Spain women's national basketball team head to head

Last updated

Results of Spain women's national basketball team since 1963, as recognized by the Spanish Basketball Federation: Olympic Games, World Cups, EuroBaskets and the respective qualifying tournaments, as well as two editions of the Mediterranean Games when the A-team was involved. Also included, friendly games against national teams. [1] [2]


AF FIBA Africa OL Summer Olympics 1RFirst RoundQFQuarter-final
AM FIBA Americas WC World Cup / World Championship 2RSecond RoundSFSemifinal
AS FIBA Asia EB EuroBasket Women / European Championship CRClassification Round3PBronze Match
EU FIBA Europe MG Mediterranean Games FFinal
OC FIBA Oceania QLQualifying Tournament

Note: updated through 7 August 2024
Countries no longer competing

Flag of France.svg  France EU673433.50743544362-8
Extended content

64-67 2020 OL QF Saitama (JPN))
75-80 2021 Friendly Paris (FRA)
72-61 2021 Friendly Málaga
45-72 2021 Friendly Toulouse (FRA)
57-66 2021 Friendly Toulouse (FRA)
58-65 2019 Friendly Palencia
51-55 2019 Friendly Zamora
86-66 2019 EB F Riga (LAT) Gold medal europe.svg
65-54 2018 Friendly Valencia
72-55 2017 EB F Prague (CZE) Gold medal europe.svg
56-65 2017 Friendly Mulhouse (FRA)
58-63 2015 EB SF Budapest (HUN)
70-69 2013 EB F Orchies (FRA) Gold medal europe.svg
56-67 2013 Friendly Évry (FRA)
55-79 2011 EB 2R Katowice (POL)
74-71 2010 WC QF Karlovy Vary (CZE)
59-65 2010 Friendly Lugo
63-53 2007 EB 2R Ortona (ITA)
73-67 2007 Friendly Riga (LAT)
66-82 2006 Friendly Vannes (FRA)
69-59 2002 WC CR Nanjing (CHN)
67-51 2002 Friendly Vilagarcia Arousa
64-70 2001 EB 1R Orléans (FRA)
64-63 1998 Friendly Cádiz
66-61 1998 Friendly San Fernando
84-61 1997 Friendly Cosenza (ITA)
68-62 1997 Friendly San Fernando
55-67 1997 Friendly Cádiz
54-48 1995 Friendly San Fernando
76-65 1995 Friendly Sanlúcar Barrameda
67-51 1994 Friendly Madrid
76-71 1993 MG MR Lattes (FRA)
63-53 1993 EB F Perugia (ITA) Gold medal europe.svg
59-63 1993 Friendly Arlessortech (FRA)
59-53 1993 Friendly Frontignan (FRA)
77-73 1991 MG MR Thessaloniki (GRE) Gold MedGames.svg
68-82 1990 Friendly Pozuelo
68-69 1990 Friendly Toulouse (FRA)
74-69 1989 Friendly Orleans (FRA)
64-59 1988 Friendly Draguinan (FRA)
76-77 1988 Friendly Roquebrune (FRA)
50-55 1989 EB-QL Naantali (FIN)
70-65 1988 Friendly Gdansk (POL)
70-55 1987 Friendly Ferrol
78-59 1987 Friendly Ferrol
47-64 1986 Friendly Cádiz
46-54 1986 Friendly Constanza (ROU)
60-63 1986 Friendly Orléans (FRA)
74-70 1986 Friendly Orléans (FRA)
72-57 1986 Friendly Valencia
62-57 1986 Friendly Alcázar de San Juan
64-65 1985 Friendly Cádiz
48-61 1985 Friendly Barbate
68-62 1985 Friendly Barbate
84-86 1985 Friendly Messina (ITA)
56-66 1985 Friendly Chartres (FRA)
61-69 1984 Friendly Vilagarcia Arous
66-60 1984 Friendly Ferrol
70-78 1984 Friendly Messina (ITA)
56-54 1984 Friendly Messina (ITA)
69-75 1982 Friendly Orléans (FRA)
75-55 1980 EB CR Banjaluka (BIH)
80-57 1980 Friendly Paris (FRA)
61-81 1978 Friendly Vicennes (FRA)
62-98 1978 Friendly Montigny (FRA)
67-78 1974 Friendly Cádiz
45-69 1970 EB-QL Girona

Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg  Canada AM38317.81626392245+394
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68-48 2024 Friendly Segovia
61-48 2024 Friendly Charleroi (BEL)
60-55 2024 OL-QL Sopron (HUN)
76-66 2020 OL 1R Saitama (JPN))
87-59 2019 Friendly Wevelgem (BEL)
68-53 2018 WC QF Tenerife
64-42 2017 Friendly Torrelavega
73-60 2016 OL 1R Rio de Janeiro (BRA)
77-54 2016 Friendly Palencia
68-57 2015 Friendly Logroño
66-46 2014 Friendly Logroño
61-55 2013 Friendly Évry (FRA)
66-59 2011 Friendly Segovia
85-57 2006 WC 2R São Paulo (BRA)
80-61 2006 Friendly São Paulo (BRA)
75-57 2006 Friendly Aljaraque
87-63 2005 Friendly Andenne (BEL)
79-48 2002 Friendly Vilagarcia Arousa
77-71 1998 Friendly Logroño
83-63 1997 Friendly Cosenza (ITA)
74-66 1995 Friendly San Fernando
65-70 1994 WC CR Sydney (AUS)
70-69 1992 Friendly Consuegra
65-51 1992 Friendly El Escorial
50-64 1991 Friendly Montreal (CAN)
62-69 1991 Friendly Quebec (CAN)
57-60 1991 Friendly Kingston (CAN)
57-50 1991 Friendly Sudbury (CAN)
57-72 1991 Friendly Toronto (CAN)
68-63 1991 Friendly Ottawa (CAN)
71-63 1991 Friendly Madrid
77-48 1991 Friendly Madrid
82-65 1991 Friendly Madrid
65-59 1991 Friendly Madrid
66-52 1987 Friendly Ferrol
56-71 1986 Friendly El Masnou
49-68 1986 Friendly Castelldefels
87-63 1976 Friendly Sevilla

