Soling European Championship results (2000–2004)

Last updated

Soling insigna.png
Soling Line Drawing.svg
Name Soling

The main article describes all European Soling Championships from one the first held in 1968 to the announced Championships in the near future. This article states the detailed results, where relevant the controversies, and the progression of the Championship during the series race by race of the European Soling Championships in the years 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 and 2004. This is based on the major sources: World Sailing, the world governing body for the sport of sailing recognized by the IOC and the IPC, and the publications of the International Soling Association. Unfortunately not all crew names are documented in the major sources.


2000 Final results

2000 [1] [2]
Navigation dans la baie de La Rochelle.JPG
The Bay of La Rochelle
Event title
Edition33 [3] [4]
Host Cercle Nautique de La Rochelle
Event details
Venue La Rochelle,
Flag of France.svg  France
Dates11–17 June
Opening ceremony11 June
Competing nations14
Gold medal icon.svg GoldFlag of Denmark.svg  Denmark
Jesper Bank
Henrik Blakskjær
Thomas Jacobsen
Silver medal icon.svg SilverFlag of Russia.svg  Russia
Georgy Shayduko
Oleg Khopyorsky
Andrey Kirilyuk
Bronze medal icon.svg BronzeFlag of Ukraine.svg  Ukraine
Sergey Pichuguin
Volodimir Korotkov
Sergey Timokhov
RankCountry Helmsman CrewSail No.Race 1Race 2Race 3Race 4Race 5Race 6Race 7Race 8Race 9TotalTotal

Gold medal icon.svgFlag of Denmark.svg  DEN Jesper Bank Henrik Blakskjær
Thomas Jacobsen
DEN 12371351010611.71023510 DNC 3484.750.7
Silver medal icon.svgFlag of Russia.svg  RUS Georgy Shayduko Oleg Khopyorsky
Andrey Kirilyuk
RUS 4410510611.7 17 2335.751035.7481074.151.1
Bronze medal icon.svgFlag of Ukraine.svg  UKR Sergey Pichuguin Volodimir Korotkov
Sergey Timokhov
UKR 1611.7234823101681410 13 192377.758.7
4Flag of New Zealand.svg  NZL Rod Davis Don Cowie
Alan Smith
NZL 1814482351051023 9 1523487459
5Flag of Germany.svg  GER Jochen Schümann Gunnar Bahr
Ingo Borkowski
GER 311481010713131935.74835.7 DNC 3493.459.4
6Flag of France.svg  FRA Philippe Presti Pascal Rambeau
Jean-Marie Dauris
FRA 3335.735.771335.7814 10 1651010611.781.865.8
7Flag of Spain.svg  ESP Manuel Doreste Domingo Manrique
Juan Luis Wood
ESP 146510 13 1935.7915234881481435.794.475.4
8Flag of Austria.svg  AUT Christian Binder Franz Fellner
Volker Moser
AUT 1249151117915 21 271091510161521510136109
9Flag of Italy.svg  ITA Nicola Celon Daniele De Luca
Michele Paoletti
ITA 2417131016 16 2214207137131117611.7814139.7117.7
10Flag of Denmark.svg  DEN Stig Westergaard Bjørn Westergaard
Jens Bojsen-Møller
DEN 120 OCS 34611.7814131948611.717231117915153.4119.4
11Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg  CAN Bill Abbott Jr. Matt Abbott
Brad Boston
CAN 1121812181218611.7142012181218713 16 22156.7134.7
12Flag of France.svg  FRA Wilfried Clerton Frederic Nielsen
Julien Bicler
FRA 171521142011171218 21 271117142012181117175148
13Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  GBR Ian Williams Mark Nicholls
Steve Mitchell
GBR 1651319 OCS 3410161622915192516229151319187153
14Flag of Spain.svg  ESP Gonzalo Araújo Juan Pinacho
Fernando Morillo
ESP 12810162026 DNC 34481218DSQ34611.7DSQ34713194.7160.7
15Flag of Italy.svg  ITA Andrea Rachelli Enzo Bonini
Massimiliano Ferrari
ITA 25218249151319111711172026 22 2817231521190162
16Flag of France.svg  FRA Pierre-Alexis Ponsot Sebastien Metivier
Jerome Maquet
FRA 1501723152114201521 19 251723131910161622190165
17Flag of Germany.svg  GER Axel Martens Christian Oehler
Tilo Muller
GER 309142016221521 25 311622152171318241824198167
18Flag of Germany.svg  GER Hendrik Witzmann Markus Koy
Seelig Knut
GER 2931117814 22 28222815211824152121271925205177
19Flag of Germany.svg  GER Christof Wieland Gregor Bornemann
Peter Wieland
GER 301622172318242026 22 281622192514201218208180
20Flag of Slovenia.svg  SLO Boštjan Antončič Andrej Borštnar
Gennadi Strakh
SLO 11925 22 281723273317231420182416221723221188
21Flag of Denmark.svg  DEN Nicklas Holm Martin Leitelt
Mikkel Winston
DEN 119 OCS 34OCS34212781420261319212719251420226192
22Flag of Russia.svg  RUS Konstantin Starunov Alexandre Chichke
Sergey Masalov
RUS 41222821272430 26 3223292228202620262026252220
23Flag of the United States.svg  USA Stuart H. Walker Hannes Blaschke
Doug Loup
USA 8422026182419251016182421272531 DNC 34DNC34241207
24Flag of the Netherlands.svg  NED Bram Soethoudt Arno Roosendaal
Jeroen Lockefeer
NED 38212719252329182425312329 26 3222282228253221
25Flag of France.svg  FRA Yves Steff Bertrand Guillemot
Yannick L'Hellias
FRA 1822329232920261925 24 302430243023292127255225
26Flag of France.svg  FRA Herve Godest Etienne Grenet
Frederic Bernauer
FRA 1812430243026322329 26 322632232924302329273241
27Flag of France.svg  FRA Nicolas Pecha Vassili Pecha
Axel Corlay
FRA 1532531253125312430 27 332531273325312430281248

