniforms typically include full-size orders and medals insignia. Styles tend to originate from 19th century uniforms, although the 20th century saw the adoption of mess dress-styled full-dress uniforms. Designs may depend on regiment or service branch. In Western dress codes, full dress uniform is a permitted supplementary alternative equivalent to the civilian white tie for evening wear or morning dress for day wear – sometimes collectively called full dress – although military uniforms are the same for day and evening wear. As such, full dress uniform is the most formal uniform, followed by the mess dress uniform.
The Australian Defence Force's (ADF) ranks of officers and enlisted personnel in each of its three service branches of the Royal Australian Navy (RAN), the Australian Army, and the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) inherited their rank structures from their British counterparts. The insignia used to identify these ranks are also generally similar to those used in the British Armed Forces.
The allotment system was a system used in Sweden for keeping a trained army at all times. This system came into use in around 1640, and was replaced by the modern Swedish Armed Forces conscription system in 1901. Two different allotment systems have been in use in Sweden; they are the old allotment system and the new allotment system, the latter often referred to as just "the allotment system". The soldiers who were part of these systems were known as "croft soldiers" due to the small crofts allotted to them.
Sydney University Regiment (SUR) is an officer-training regiment of the Australian Army Reserve. Its predecessor, the University Volunteer Rifle Corps, was raised in 1900 as a unit of the colonial New South Wales Defence Force. During the 20th century, several changes of name and role occurred. Sydney University Regiment is headquartered in Holsworthy Barracks and has detachments in Sydney, Canberra and Wollongong.
Service numbers were used by the United States Department of Defense as the primary means of service member identification from 1918 until 1974. Service numbers are public information available under the Freedom of Information Act, unlike social security numbers which are protected by the Privacy Act of 1974.
Service numbers were used by the United States Army from 1918 until 1969. Prior to this time, the Army relied on muster rolls as a means of indexing enlisted service members while officers were usually listed on yearly rolls maintained by the United States War Department. In the nineteenth century, the Army also used pay records as a primary means of identifying service members after discharge.
The uniforms of the Australian Army have changed significantly over the past century, although the accoutrements worn over this period have remained relatively similar. The forces of the Australian colonies and the early forces of the Commonwealth post-Federation in 1901 closely followed the uniforms of the British Army. Since then it has continued to be influenced by British but also US styles, as well as including some distinctly Australian designs, reflecting local conditions and trends.