Flag of Cuba.svg  Cuba AM361719.47226242692-68
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83-40 2016 Friendly Palencia
73-46 2014 Friendly Logroño
61-50 2011 Friendly Segovia
65-57 2009 Friendly Vigo
81-70 2009 Friendly Santiago Compostela
67-53 2009 Friendly Santiago Compostela
82-68 2008 OL-QL Madrid
79-67 2002 Friendly Vilagarcia Arousa
80-63 1998 WC CR Berlin (GER)
80-83 1995 Friendly Madrid
81-72 1995 Friendly Madrid
65-68 1994 WC 2R Sydney (AUS)
62-81 1993 Friendly Madrid
63-71 1993 Friendly Madrid
91-75 1993 Friendly Madrid
101-97 1992 Friendly Madrid
79-69 1992 Friendly Manzanares
90-81 1991 Friendly Madrid
81-66 1991 Friendly Pozuelo
85-72 1990 Friendly Madrid
70-74 1990 Friendly Madrid
87-90 1989 Friendly Gdansk (POL)
85-103 1983 Friendly Castelldefels
69-84 1983 Friendly Castelldefels
64-81 1982 Friendly Orléans (FRA)
79-84 1982 Friendly Ferrol
72-105 1980 Friendly Mataro
49-88 1980 Friendly Catellar del Vallès
67-110 1980 Friendly Gerona
67-79 1979 Friendly Vigo
63-82 1979 Friendly Zamora
71-69 1979 Friendly Palma Mallorca
55-71 1974 Friendly Cuenca
66-74 1974 Friendly Albacete
61-79 1974 Friendly Cádiz
50-70 1969 Friendly Madrid

Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China AS332112.63624452309+136
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90-89 2024 OL 1R Lille (FRA)
70-46 2024 Friendly Vigo
76-60 2023 Friendly Vigo
62-64 2020 OL-QL Belgrade (SRB)
69-46 2019 Friendly Wevelgem (BEL)
68-58 2017 Friendly San Fernando
89-68 2016 OL 1R Rio de Janeiro (BRA)
77-43 2016 OL-QL Nantes (FRA)
71-55 2014 WC QF Istanbul (TUR)
58-55 2014 Friendly Minsk (BLR)
64-67 2008 OL 1R Beijing (CHN)
64-60 2008 Friendly Alcobendas
83-59 2007 Friendly Pinto
58-62 2007 Friendly Pinto
76-83 2007 Friendly Riga (LAT)
71-66 2006 Friendly São Paulo (BRA)
79-66 2006 Friendly Aljaraque
75-67 2004 OL 1R Athens (GRE)
91-72 2002 WC CR Nanjing (CHN)
59-72 2002 WC 2R Suzhou (CHN)
72-55 1998 WC 1R Rotenburg (GER)
76-59 1995 Friendly Segovia
76-60 1994 WC 2R Sydney (AUS)
63-66 1992 OL 1R Barcelona
98-77 1989 Friendly St Jean de Bray
83-94 1989 Friendly Pescara (ITA)
87-85 1989 Friendly Palma Mallorca
79-69 1989 Friendly Ibiza
62-101 1988 OL-QL Singapore (SIN)
73-107 1987 Friendly Sofia (BUL)
94-103 1987 Friendly Gdansk (POL)
55-86 1978 Friendly Barcelona
77-89 1978 Friendly Gramanet

Flag of Russia.svg  Russia EU321616.50021562191-35
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74-78 2021 EB CR Valencia
78-54 2019 EB QF Belgrade (SRB)
61-70 2019 Friendly Zaragoza
66-57 2015 EB 2R Győr (HUN)
61-49 2015 Friendly Santander
77-72 2013 EB 1R Vannes (FRA)
67-76 2010 WC 2R Brno (CZE)
61-77 2009 EB SF Riga (LAT)
71-75 2009 Friendly Kaunas (LTU)
65-84 2008 OL QF Beijing (CHN)
90-73 2008 Friendly Moscow (RUS)
68-74 2007 EB F Chieti (ITA) Silver medal europe.svg
49-64 2007 EB 2R Ortona (ITA)
56-60 2006 WC QF São Paulo (BRA)
55-53 2006 Friendly Aljaraque
81-77 2005 EB 1R Ismir (TUR)
55-53 2004 Friendly Valencia
71-78 2003 EB SF Patras (GRE)
64-61 2003 EB 1R Amaliada (GRE)
59-74 2001 EB SF Le Mans (FRA)
58-56 2000 Friendly Torrelavega
70-72 1998 WC 1R Rotenburg (GER)
82-77 1997 EB CR Budapest (HUN)
60-66 1996 Friendly Toulouse (FRA)
73-69 1993 Friendly Madrid
64-59 1993 Friendly Madrid
77-59 1993 Friendly Madrid
59-88 1992 Friendly Madrid
68-77 1992 Friendly Madrid
68-70 1992 Friendly Yepes
69-64 1992 Friendly Daimiel
79-75 1992 Friendly Madrid

