Bounded function

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A schematic illustration of a bounded function (red) and an unbounded one (blue). Intuitively, the graph of a bounded function stays within a horizontal band, while the graph of an unbounded function does not. Bounded and unbounded functions.svg
A schematic illustration of a bounded function (red) and an unbounded one (blue). Intuitively, the graph of a bounded function stays within a horizontal band, while the graph of an unbounded function does not.

In mathematics, a function defined on some set with real or complex values is called bounded if the set of its values is bounded. In other words, there exists a real number such that


for all in . [1] A function that is not bounded is said to be unbounded.[ citation needed ]

If is real-valued and for all in , then the function is said to be bounded (from) above by . If for all in , then the function is said to be bounded (from) below by . A real-valued function is bounded if and only if it is bounded from above and below. [1] [ additional citation(s) needed ]

An important special case is a bounded sequence, where is taken to be the set of natural numbers. Thus a sequence is bounded if there exists a real number such that

for every natural number . The set of all bounded sequences forms the sequence space .[ citation needed ]

The definition of boundedness can be generalized to functions taking values in a more general space by requiring that the image is a bounded set in .[ citation needed ]

Weaker than boundedness is local boundedness. A family of bounded functions may be uniformly bounded.

A bounded operator is not a bounded function in the sense of this page's definition (unless ), but has the weaker property of preserving boundedness; bounded sets are mapped to bounded sets . This definition can be extended to any function if and allow for the concept of a bounded set. Boundedness can also be determined by looking at a graph.[ citation needed ]


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