    Legend:DNC – Did not come to the starting area;DNF – Did not finish;DNS – Did not start;DSQ – Disqualified;PMS – Premature start;
    Discard is crossed out and does not count for the overall result.

    Progress EC Soling 2000.png

    2001 Final results

    2001 [1] [2]
    Attersee - panoramio (1).jpg
    Lake Attersee
    Event title
    Edition34 [5] [6]
    Host Union-Yacht-Club Attersee
    Event details
    Venue Attersee,
    Flag of Austria.svg  Austria
    Dates1–8 September 2001
    Opening ceremony1 September
    Competing nations10
    Gold medal icon.svg GoldFlag of Austria.svg  Austria
    Christian Binder
    Nicky Fellner
    Franz Panek
    Silver medal icon.svg SilverFlag of Germany.svg  Germany
    Heiko Winkler
    Stefan Wenzel
    Jens Niemann
    Bronze medal icon.svg BronzeFlag of Austria.svg  Austria
    Carl Auteried Jr.
    Thomas Beclin
    Martin Kendler
    RankCountry Helmsman CrewSail No.Race 1Race 2Race 3Race 4Race 5Race 6Race 7Race 8Race 9TotalTotal

    Gold medal icon.svgFlag of Austria.svg  AUT Christian Binder Franz Fellner
    Franz Panek
    AUT 124 11 1122333333223311223019
    Silver medal icon.svgFlag of Germany.svg  GER Heiko Winkler Stefan Wenzel
    Jens Niemann
    GER 2971144 15 15111111661515444833
    Bronze medal icon.svgFlag of Austria.svg  AUT Carl Auteried Jr. Thomas Beclin
    Martin Kendler
    AUT 11744 13 13779922441155114633
    4Flag of Germany.svg  GER Roman Koch Erik Hermann
    Gregor Bornemann
    GER 300555533441010228833 DNF 327240
    5Flag of Hungary.svg  HUN György Wossala László Kovácsi
    Károly Vezér
    HUN 7722992244 14 1466111177886349
    6Flag of Austria.svg  AUT Christoph Skolaut Georg Skolaut
    Wolfgang Riha
    AUT 247710101010227733441010 DNF 328553
    7Flag of Austria.svg  AUT Christian Spiessberger Ulrich Poppovic
    Thomas Linortner
    AUT 10033331188881616771717 DNF 329563
    8Flag of Argentina.svg  ARG Miguel Saubidet Cristian Petersen
    Lucas Petersen
    ARG 2888112121111113131010221313 DNF 3211179
    9Flag of Germany.svg  GER Axel Mertens Hubauer
    GER 309 26 261212991515161614145533101011084
    10Flag of Austria.svg  AUT Roman Hagara Dominik Würfel
    Rudolf Mayr
    AUT 111515 20 2044776677882020999676
    11Flag of Austria.svg  AUT Markus Schneeberger Harry Vettermann
    Christian Panek
    AUT 73101016161818 22 221010171799446611290
    12Flag of Slovenia.svg  SLO Boštjan Antončič Gennadiy Strakh
    Zeljko Perovic
    SLO 118181515 30 3015159988121211115512393
    13Flag of the Netherlands.svg  NED Johan Offermans Nancy Schoof
    Ronald den Arend
    NED 25 20 207717176613131515171713131414122102