Flag of Poland.svg  Poland EU31229.71022952054+241
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69-47 2017 Friendly San Fernando
60-35 2015 Friendly Logroño
78-63 2011 EB 1R Katowice (POL)
67-55 2009 EB 2R Riga (LAT)
68-64 2009 Friendly Istanbul (TUR)
87-53 2004 Friendly Salamanca
87-81 2003 EB 3P Patras (GRE) Bronze medal europe.svg
93-75 2002 Friendly León
78-68 2001 EB 1R Orléans (FRA)
71-61 1998 Friendly Autol
92-68 1993 EB 1R Perugia (ITA)
92-58 1992 Friendly Puerto Real
69-52 1992 Friendly Sanlucar Barrame
91-46 1992 Friendly Cádiz
90-54 1991 Friendly Pozuelo
75-74 1990 Friendly Gdansk (POL)
86-66 1989 Friendly Gdansk (POL)
85-89 1988 Friendly Gdansk (POL)
73-71 1988 Friendly Guadalajara
75-74 1988 Friendly Albacete
71-73 1988 Friendly Talavera
72-70 1987 Friendly Sofia (BUL)
61-73 1987 Friendly Gdansk (POL)
62-41 1987 Friendly Gdansk (POL)
77-85 1986 Friendly Jerez Frontera
48-58 1986 Friendly Constanza (ROU)
70-65 1985 EB 1R Treviso (ITA)
81-93 1985 Friendly Granville (FRA)
59-92 1983 EB 1R Miskolc (HUN)
58-66 1983 Friendly Osijek (HUN)
50-84 1974 EB 1R Nuoro (ITA)

Flag of Hungary.svg  Hungary EU301614.53320922122-30
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73-72 2024 OL-QL Sopron (HUN)
69-60 2023 EB SF Ljubljana (SLO)
65-77 2023 Friendly Sopron (HUN)
65-63 2023 Friendly Sopron (HUN)
77-66 2023 EB-QL Huelva
66-62 2023 EB-QL Szekszárd (HUN)
62-48 2017 EB 1R Hradec Králové (CZE)
69-46 2015 EB 1R Sopron (HUN)
71-59 2003 EB 1R Amaliada (GRE)
71-60 2001 EB QF Le Mans (FRA)
70-84 1997 EB QF Budapest (HUN)
82-52 1997 Friendly Logroño
83-61 1996 Friendly Logroño
105-108 1995 EB 1R Brno (CZE)
71-64 1994 Friendly Madrid
63-79 1990 Friendly Pozuelo
64-62 1991 EB-QL Athens (GRE)
76-85 1990 Friendly Gdansk (POL)
44-59 1989 Friendly Budapest (HUN)
66-50 1989 Friendly Budapest (HUN)
88-79 1989 Friendly Madrid
60-81 1987 Friendly Gdansk (POL)
65-78 1985 EB 1R Treviso (ITA)
75-94 1985 Friendly Chartres (FRA)
58-84 1984 Friendly Messina (ITA)
101-99 1984 Friendly Messina (ITA)
64-94 1983 EB 1R Miskolc (HUN)
72-79 1978 EB 1R Torun (POL)
60-64 1976 EB CR Ferrand Clermont (FRA)
37-53 1970 EB-QL Girona

Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium EU29236.79321651789+376
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66-79 2024 OL QF Paris (FRA)
58-76 2024 Friendly Charleroi (BEL)
58-64 2023 EB F Ljubljana (SLO) Silver medal europe.svg
72-54 2023 Friendly Córdoba
79-70 2022 Friendly Melilla
61-58 2021 Friendly Córdoba
61-65 2019 Friendly Wevelgem (BEL)
73-61 2019 Friendly Zaragoza
67-60 2018 WC 3P Tenerife Bronze medal world centered-2.svg
63-72 2018 WC 1R Tenerife
58-46 2018 Friendly Valencia
68-52 2017 EB SF Prague (CZE)
87-48 2017 Friendly Kortrijk (BEL)
69-59 2017 Friendly Kortrijk (BEL)
72-53 2007 EB QF Chieti (ITA)
82-67 2007 Friendly Namur (BEL)
83-68 2006 Friendly Vannes (FRA)
99-84 2005 Friendly Namur (BEL)
80-56 2004 Friendly Valencia
84-55 2004 Friendly Melilla
91-51 2004 Friendly El Ejido
77-62 2003 EB 1R Amaliada (GRE)
84-51 1985 EB 1R Treviso (ITA)
90-69 1982 Friendly Edinburgh (SCO)
88-61 1980 EB 1R Prijedor (BIH)
79-81 1978 Friendly Tongres (BEL)
71-65 1978 Friendly Koersel (BEL)
73-51 1976 EB CR Ferrand Clermont (FRA)
72-51 1974 EB-QL A Coruña

Flag of Italy.svg  Italy EU291415.48320012021-20
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55-44 2023 Friendly Vigo
54-46 2022 Friendly Cividale del Friuli (ITA)
60-49 2022 Friendly Melilla
66-62 2017 Friendly Mulhouse (FRA)
71-59 2013 EB 1R Vannes (FRA)
61-42 2009 EB QF Riga (LAT)
79-64 2007 EB 2R Ortona (ITA)
54-61 1999 EB-QL Daruvar (CRO)
75-72 1997 Friendly Cosenza (ITA)
49-59 1993 MG MR Lattes (FRA)
56-66 1993 EB 1R Perugia (ITA)
92-80 1992 OL CR Barcelona
76-63 1991 MG MR Thessaloniki (GRE)
78-65 1991 Friendly Madrid
62-79 1991 Friendly Segovia
93-82 1991 Friendly Madrid
94-99 1989 Friendly Pescara (ITA)
73-64 1988 Friendly Rome (ITA)
87-102 1987 EB CR Cádiz
83-73 1987 EB 1R Pto Santa Maria
70-79 1987 Friendly L'Aquila (ITA)
46-77 1985 EB 1R Treviso (ITA)
73-79 1985 Friendly Messina (ITA)
63-70 1984 Friendly Messina (ITA)
62-74 1983 Friendly Vukovar (CRO)
80-92 1983 EB-QL Treviso (ITA)
72-79 1982 Friendly Orléans (FRA)
56-74 1980 EB CR Banjaluka (BIH)
61-66 1978 EB 1R Torun (POL)

