Slowly varying function

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In real analysis, a branch of mathematics, a slowly varying function is a function of a real variable whose behaviour at infinity is in some sense similar to the behaviour of a function converging at infinity. Similarly, a regularly varying function is a function of a real variable whose behaviour at infinity is similar to the behaviour of a power law function (like a polynomial) near infinity. These classes of functions were both introduced by Jovan Karamata, [1] [2] and have found several important applications, for example in probability theory.


Basic definitions

Definition 1. A measurable function L : (0, +)  (0, +) is called slowly varying (at infinity) if for all a > 0,

Definition 2. Let L : (0, +)  (0, +). Then L is a regularly varying function if and only if . In particular, the limit must be finite.

These definitions are due to Jovan Karamata. [1] [2]

Basic properties

Regularly varying functions have some important properties: [1] a partial list of them is reported below. More extensive analyses of the properties characterizing regular variation are presented in the monograph by Bingham, Goldie & Teugels (1987).

Uniformity of the limiting behaviour

Theorem 1. The limit in definitions 1 and 2 is uniform if a is restricted to a compact interval.

Karamata's characterization theorem

Theorem 2. Every regularly varying function f : (0, +)  (0, +) is of the form


Note. This implies that the function g(a) in definition 2 has necessarily to be of the following form

where the real number ρ is called the index of regular variation.

Karamata representation theorem

Theorem 3. A function L is slowly varying if and only if there exists B > 0 such that for all xB the function can be written in the form



then L is a slowly varying function.

See also


  1. 1 2 3 See ( Galambos & Seneta 1973 )
  2. 1 2 See ( Bingham, Goldie & Teugels 1987 ).

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