    14Flag of Austria.svg  AUT Christian Feichtinger Klaus Kratochwill
    Thomas Lackerbauer
    AUT 1141414661616141455 19 19181812121919123104
    15Flag of Austria.svg  AUT Michael Felzmann Björn Gilhofer
    Jorg Lackinger
    AUT 127 27 27888810102222232320206677131104
    16Flag of the United States.svg  USA Stuart H. Walker Goyette
    Nikki Seemann
    USA 842171717176655121218181919 21 211111126105
    17Flag of Hungary.svg  HUN Gyenese Balazs Gyula Mónus
    Gábor Meretei
    HUN 16614141212 23 2317171111161616161515130107
    18Flag of Austria.svg  AUT Christian Nothhaft Martin Zeileis
    Patrick Wichmann
    AUT 1211212 28 281111111115152222151518181616148120
    19Flag of Austria.svg  AUT Ulrich Schuh Stephan Beurle
    Titus Werkgartner
    AUT 971313191922221616 21 2199131319191818150128
    20Flag of Austria.svg  AUT Bernhard Klingler Ludwig Neuner
    Udo Moser
    AUT 115161622222323 27 27252512121414991212160133
    21Flag of Austria.svg  AUT Franz Wageneder Rudolf Rager
    Georg Zeileis
    AUT 116252511111414181855222222222020 DNF 32169137
    22Flag of Russia.svg  RUS Vitaliy Tarakanov Alekszej Busujev
    Dmitry Bondarenko
    RUS 42991818242412122020242414141717 DNF 32170138
    23Flag of Austria.svg  AUT Peter Neumann Simon Promok
    Carli Auteried
    AUT 122 24 2421211919131324242121232324242222191167
    24Flag of Argentina.svg  ARG Matias Collins Sandrine Lescaudron
    Guillermo Heinonen
    ARG 3023232828171723232525212123232525 DNF 32217185
    25Flag of Austria.svg  AUT Otto Urbanek Mathias Kecht
    Bernd Götschl
    AUT 10719193030131319192929262626262121 DNF 32215183
    26Flag of Austria.svg  AUT Margund Schuh Markus Gnan
    Ernst Felsecker
    AUT 8923232727292920202626242427272525 DNF 32233201
    27Flag of Germany.svg  GER Herbert Balzer Gisela Balzer
    Gernot Heller
    GER 311212125252020262620202525 DNC 32DNC32DNC32233201
    28Flag of Austria.svg  AUT Alex Hasch Karli Kraupa
    Oskar Ginther
    AUT 11328282929272724241919282827272626 DNF 32240208
    29Flag of Austria.svg  AUT Christian Ransmayr Johannes Lehner
    AUT 99222224242525212127272727 DNC 32DNC32DNC32242210
    30Flag of Italy.svg  ITA Fabio Armellini Attilia Papini
    ITA 209 29 2925252626252528282626282828282424239210
    31Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  GBR Tony Clare Vincetti
    Not Documented
    GBR 157 DNC 32DNC32DNC32DNC32DNC32DNC32DNC32DNC32DNC32288256

      Legend:DNC – Did not come to the starting area;DNF – Did not finish;DNS – Did not start;DSQ – Disqualified;PMS – Premature start;
      Discard is crossed out and does not count for the overall result.