Flag of Germany.svg  Germany EU26215.80818701577+293
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67-42 2023 EB QF Ljubljana (SLO)
61-55 2013 EB-QL Nordlingen (GER)
66-39 2013 EB-QL Avila
79-69 2011 EB 1R Katowice (POL)
90-60 2005 Friendly Namur (BEL)
84-59 2003 EB-QL Vigo
85-57 2003 EB-QL Nordlingen (GER)
71-67 1998 Friendly Logroño
71-72 1997 EB 1R Zalaegerszeg (HUN)
95-62 1997 EB-QL Oviedo
82-76 1996 Friendly Toulouse (FRA)
64-50 1995 Friendly Osnabruck (GER)
67-61 1995 Friendly Bremen (GER)
70-63 1995 Friendly Ibbenburen (GER)
83-95 1993 EB-QL Helsinki (FIN)
95-62 1990 Friendly Pozuelo
↑ As Flag of Germany.svg  Germany
76-70 1989 EB-QL Naantali (FIN)
92-61 1988 Friendly Gdansk (POL)
67-56 1985 Friendly Cherbourg (FRA)
64-63 1983 EB CR Budapest (HUN)
63-49 1980 EB-QL Vigo
71-64 1978 EB CR Poznan (POL)
63-66 1978 EB-QL Wolfenbuttel (GER)
41-50 1976 EB CR Ferrand Clermont (FRA)
62-60 1976 EB-QL Alcoy
41-49 1974 EB CR Sassari (ITA)
↑ As Flag of Germany.svg  West Germany

Flag of the Netherlands.svg  Netherlands EU24159.62516091481+128
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65-48 2019 EB-QL Amsterdam (NED)
92-26 2019 EB-QL Valladolid
67-41 2013 Friendly Benahavís
67-65 1991 EB-QL Athens (GRE)
60-67 1989 Friendly Talavera
74-64 1989 Friendly Gdansk (POL)
74-64 1988 Friendly Gdansk (POL)
55-61 1986 Friendly Ubrique
73-68 1986 Friendly Pto Santa María
56-44 1985 EB CR Treviso (ITA)
66-70 1985 Friendly Flers (FRA)
54-51 1984 Friendly Ferrol
66-62 1984 Friendly Carballo
52-53 1983 EB 1R Miskolc (HUN)
57-80 1982 Friendly Edinburgh (SCO)
74-69 1982 Friendly Utrech (NED)
76-77 1982 Friendly Lochem (NED)
85-76 1979 Friendly Gramanet
82-69 1979 Friendly Figueras
65-71 1978 EB CR Poznan (POL)
73-63 1978 Friendly Doubeyerlan (NED)
66-82 1978 Friendly Wychen (NED)
57-56 1976 EB 1R Vichy (FRA)
53-54 1974 EB CR Sassari (ITA)

Flag of Sweden.svg  Sweden EU22184.81818111446+365
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76-55 2021 EB 1R Valencia
62-29 2019 Friendly Fuenlabrada
93-45 2017 EB-QL Logroño
75-52 2017 EB-QL Sodertajle (SWE)
64-60 2015 EB 1R Sopron (HUN)
73-49 2013 EB 1R Vannes (FRA)
73-79 2013 EB-QL Alcobendas
69-70 2013 EB-QL Sodertajle (SWE)
80-71 2012 Friendly Kaunas (LTU)
72-64 1994 Friendly Madrid
95-68 1994 Friendly Pozuelo
100-87 1994 Friendly Madrid
111-64 1993 EB-QL Helsinki (FIN)
87-88 1988 Friendly Idrottshuset (SWE)
75-66 1988 Friendly Huskvarna (SWE)
92-76 1987 EB CR Cádiz
98-77 1987 Friendly Pto Santa Maria
89-84 1987 Friendly Jerez Frontera
87-69 1987 Friendly Gdansk (POL)
82-85 1983 EB CR Budapest (HUN)
87-62 1978 EB CR Poznan (POL)
71-46 1974 EB-QL A Coruña

Flag of Romania.svg  Romania EU20119.55015261310+216
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75-32 2023 EB-QL Sfântu Gheorghe (ROU)
107-52 2023 EB-QL Almería
68-54 2013 EB-QL Arganda del Rey
68-51 2013 EB-QL Bucarest (ROU)
98-53 2005 EB 1R Ismir (TUR)
77-43 2005 Friendly Glyfada (GRE)
71-58 2003 EB-QL Cluj (ROU)
93-46 2003 EB-QL Salamanca
83-61 2001 EB 1R Orléans (FRA)
97-63 1995 EB 1R Brno (CZE)
69-70 1995 Friendly San Fernando
87-69 1991 Friendly Pozuelo
47-73 1986 Friendly Constanza (ROU)
60-76 1986 Friendly Kosice (TCH)
73-93 1985 EB CR Treviso (ITA)
92-111 1985 Friendly Chartres (FRA)
64-83 1983 EB 1R Miskolc (HUN)
63-64 1978 EB CR Poznan (POL)
62-82 1976 EB CR Ferrand Clermont (FRA)
72-76 1974 EB 1R Nuoro (ITA)

Flag of Japan.svg  Japan AS19172.89516081288+340
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75-86 2024 OL-QL Sopron (HUN)
84-71 2018 WC 1R Tenerife
94-90 2018 Friendly Tenerife
84-83 2018 Friendly Palma de Mallorca
87-81 2018 Friendly Palma de Mallorca
67-51 2017 Friendly Torrelavega
74-50 2014 WC 1R Ankara (TUR)
68-55 2014 Friendly Murcia
74-54 2011 Friendly Ávila
86-59 2010 WC 2R Brno (CZE)
89-60 2008 Friendly Paterna
72-59 2004 Friendly El Ejido
100-63 2002 WC 1R Wunzhong (CHN)
100-77 2001 Friendly Burriana
87-62 2001 Friendly Burriana
97-58 1998 WC 2R Bremen (GER)
90-71 1997 Friendly Logroño
103-59 1995 Friendly Madrid
77-79 1995 Friendly Madrid

Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czech Republic EU19154.78913241162+162
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63-67 2017 EB 1R Hradec Králové (CZE)
67-43 2014 WC 1R Ankara (TUR)
75-58 2013 EB QF Orchies (FRA)
77-57 2010 WC 2R Brno (CZE)
66-59 2009 EB 1R Liepaja (LAT)
74-55 2008 OL 1R Beijing (CHN)
66-63 2008 Friendly Moscow (RUS)
70-51 2008 Friendly Palencia
75-57 2008 Friendly Segovia
49-57 2006 WC CR São Paulo (BRA)
66-76 2005 EB SF Ankara (TUR)
68-79 2004 OL CR Athens (GRE)
80-78 2004 OL 1R Athens (GRE)
68-53 2003 Friendly La Línea
62-60 2001 EB-QL Logroño
54-47 2001 EB-QL Trutnov (CZE)
82-78 1997 EB 1R Zalaegerszeg (HUN)
81-71 1996 Friendly Logroño
81-53 1994 Friendly Madrid

Flag of Turkey.svg  Turkey EU18162.88911871000+187
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59-47 2024 Friendly Vigo
76-37 2023 Friendly Córdoba
58-55 2019 Friendly Burgos
64-62 2016 OL QF Rio de Janeiro (BRA)
66-71 2016 Friendly Rio de Janeiro (BRA)
73-67 2015 Friendly Santander
66-56 2014 WC SF Istanbul (TUR)
55-51 2014 Friendly Minsk (BLR)
61-48 2013 EB 2R Lille (FRA)
53-39 2013 Friendly Évry (FRA)
63-53 2013 Friendly Benahavís
58-55 2011 Friendly Istanbul (TUR)
68-53 2011 Friendly Linares
71-76 2009 Friendly Istanbul (TUR)
78-64 2005 EB 1R Ismir (TUR)
63-51 2004 Friendly El Ejido
75-74 2003 Friendly Guadalajara

Flag of Lithuania.svg  Lithuania EU18126.66713711257+114
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72-58 2015 EB 1R Sopron (HUN)
85-80 2012 Friendly Kaunas (LTU)
77-87 2009 Friendly Kaunas (LTU)
71-80 2006 WC CR São Paulo (BRA)
75-55 2006 WC 2R São Paulo (BRA)
83-65 2005 EB 3P Ankara (TUR) Bronze medal europe.svg
69-74 2005 EB 1R Ismir (TUR)
89-92 2005 Friendly Rivas
85-67 2002 Friendly León
76-35 2002 Friendly Bembibre
89-74 2001 EB 3P Le Mans (FRA) Bronze medal europe.svg
81-76 2001 Friendly Puerto de la Cruz
67-62 2001 Friendly Huesca
70-59 1998 WC CR Berlin (GER)
63-66 1998 WC 2R Bremen (GER)
67-80 1997 EB 1R Zalaegerszeg (HUN)
75-77 1996 Friendly Logroño
77-70 1996 Friendly Madrid

Flag of Bulgaria.svg  Bulgaria EU1789.47112191243-24
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97-57 2019 EB-QL
92-42 2019 EB-QL Sofia (BUL)
79-51 2013 EB-QL Sofia (BUL)
64-48 2013 EB-QL Murcia
72-57 2001 EB-QL Logroño
65-59 2001 EB-QL Stara-Zagora (BUL)
81-73 1997 EB-QL Oviedo
76-70 1993 EB 1R Perugia (ITA)
59-109 1988 Friendly Gdansk (POL)
74-84 1987 EB 1R Pto Santa Maria
76-91 1987 Friendly Sofia (BUL)
79-85 1986 Friendly Madrid
68-83 1986 Friendly Huelva
47-88 1980 EB 1R Prijedor (BIH)
61-90 1978 EB 1R Torun (POL)
62-72 1976 EB 1R Vichy (FRA)
67-84 1974 EB 1R Nuoro (ITA)

Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czechoslovakia EU17512.29410421256-214
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59-58 1992 OL CR Barcelona
59-58 1992 OL 1R Barcelona
71-62 1992 Friendly Madrid
69-81 1993 EB-QL Helsinki (FIN)
60-57 1991 Friendly Pozuelo
78-65 1991 Friendly Madrid
72-90 1989 Friendly Gdansk (POL)
53-76 1989 EB-QL Naantali (FIN)
72-90 1988 Friendly Gdansk (POL)
47-49 1987 EB 1R Pto Santa Maria
47-58 1986 Friendly Kosice (TCH)
56-92 1986 Friendly Bardejov (TCH)
81-94 1986 Friendly Orléans (FRA)
68-86 1983 Friendly Jicin (TCH)
51-82 1983 Friendly Podebrady (TCH)
65-89 1980 EB 1R Prijedor (BIH)
34-69 1976 EB 1R Vichy (FRA)