      Progress EC Soling 2001.png

      2002 Final results

      2002 [1] [2]
      Porto Castiglione della Pescaia (GR).jpg
      Castiglione della Pescaia Harbor
      Event title
      Edition35 [7] [8]
      Host Club Velico Castiglione della Pescaia (CVCP)
      Event details
      Venue Castiglione della Pescaia,
      Flag of Italy.svg  Italy
      Dates27 May – 1 June 2002
      Opening ceremony26 May
      Competing nations10
      Gold medal icon.svg GoldFlag of Austria.svg  Austria
      Carl Auteried Jr.
      Thomas Beclin
      Martin Kendler
      Silver medal icon.svg SilverFlag of Austria.svg  Austria
      Markus Schneeberger
      Volker Moser
      Franz Panek
      Bronze medal icon.svg BronzeFlag of Hungary.svg  Hungary
      György Wossala
      László Kovácsi
      Károly Vezér
      RankCountry Helmsman CrewSail No.Race 1Race 2Race 3Race 4Race 5Race 6Race 7TotalTotal

      Gold medal icon.svgFlag of Austria.svg  AUT Carl Auteried Jr. Thomas Beclin
      Martin Kendler
      AUT 117223311224455 DNF 335017
      Silver medal icon.svgFlag of Austria.svg  AUT Markus Schneeberger Volker Moser
      Franz Panek
      AUT 7333442233 DSQ 3322335017
      Bronze medal icon.svgFlag of Hungary.svg  HUN György Wossala László Kovácsi
      Károly Vezér
      HUN 77441133445511 DNF 335118
      4Flag of Germany.svg  GER Roman Koch Maxl Koch
      Gregor Bornemann
      GER 3556666556633 DNF 336431
      5Flag of Norway.svg  NOR Preben Asbjornrod Hans Husum
      Richard Fikse
      NOR 12899 13 135511111166224734
      6Flag of Hungary.svg  HUN Gyenese Balazs Gyula Mónus
      Andres Monus
      HUN 188101044663344 11 114635
      7Flag of Germany.svg  GER Axel Mertens Christian Haake
      Carsten Fischer
      GER 3097777121211 19 1988445839
      8Flag of Slovenia.svg  SLO Boštjan Antončič Zeljko Perovic
      Gennadi Strakh
      SLO 111 13 138888887710105542
      9Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  GBR Tony Clare Brian Hammersley
      Philip Crebbin
      GBR 156111155889922 12 12885543
      10Flag of Brazil.svg  BRA Renato Cunha Faria Sérgio Goretkin
      Abílio Di Gerardi
      BRA 686622777717171111 DSQ 338350
      11Flag of the United States.svg  USA Charlie Kamps Vytas Kasniunas
      Toby Kamps
      USA 83212129999101099 19 19116950
      12Flag of Austria.svg  AUT Murgund Schuh Franz Fellner
      Ludwig Neuner
      AUT 0 20 2016161010171715151010669474
      13Flag of the Netherlands.svg  NED Johan Offermans Edgar Copper
      Nancy Schoof
      NED 25 18 181111141414141111131314149577
      14Flag of Norway.svg  NOR NorveelNilsson
      Sven Kristiansen
      NOR 1161010191911111515 25 2516169910580
      15Flag of Austria.svg  AUT Franz Wageneder Rudolf Rager
      Uli Hubauer
      AUT 11616161818 21 2116167717177710281
      16Flag of Austria.svg  AUT Ludwig Beurle Ekkehart Steinhuber
      Maximilian Hoyer
      AUT 102151525251616 22 2210101515121211590
      17Flag of Austria.svg  AUT Christian Nothhaft Patrick Wichmann
      Martin Zeileis
      AUT 1211414141419192020191999 21 2111695
      18Flag of the Netherlands.svg  NED Bram Soethoudt Berend Vree
      Ronald den Arend
      NED 3821211717 23 23131313131414181811996
      19Flag of Germany.svg  GER Heino von Schuckmann Peter Hanke
      Markus Stallhofer
      GER 228171712121919181814141818 DNF 3313198
      20Flag of Austria.svg  AUT Georg Zeileis Markus Gnan
      Alex Hasch
      AUT 132 DNF 33151525251212232320202020148115
      21Flag of the Netherlands.svg  NED Rien Segaar Marama
      Bas Dusee
      NED 34131320202020 24 24181821212424140116
      22Flag of Italy.svg  ITA Giuseppe Veronesi Denis Consolati
      Samuel Meoni
      ITA 242 DNF 33272718182121161622221313150117
      23Flag of Italy.svg  ITA Domenico Carducci Michele Tognozzi
      Gianluca Ferraro
      ITA 194242421211717 28 28212124241515150122
      24Flag of Germany.svg  GER Gernot Heller Dirk Hensel
      Umberto Valle
      GER 312 DNF 332626151529292020282855156123
      25Flag of Italy.svg  ITA Ignazio Bonanno Arasio
      Giuliano Carotti
      ITA 2011919 28 2824241919242425251919158130
      26Flag of Germany.svg  GER Gerhard Lwowski Rainer Hofelich
      Manfred Mittermeier
      GER 249232322222222 27 27262626261616162135
      27Flag of Germany.svg  GER Herbert Baltzer Gisela Balzer
      Gerd Auserwald
      GER 31125252424272723232222 30 301717168138
      28Flag of Italy.svg  ITA Alessandro Cezza Giovanni Tognozzi
      Luigi Seri
      ITA 1652222232326262626 27 2723232323170143
      29Flag of Italy.svg  ITA Alfio Galleotti Ascani
      ITA 28 DNF 33292928282525282823232222188155
      30Flag of Germany.svg  GER Harald Voigt Steffan Voigt
      Michael Rössler
      GER 1272727 31 3130303030292929292525201170
      31Flag of Germany.svg  GER KepplerUnger
      GER 1932626303031313131 DNF 33DNF33DNC33217184
      32Flag of Italy.svg  ITA Fabio Armellini Attilia Papini
      Alessandro Cressotti
      ITA 209 DNF 33DNC33DNC33DNC33DNC33DNC33DNC33231198

        Legend:DNC – Did not come to the starting area;DNF – Did not finish;DNS – Did not start;DSQ – Disqualified;PMS – Premature start;
        Discard is crossed out and does not count for the overall result.

        Progress EC Soling 2002.png

        2003 Final results

        2003 [1] [2]
        Torbole Panorama.jpg
        Race area Torbole
        Event title
        Edition36 [9] [10]
        Host Circolo Vela Torbole
        Event details
        Venue Torbole,
        Flag of Italy.svg  Italy
        Dates31 August – 4 September
        Opening ceremony30 August
        Competing nations10
        Gold medal icon.svg GoldFlag of Hungary.svg  Hungary
        Gyenese Balázs
        Gyula Mónus
        Károly Vezér
        Silver medal icon.svg SilverFlag of Germany.svg  Germany
        Roman Koch
        Maxl Koch
        Gregor Bornemann
        Bronze medal icon.svg BronzeFlag of Germany.svg  Germany
        Karl Haist
        Jacob Carsten
        Daniel Diesing
        RankCountry Helmsman CrewSail No.Race 1Race 2Race 3Race 4Race 5Race 6Race 7TotalTotal