Flag of Latvia.svg  Latvia EU16133.8131116944+172
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63-67 2023 EB 1R Tel-Aviv (ISR)
59-56 2019 EB 1R Riga (LAT)
77-51 2019 Friendly Burgos
67-47 2017 EB QF Prague (CZE)
68-63 2012 Friendly Kaunas (LTU)
66-57 2011 EB 2R Katowice (POL)
67-60 2009 EB 2R Riga (LAT)
73-66 2007 Friendly Namur (BEL)
69-62 2007 Friendly Riga (LAT)
69-50 2005 EB QF Ankara (TUR)
82-58 2001 EB-QL Riga (LAT)
79-47 2001 EB-QL Burgos
69-76 1999 EB-QL Daruvar (CRO)
62-45 1992 Friendly Madrid
81-73 1992 Friendly Cádiz
65-66 1992 Friendly Puerto Real

Flag of Australia (converted).svg  Australia AS1688.50010551070-15
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66-75 2024 Friendly Segovia
66-72 2018 WC SF Tenerife
65-62 2018 Friendly Tenerife
↑ Since 2017, as member of FIBA Asia
58-55 2016 Friendly San Fernando
80-51 2015 Friendly Huelva
64-85 2010 Friendly Salamanca
87-74 2010 Friendly Hartford (USA)
68-72 2006 WC 2R São Paulo (BRA)
58-65 2004 Friendly Valencia
58-73 2002 WC 1R Wunzhong (CHN)
59-33 2001 Friendly Villarreal
63-53 2001 Friendly Castellon
54-87 1998 WC QF Berlin (GER)
97-83 1990 Friendly Toulouse (FRA)
80-77 1990 Friendly Gdansk (POL)
32-53 1971 Friendly Madrid
↑ As member of FIBA Oceania

Flag of Brazil.svg  Brazil AM1578.46710941156-62
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83-56 2014 WC 1R Ankara (TUR)
69-57 2010 WC 1R Brno (CZE)
68-71 2008 OL-QL Madrid
67-66 2006 WC 1R São Paulo (BRA)
66-84 2006 Friendly São Paulo (BRA)
63-67 2004 OL QF Athens (GRE)
72-67 2003 Friendly Cáceres
78-68 2002 WC 2R Suzhou (CHN)
87-92 1994 WC 2R Sydney (AUS)
76-79 1992 Friendly Madrid
86-75 1992 Friendly Cádiz
92-88 1992 Friendly Cádiz
65-82 1988 OL-QL Singapore (SIN)
68-101 1986 Friendly Tortosa
54-103 1986 Friendly Vicenscastellet

Flag of Greece.svg  Greece EU131301.0001015721+294
Extended content

76-60 2023 EB 1R Tel-Aviv (ISR)
82-56 2018 Friendly Cáceres
79-39 2015 Friendly Santander
71-57 2011 Friendly Istanbul (TUR)
80-39 2010 Friendly Lugo
67-48 2009 EB 2R Riga (LAT)
63-58 2005 Friendly Glyfada (GRE)
68-53 1999 EB-QL Daruvar (CRO)
92-62 1992 Friendly Cuenca
76-64 1992 Friendly Madrid
104-55 1991 Friendly Pozuelo
82-69 1991 MG MR Thessaloniki (GRE)
75-61 1991 EB-QL Athens (GRE)

Flag of Ukraine.svg  Ukraine EU13121.9231036853+183
Extended content

95-77 2019 EB 1R Riga (LAT)
84-71 2019 EB-QL Melilla
72-68 2019 EB-QL Kyiv (UKR)
76-54 2017 EB 1R Hradec Králové (CZE)
85-59 2009 EB 1R Liepaja (LAT)
76-71 2003 EB 1R Amaliada (GRE)
80-57 2003 Friendly Cáceres
83-60 2003 Friendly La Línea
93-65 2001 EB 1R Orléans (FRA)
76-62 1997 EB 1R Zalaegerszeg (HUN)
54-73 1995 EB 1R Brno (CZE)
94-76 1992 Friendly Madrid
68-60 1992 Friendly Madrid

Flag of the United States.svg  United States AM13013.0008291166-337
Extended content

72-101 2016 OL F Rio de Janeiro (BRA) Silver medal olympic.svg
63-103 2016 OL 1R Rio de Janeiro (BRA)
64-77 2014 WC F Istanbul (TUR) Silver medal world centered-2.svg
70-106 2010 WC SF Karlovy Vary (CZE)
69-85 2010 Friendly Hartford (USA)
55-93 2008 OL 1R Beijing (CHN)
58-71 2004 OL 1R Athens (GRE)
61-77 2004 Friendly Salamanca
55-94 2002 WC QF Nanjing (CHN)
68-79 1998 WC 2R Bremen (GER)
64-74 1998 Friendly Fuenlabrada
71-92 1994 WC 1R Hobart (AUS)
59-114 1992 OL 1R Barcelona

Flag of Finland.svg  Finland EU1192.818881665+216
Extended content

72-54 2017 EB-QL Helsinki (FIN)
86-45 2017 EB-QL Zamora
58-38 2013 Friendly Molina de Segura
92-28 2013 Friendly Águilas
83-44 2001 Friendly Puerto de la Cruz
94-79 1993 EB-QL Helsinki (FIN)
82-78 1989 EB-QL Naantali (FIN)
74-75 1987 EB 1R Pto Santa Maria
57-59 1986 Friendly Constanza (ROU)
99-94 1983 EB-QL Treviso (ITA)
84-71 1980 EB CR Banjaluka (BIH)

Flag of Serbia.svg  Serbia EU1091.900760673+87
Extended content

70-62 2024 OL 1R Lille (FRA)
85-70 2020 OL 1R Saitama (JPN))
64-71 2021 EB QF Valencia
71-66 2019 EB SF Belgrade (SRB)
68-54 2016 OL SF Rio de Janeiro (BRA)
65-59 2016 OL 1R Rio de Janeiro (BRA)
91-80 2015 EB 2R Győr (HUN)
79-66 2014 Friendly Murcia
88-69 2013 EB SF Orchies (FRA)
79-76 2007 EB 1R Ortona (ITA)

Flag of Yugoslavia (1992-2003); Flag of Serbia and Montenegro (2003-2006).svg  Serbia and Montenegro EU1082.800767634+133
Extended content

69-52 2005 EB 1R Ismir (TUR)
101-53 2005 Friendly Rivas
76-64 2003 EB QF Patras (GRE)
60-57 2003 Friendly Guadalajara
57-64 2003 Friendly Cáceres
↑ As Flag of Yugoslavia (1992-2003); Flag of Serbia and Montenegro (2003-2006).svg  Serbia and Montenegro 2003-2006
81-67 2002 WC 2R Suzhou (CHN)
87-79 2002 Friendly Pontevedra
79-80 2001 EB 1R Orléans (FRA)
71-47 1997 EB CR Budapest (HUN)
86-71 1997 EB 1R Zalaegerszeg (HUN)
↑ As Flag of Serbia and Montenegro (1992-2006).svg  FR Yugoslavia 1995-2002

Flag of Belarus.svg  Belarus EU1082.800676608+68
Extended content

51-53 2021 EB 1R Valencia
74-58 2015 EB 3P Budapest (HUN) Bronze medal europe.svg
82-81 2014 Friendly Minsk (BLR)
57-52 2011 Friendly Linares
77-68 2010 WC 3P Karlovy Vary (CZE) Bronze medal world centered-2.svg
68-65 2010 Friendly Lugo
63-56 2009 EB 3P Riga (LAT) Bronze medal europe.svg
58-59 2009 Friendly Istanbul (TUR)
70-54 2007 EB SF Chieti (ITA)
76-62 2007 EB 1R Ortona (ITA)

Flag of Croatia.svg  Croatia EU1073.700744637+107
Extended content

70-65 2025 EB-QL Split (CRO)
95-52 2015 EB 2R Győr (HUN)
76-55 2013 Friendly Benahavís
71-75 2011 EB 2R Katowice (POL)
80-63 2011 Friendly Linares
63-52 2007 EB 1R Ortona (ITA)
75-55 2003 Friendly La Línea
73-64 1999 EB-QL Daruvar (CRO)
71-83 1997 EB-QL Oviedo
70-73 1995 EB 1R Brno (CZE)

Flag of Yugoslavia (1946-1992).svg  Yugoslavia EU1019.100631785-154
Extended content

74-98 1989 Friendly Pescara (ITA)
58-60 1987 EB 1R Pto Santa Maria
62-90 1987 Friendly Sofia (BUL)
57-75 1983 EB 1R Miskolc (HUN)
52-60 1983 Friendly Pozega (CRO)
56-75 1977 Friendly Barcelona
81-72 1977 Friendly Hospitalet
63-71 1977 Friendly Gramanet
71-80 1974 EB CR Sassari (ITA)
57-104 1974 EB-QL A Coruña

Flag of South Korea.svg  South Korea AS981.889680571+109
Extended content

73-69 2020 OL 1R Saitama (JPN))
83-46 2020 OL-QL Belgrade (SRB)
70-50 2016 OL-QL Nantes (FRA)
84-69 2010 WC 1R Brno (CZE)
87-57 2006 WC 1R São Paulo (BRA)
64-61 2004 OL 1R Athens (GRE)
72-79 1996 Friendly Toulouse (FRA)
89-88 1994 WC 1R Hobart (AUS)
58-52 1986 Friendly Constanza (ROU)

Flag of England.svg  England EU7701.000617409+208
Extended content

104-48 1989 EB-QL Naantali (FIN)
76-43 1980 EB CR Banjaluka (BIH)
103-66 1980 EB-QL Vigo
83-63 1980 Friendly Carballo
91-81 1980 Friendly Mostoles
76-63 1978 EB-QL Wolfenbuttel (GER)
84-45 1974 EB-QL A Coruña

Flag of Argentina.svg  Argentina AM761.857550363+187
Extended content

66-33 2018 Friendly Cáceres
73-47 2016 Friendly San Fernando
92-43 2008 Friendly Alcobendas
64-77 2006 WC 1R São Paulo (BRA)
97-55 2002 WC 1R Wunzhong (CHN)
94-63 2002 Friendly Pontevedra
64-45 1998 WC 1R Rotenburg (GER)

Flag of Slovakia.svg  Slovakia EU761.857536414+122
Extended content

93-61 2021 EB 1R Valencia
82-81 2015 EB 1R Sopron (HUN)
80-44 2013 EB 2R Lille (FRA)
71-54 2009 EB 1R Liepaja (LAT)
71-47 2003 EB 1R Amaliada (GRE)
66-72 1995 EB 1R Brno (CZE)
73-55 1993 EB SF Perugia (ITA)

Flag of Israel.svg  Israel EU752.714529456+73
Extended content

58-69 2008 Friendly Moscow (RUS)
79-54 2003 EB-QL Tel Aviv (ISR)
83-47 2003 EB-QL Madrid
83-52 1997 EB-QL Oviedo
86-69 1993 EB-QL Helsinki (FIN)
57-86 1991 EB-QL Athens (GRE)
83-79 1980 EB-QL Vigo

Flag of Montenegro.svg  Montenegro EU651.833430361+69
Extended content

78-57 2023 EB 1R Tel-Aviv (ISR)
76-55 2021 EB CR Valencia
75-74 2015 EB QF Budapest (HUN)
66-50 2013 EB 2R Lille (FRA)
57-66 2011 EB 1R Katowice (POL)
76-63 2011 Friendly Istanbul (TUR)

Flag of New Zealand.svg  New Zealand AS651.833502345+157
Extended content

↑ Since 2017, as member of FIBA Asia
80-60 2016 Friendly Oviedo
52-54 2016 Friendly Gijón
85-62 2008 OL 1R Beijing (CHN)
77-58 2008 Friendly Paterna
91-57 2004 OL 1R Athens (GRE)
117-54 1994 WC 1R Hobart (AUS)
↑ As member of FIBA Oceania

Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union EU606.000341653-312
Extended content

65-108 1989 Friendly Orléans (FRA)
62-119 1988 OL-QL Singapore (SIN)
54-95 1987 Friendly Sofia (BUL)
57-107 1987 Friendly Ferrol
42-115 1985 EB 1R Treviso (ITA)
61-109 1985 Friendly Messina (ITA)

Flag of Mali.svg  Mali AF5501.000412218+194
Extended content

80-36 2010 WC 1R Brno (CZE)
99-36 2010 Friendly Alcobendas
88-44 2010 Friendly Alcobendas
79-47 2008 OL 1R Beijing (CHN)
66-55 2008 Friendly San Fernando

Flag of Senegal.svg  Senegal AF5501.000415231+184
Extended content

97-43 2018 WC CR Tenerife
97-43 2016 OL 1R Rio de Janeiro (BRA)
77-46 2010 Friendly Salamanca
74-46 2006 Friendly Vannes (FRA)
104-48 2002 Friendly León

Flag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg   Switzerland EU541.800291220+71
Extended content

94-61 1983 EB-QL Treviso (ITA)
61-44 1970 EB-QL Girona
58-36 1970 Friendly Badalona
47-39 1963 Friendly Barcelona
31-40 1963 Friendly Malgrat de Mar

Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  Great Britain EU4401.000293234+59
Extended content

79-69 2020 OL-QL Belgrade (SRB)
67-59 2019 EB 1R Riga (LAT)
67-65 2019 Friendly Fuenlabrada
70-41 2015 Friendly Logroño

Flag of Angola.svg  Angola AF3301.000250136+114
Extended content

94-63 2014 Friendly Murcia
71-39 2008 Friendly Palencia
89-57 1988 OL-QL Singapore (SIN)

Flag of Moldova.svg  Moldova EU3301.000262168+94
Extended content

66-47 1999 EB-QL Daruvar (CRO)
95-62 1997 EB-QL Oviedo
101-59 1995 EB 1R Brno (CZE)

Flag of Portugal.svg  Portugal EU3301.000233151+82
Extended content

79-60 2000 Friendly Torrelavega
72-55 1974 Friendly Lisboa (POR)
82-36 1974 Friendly Cáceres

Flag of Scotland.svg  Scotland EU3301.000292142+150
Extended content

87-48 1982 Friendly Edinburgh (SCO)
110-58 1978 EB-QL Wolfenbuttel (GER)
95-36 1976 EB-QL Alcoy

Flag of Denmark.svg  Denmark EU321.667211162+49
Extended content

45-62 1991 EB-QL Athens (GRE)
95-51 1976 EB-QL Alcoy
71-49 1974 EB CR Sassari (ITA)

Flag of Slovenia.svg  Slovenia EU321.667196206-10
Extended content

60-56 2022 Friendly Cividale del Friuli (ITA)
69-90 1994 WC CR Sydney (AUS)
67-60 1993 MG MR Lattes (FRA) Bronze MedGames.svg

Flag of Iceland.svg  Iceland EU2201.00020888+120
Extended content

88-34 2023 EB-QL Reykjavík
120-54 2023 EB-QL Huelva

Flag of Ireland.svg  Ireland EU2201.000158108+50
Extended content

85-59 1983 EB-QL Treviso (ITA)
73-49 1978 EB-QL Wolfenbuttel (GER)

Flag of Puerto Rico.svg  Puerto Rico AM2201.000141115+26
Extended content

63-62 2024 OL 1R Lille (FRA)
78-53 2018 WC 1R Tenerife

Flag of Venezuela.svg  Venezuela AM2201.000186100+86
Extended content

83-55 2016 OL-QL Nantes (FRA)
103-45 2015 Friendly Huelva

Flag of Bosnia and Herzegovina.svg  Bosnia and Herzegovina EU211.500155131+24
Extended content

85-58 1997 Friendly Logroño
70-73 1993 MG MR Lattes (FRA)

Flag of Albania.svg  Albania EU1101.0009476+18
Extended content

94-76 1991 MG MR Thessaloniki (GRE)

Flag of Austria.svg  Austria EU1101.0007534+41
Extended content

75-34 2025 EB-QL Tenerife

Flag of Chinese Taipei for Olympic games.svg  Chinese Taipei AS1101.0008072+8
Extended content

80-72 1988 OL-QL Singapore (SIN)

Flag of Fiji.svg  Fiji OC1101.00011342+71
Extended content

113-42 2008 OL-QL Madrid

Flag of Nigeria.svg  Nigeria AF1101.0006152+9
Extended content

61-52 2021 Friendly Córdoba

See also

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  1. "Selecciones - Federación Española de Baloncesto". Retrieved 2024-12-23.
  2. "FIBA Events History Search | FIBA Basketball". Retrieved 2024-12-23.