        Gold medal icon.svgFlag of Hungary.svg  HUN Gyenese Balázs Gyula Mónus
        Károly Vezér
        HUN 12233 7 7112255332316
        Silver medal icon.svgFlag of Germany.svg  GER Roman Koch Maxl Koch
        Gregor Bornemann
        GER 300 9 99922551111222920
        Bronze medal icon.svgFlag of Germany.svg  GER Karl Haist Jacob Carsten
        Daniel Diesing
        GER 3081111 10 1033551010773727
        4Flag of Hungary.svg  HUN György Wossala László Kovácsi
        Pepe Németh
        HUN 773355 16 16776677114529
        5Flag of Austria.svg  AUT Markus Schneeberger Christian Panek
        Harry Vettermann
        AUT 73551212 15 15224422554530
        6Flag of Slovenia.svg  SLO Boštjan Antončič Gennadi Strakh
        Zeljko Perovic
        SLO 1 11 1122331111101066664938
        7Flag of Brazil.svg  BRA Renato Cunha Faria Marco Lagoa
        Daniel Santiago
        BRA-68 17 1713131114143344445639
        8Flag of Austria.svg  AUT Franz Urlesberger Udo Moser
        Volker Moser
        AUT 1241010 11 1155449933995140
        9Flag of Austria.svg  AUT Thomas Jacobowitz Ulrich Miller
        Bernhard Klingler
        AUT 144 14 141212667799886046
        10Flag of the United States.svg  USA Stuart H. Walker Chris Brown
        Doug Loup
        USA 842131366131388 15 158812127560
        11Flag of Slovakia.svg  SVK Peter Mosný Anton Szomolányi
        Marek Jankovic
        SVK 166 DSQ 2588131388131313138661
        12Flag of Denmark.svg  DEN Frank Højlund Lavrsen Poul Andreasen
        Carsten Odby Moesgaard
        DEN 112141477991010 17 17121210107962
        13Flag of the Netherlands.svg  NED Bram Soethoudt Geert Verheij
        Gilbert Figaroa
        NED 3877 20 204415151212171714148969
        14Flag of Austria.svg  AUT Georg Zeileis Markus Gnan
        Felix Hasch
        AUT 1328810101414991313 15 1515158469
        15Flag of Austria.svg  AUT Franz Wageneder Rudi Hubauer
        Rudolf Rager
        AUT 1161212441111121220201616 DNF 2510075
        16Flag of Austria.svg  AUT Christian Nothhart Martin Zeileis
        Patrick Wichmann
        AUT 121 19 1916161818161616161111111110788
        17Flag of Italy (2003-2006).svg  ITA Domenico Carducci Gianluca Ferraro
        Paolo Mazzarri
        ITA 25418181515661717 22 221818191911593
        18Flag of Austria.svg  AUT Alex Hasch Johannes Egger
        Bernhard Kreutzer
        AUT 11315151717 22 22212111111414161611694
        19Flag of the Netherlands.svg  NED Rien Segaar Wistie Brown
        Hans Zijstra
        NED 34161688171720202121 23 231818123100
        20Flag of Italy (2003-2006).svg  ITA Michele Tognozzi Leonardo Saletti
        Giuliano Carotti
        ITA 194 21 21181819191919141420201717128107
        21Flag of Italy (2003-2006).svg  ITA Fabio Armellini Renzo Segala
        Attilia Papini
        ITA 20922222121 DNF 251818181821212020145120
        22Flag of Hungary.svg  HUN Istran Szucs Peter Szucs
        Gabor Gyulai
        HUN 53 23 23222220202323191919192222148125
        23Flag of Germany.svg  GER Harald Voigt Günter Schober
        Gerald Zanner
        GER 127 24 24191923232222242422222121155131
        24Flag of Germany.svg  GER Andreas Münnichow Nils Niescken
        Benedict Hohnke
        GER 3162020 DNF 25212124242323DNF25DNC25163138

          Legend:DNC – Did not come to the starting area;DNF – Did not finish;DSQ – Disqualified;
          Discard is crossed out and does not count for the overall result.

          Progress EC Soling 2003.png

          2004 Final results

          2004 [1] [2]
          Mefjordbaen light.jpg
          Marker near Tønsberg
          Event title
          Edition37 [11] [12]
          Host Tønsberg Seilforening
          Event details
          Venue Tønsberg,
          Flag of Norway.svg  Norway
          Dates2–8 August
          Opening ceremony2 August
          Competing nations9
          Gold medal icon.svg GoldFlag of Austria.svg  Austria
          Markus Schneeberger
          Volker Moser
          Christian Panek
          Silver medal icon.svg SilverFlag of Slovenia.svg  Slovenia
          Boštjan Antončič
          Gennadi Strakh
          Zeljko Perovic
          Bronze medal icon.svg BronzeFlag of Norway.svg  Norway
          Pål Christoffersen
          Karl Book
          Espen Kamperhaug
          RankCountry Helmsman CrewSail No.Race 1Race 2Race 3Race 4Race 5Race 6TotalTotal

          Gold medal icon.svgFlag of Austria.svg  AUT Markus Schneeberger Volker Moser
          Christian Panek
          AUT 731122 10 101122442010
          Silver medal icon.svgFlag of Slovenia.svg  SLO Boštjan Antončič Gennadi Strakh
          Zeljko Perovic
          SLO 133661166 14 14223218
          Gold medal icon.svgFlag of Norway.svg  NOR Pål Christoffersen Karl Book
          Espen Kamperhaug
          NOR 142 8 811665533662921
          4Flag of Hungary.svg  HUN Gyenese Balázs Gyula Mónus
          Karl Sloane
          HUN 12244883355 13 133522
          5Flag of Norway.svg  NOR Dag Usterud Arne Ottestad
          Eskil Goldeng
          NOR 13377 10 10774444113323
          6Flag of Germany.svg  GER Roman Koch Maxl Koch
          Gregor Bornemann
          GER 300 10 108844221117174225
          7Flag of the Netherlands.svg  NED Johan Offermans Hans Zijlstra
          Bas Dusee
          NED 25665533 8 888333325
          8Flag of Norway.svg  NOR Asbjørn Kristiansen Petter Høglund
          Lars Ronny Henriksen
          NOR 14055331212771111 DNS 215938
          9Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg  CAN Peter Allen Karl Anderson
          Magnus Liljedahl
          CAN 84844 15 15111110106611115742
          10Flag of Norway.svg  NOR Ole Schoyen Kjell Magdahl
          Henrich Henriksen
          NOR 1381212 16 162299121212126347
          11Flag of Norway.svg  NOR Pål Kristiansen Torben von Huth
          Elisabeth Sedivy
          NOR 141 16 1613135511111010886347
          12Flag of the Netherlands.svg  NED Bram Soethoudt Gilbert Figaroa
          Geert Verheij
          NED 389977991313 18 1810106648
          13Flag of Sweden.svg  SWE Anders Åhman Mikael Lindh
          Johan Brauer
          SWE 138 17 1712121313161677777255
          14Flag of Germany.svg  GER Jan Carl Kochen Bernt Deertz
          Alexander Holl
          GER 2671414991414 15 151515557257
          15Flag of Denmark.svg  DEN Frank Højlund Lavrsen Poul Andreasen
          Carsten Odby Moesgaard
          DEN 1121313 18 18161612121313998163
          16Flag of the Netherlands.svg  NED Rien Segaar Robbert de Jong
          Gabor Helmhoudt
          NED 341111111117171414 16 1614148366
          17Flag of Norway.svg  NOR Arvid Rove Kjell Christian Børresen
          Øyvind Thuresson
          NOR 122151514141515 DSQ 219916169069
          18Flag of Norway.svg  NOR Bjornar Erikstad Linda Emilie Svendsen
          Sigurd Spæren
          NOR 11518181717 20 2017171717151510484
          19Flag of Norway.svg  NOR Finn Engelsen Magnus Henrik
          Fredrik Rosenberg
          NOR 1001919191919191818 20 20181811393
          20Flag of Norway.svg  NOR Tor Firing Knut Firing
          Julie Firing
          NOR 135 20 202020181819191919191911595

            Legend:DNC – Did not come to the starting area;DNF – Did not finish;DSQ – Disqualified;
            Discard is crossed out and does not count for the overall result.

            Progress EC Soling 2004.png

            Further results

            For further results see:
