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Spatial politics is an interdisciplinary field that analyses the ways in which space and geographic location influence political processes, power relations, and social dynamics. [1] It examines how spatial arrangements, urban planning, and territorial boundaries impact societal structures and the distribution of resources, privileges, and disadvantages among different groups.
Spatial politics analyses how the use of space in society is political, positing that spatial configurations are a reflection of and reinforcement of political decisions. [2] It studies how the control and organisation of space exercises power and influence over people and resources. This can manifest in the design of cities, zoning laws, and the strategic placement of infrastructure, all of which can serve to maintain or challenge existing power structures.
The origins of spatial politics are diverse and multidisciplinary, reflecting the interplay between power dynamics, social relations, political processes and physical spaces. The origins of spatial politics can be traced back to various historical, geographical, theoretical and philosophical developments from several disciplines, [3] [1] [2] [4] [5] [6] [7] including:
Urban studies - Urban studies is based on the study of the urban development of cities and regions. It helps with the understanding of human values, development, and the interactions they have with their physical environment. This includes understanding the spatial organisation of societies and the spatial aspects of cities and urban life, historically and in the present.
Marxist theory - Several marxist theorists have analysed the spatial dimensions of capitalism, emphasising how economic processes shape and are shaped by the spatial organisation of society. This includes exploring concepts like uneven development of capitalism, the concentration of capital in urban centres, and the spatial segregation of social classes.
Critical space theory and feminist geography - Critical theorists such as Henri Lefebvre have looked to understand how power relations are inscribed in space, and how spatial arrangements can produce, reproduce and challenge social inequalities. Feminist geography has critiqued and extended traditional approaches to space and place, highlighting the gendered and intersectional dimensions of spatial organisation and inequalities.
Environmental justice - Environmental justice movements have highlighted the intersection of spatial injustice and environmental degradation, by drawing attention to the spatial distribution of environmental hazards and unequal exposure of marginalised communities to environmental risk.
Within spatial politics, several debates shape academic inquiry and public discourse. These include:
Right to the city - The right to the city is a concept originating in urban studies, and is particularly associated with philosopher and sociologist Henri Lefebvre. It is argued that urban space should be shaped and governed by the citizens that live in it, rather than solely be controlled by market forces such as capitalism and commodification. [8] [9]
In the context of spatial politics, the concept brings into discussion debates about equitable access to essential resources, urban governance, participatory planning, gentrification and spatial justice. It draws attention to the debate of who has the right to produce space, and spatial production practices in private, public and common spaces. [10]
Spatial inequality and justice - Spatial inequality refers to social, economic and environmental inequalities that create disparities in access to resources, opportunities, and services across different spatial areas and scales. [11] Spatial justice refers to addressing spatial inequalities and the fair and equitable distribution of resources, opportunities, and environmental benefits across different spatial areas and scales. [12] [13]
In the context of spatial politics, these debates centre on the unequal distribution of resources, infrastructure, opportunities and environmental risks, across spatial areas and scales. Spatial inequalities emphasise the importance of recognising the spatial dimensions of different inequalities, while spatial justice is a concept to guide efforts to address these inequalities. [14]
The city as a growth machine - The concept of the city as a growth machine originated from urban sociologist Harvey Molotch. The analogy explores the idea of powerful interest groups driving economic growth in urban areas and consequently shaping urban policies and governance. [15]
In the context of spatial politics, this concept draws attention to the need to study political influence including organisation, lobbying and structuring carried out by power interest groups when understanding spatial production. It also invites debate about the role of growth in urban processes. In response to the city as a growth machine, a degrowth spatial politics agenda has emerged. [16] [17]
Urbanisation - Cities or features of cities are increasingly positioned as the epicentre of prosperity and the solution for sustainability. For example, urban sprawl is seen as unsustainable, while denser and more compact cities are seen as sustainable. [18] This creates a divide or a dichotomy with the role of rural areas. However, the concept of planetary urbanisation suggests that rural areas are also mobilised in the pursuit of economic growth, as they undergo changes that serve the city. [19]
Urbanisation is a key debate within spatial politics due to its impact on social, economic, and environmental dynamics within urban spaces. Within this key debate are important discussions including gentrification and displacement, the role of technology, economic development, democracy and governance, and sustainability.
Space refers to the physical dimensions, the state of ownership, the juridical understanding, the spatial, economic, and social relations of a place, and about the possibility and dynamics of the production of that place. Space is about spatial practices, such as the home and property.
In her famous work ‘For Space’: Doreen Massey defines space by three propositions: [20]
In "The Production of Space." Henri Lefebvre views space as a dynamic and socially constructed phenomenon. Space is produced by societies and is deeply influenced by social relations. [21] He gives three dimensions of space:
Place refers to the actual locus, to the history and memory, and the spatial, cultural, historical relations of this locus. It involves locations that are imbued with personal, cultural, or communal significance, that highlight its identity and the social values we attribute to it. Place is a portion of space, seen as the outcome of the production of space through spatial politics. Places have meaning and are shaped by human experiences and interactions (Duarte, 2017). [22]
Territory refers to the imposed qualities on a space. Territory is a concept associated with control, power, and political boundaries. It involves spaces that are claimed, governed, and regulated by individuals, groups, or institutions. An important characteristic of territory, therefore, is that it is constituted provided there is a system of values shared by those occupying that portion of space. The most institutionalised form of territory lies in the idea of the state. Territory, particularly in the modern world, is a conceptual device and an instrument designed for managing a portion of space, and the objects, people, and actions within it. Territory tends to have boundaries, which are governed internally and externally. (Duarte, 2017). [23]
Space is reduced in various ways by creating maps. The representation of any object or phenomenon necessarily involves deciding which features to select and which features to leave out. Maps create new spatial understandings of the world, and also serve as social and political tools, such as the navigational maps used during the golden age of European navigation. (Duarte, 2017) [24] Within spatial politics, a key understanding is that there is no right representation of space in maps. The decision of how you portray a certain space is always political.
Touristification refers to the process in which urban residential spaces are transformed to serve the needs of tourists and the mass-tourism sector. [25] [26] This transformation usually alters the social, spatial, cultural, and economic landscape of the area, which has led many to criticise the impacts of mass-tourism. Indeed, studies have shown that touristification can, among other things, cause prices on essentials such as housing and food to rise; erase the cultural heritage and traditions of the local area; harm the local environment due to high levels of wasted created. [27]
This phenomenon has garnered increasing academic and political attention as it has become a major global industry, surpassing the automobile, oil export, and food products industries. [28] Within this industry, urban tourism is by far the fastest growing sector. This reflects the reality that, according to UN findings, “54% of the world's population lived in urban areas and, by 2030, this share is expected to reach 60%”. [29] As such, many post-industrial cities, especially in Europe, have pivoted to focus on tourism as the main strategy for stimulating economic growth.
Urban transformation has largely taken place in the historical centres of these cities, which were “(re)developed” in order to attract and manage more tourists. The effects of such redevelopment have been contradictory, as despite being extremely lucrative spaces for a city, touristified historical centres lose some of their history and cultural heritage, which lessens their appeal to tourists. [30]
There have been debates around whether touristification is a form of gentrification or a unique phenomenon. Some point to the fact that touristification, like gentrification results in the expulsion of locals to make space for an affluent population. [31] On the other hand, others have stated that tourists do not settle down in the area they visit, making touristification a distinct process from gentrification. [32]
Spatial politics calls for a new analysis of how space is produced, particularly in studying the urban and the rural. In the traditional view, informed by an analysis of 19th century metropolises, space is split in two between the urban centre and rural periphery. [33] The two spaces are clearly delineated, with rural spaces supplying urban poles with resources.
Spatial politics analysis, however, says that current space production has blurred the lines between the urban and the rural. [34] The urban, according to spatial politics, should be analysed as a process, not a fixed thing in itself. [33] Indeed, this analysis speaks of extended urbanisation, which refers to the transformation of rural and peri-urban spaces to integrate them into broad urban networks. For example, according to spatial politics, “rural” spaces used solely for agricultural products sent to a city are part of the urban network of the city.
Furthermore, spatial politics analysis points to the fact that urbanisation is no longer limited to specific, recognisable urban centres. Instead, it extends across entire regions and even globally, influencing and transforming rural, suburban, and peri-urban areas. [35] Cities are also increasingly interconnected through global networks of economic, social, and cultural flows. This interconnectedness means that urbanisation processes in one part of the world can have significant impacts on urban areas elsewhere.
The real subsumption of nature refers to the process by which capitalism extends its control over nature, transforming natural resources and processes into commodities for capitalist production and accumulation. [36] The idea draws an analogy with the real subsumption of labour, originally outlined in Karl Marx's Capital: A critique of political economy. [37] This real subsumption of nature is a foundational concept for understanding common debates within spatial politics such as urbanisation processes, the rural-urban relationship and spatial inequalities.
Human geography or anthropogeography is the branch of geography which studies spatial relationships between human communities, cultures, economies, and their interactions with the environment, examples of which include urban sprawl and urban redevelopment. It analyzes spatial interdependencies between social interactions and the environment through qualitative and quantitative methods.This multidisciplinary approach draws from sociology, anthropology, economics, and environmental science, contributing to a comprehensive understanding of the intricate connections that shape lived spaces.
Urban design is an approach to the design of buildings and the spaces between them that focuses on specific design processes and outcomes. In addition to designing and shaping the physical features of towns, cities, and regional spaces, urban design considers 'bigger picture' issues of economic, social and environmental value and social design. The scope of a project can range from a local street or public space to an entire city and surrounding areas. Urban designers connect the fields of architecture, landscape architecture and urban planning to better organize physical space and community environments.
Economic geography is the subfield of human geography that studies economic activity and factors affecting it. It can also be considered a subfield or method in economics. There are four branches of economic geography.
Urban sociology is the sociological study of cities and urban life. One of the field’s oldest sub-disciplines, urban sociology studies and examines the social, historical, political, cultural, economic, and environmental forces that have shaped urban environments. Like most areas of sociology, urban sociologists use statistical analysis, observation, archival research, census data, social theory, interviews, and other methods to study a range of topics, including poverty, racial residential segregation, economic development, migration and demographic trends, gentrification, homelessness, blight and crime, urban decline, and neighborhood changes and revitalization. Urban sociological analysis provides critical insights that shape and guide urban planning and policy-making.
Urban geography is the subdiscipline of geography that derives from a study of cities and urban processes. Urban geographers and urbanists examine various aspects of urban life and the built environment. Scholars, activists, and the public have participated in, studied, and critiqued flows of economic and natural resources, human and non-human bodies, patterns of development and infrastructure, political and institutional activities, governance, decay and renewal, and notions of socio-spatial inclusions, exclusions, and everyday life. Urban geography includes different other fields in geography such as the physical, social, and economic aspects of urban geography. The physical geography of urban environments is essential to understand why a town is placed in a specific area, and how the conditions in the environment play an important role with regards to whether or not the city successfully develops. Social geography examines societal and cultural values, diversity, and other conditions that relate to people in the cities. Economic geography is important to examine the economic and job flow within the urban population. These various aspects involved in studying urban geography are necessary to better understand the layout and planning involved in the development of urban environments worldwide.
Henri Lefebvre was a French Marxist philosopher and sociologist, best known for pioneering the critique of everyday life, for introducing the concepts of the right to the city and the production of social space, and for his work on dialectical materialism, alienation, and criticism of Stalinism, existentialism, and structuralism. In his prolific career, Lefebvre wrote more than sixty books and three hundred articles. He founded or took part in the founding of several intellectual and academic journals such as Philosophies, La Revue Marxiste, Arguments, Socialisme ou Barbarie, and Espaces et Sociétés.
Geographical segregation exists whenever the proportions of population rates of two or more populations are not homogeneous throughout a defined space. Populations can be considered any plant or animal species, human genders, followers of a certain religion, people of different nationalities, ethnic groups, etc.
The term "sustainable communities" has various definitions, but in essence refers to communities planned, built, or modified to promote sustainable living. Sustainable communities tend to focus on environmental and economic sustainability, urban infrastructure, social equity, and municipal government. The term is sometimes used synonymously with "green cities," "eco-communities," "livable cities" and "sustainable cities."
Edward William Soja was an urbanist, a postmodern political geographer and urban theorist. He worked on socio-spatial dialectic and spatial justice.
Doreen Barbara Massey was a British social scientist and geographer. She specialized in Marxist geography, feminist geography, and cultural geography, as well as other topics. She was Professor of Geography at the Open University.
Degrowth is an academic and social movement critical of the hegemony of economic growth perpetuated by capitalism, and calls for an equitable and democratically-led downscaling of production and consumption in industrialised countries as a means to achieve environmental sustainability, social justice and well-being. Degrowth theory is based on ideas and research from a multitude of disciplines such as economics, economic anthropology, ecological economics, environmental sciences, and development studies. It argues that the unitary focus of modern capitalism on growth, in terms of the monetary value of aggregate goods and services, causes widespread ecological damage and is not necessary for the further increase of human living standards. Degrowth theory has been met with both academic acclaim and considerable criticism.
Spatial justice links social justice to space, most notably in the works of geographers David Harvey and Edward W. Soja. The field analyzes the impact of regional planning and urban planning decisions. It is promoted by the scholarly tradition of critical geography, which arose in the 1970s.
The sociology of space is a sub-discipline of sociology that mostly borrows from theories developed within the discipline of geography, including the sub fields of human geography, economic geography, and feminist geography. The "sociology" of space examines the social and material constitution of spaces. It is concerned with understanding the social practices, institutional forces, and material complexity of how humans and spaces interact. The sociology of space is an inter-disciplinary area of study, drawing on various theoretical traditions including Marxism, postcolonialism, and Science and Technology Studies, and overlaps and encompasses theorists with various academic disciplines such as geography and architecture. Edward T. Hall developed the study of Proxemics which concentrates on the empirical analysis of space in psychology.
The Right to the City is a concept and slogan that emphasizes the need for inclusivity, accessibility, and democracy in urban spaces. The idea was first articulated by French philosopher Henri Lefebvre in his 1968 book Le Droit à la Ville, in which he argued that urban space should not be solely controlled by market forces, such as commodification and capitalism but should be shaped and governed by the citizens who inhabit it.
The following outline is provided as an overview of and topical guide to social science:
Jacques Lévy is a professor of geography and urbanism at the School of Architecture, Civil and Environmental Engineering of the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL). He is the director of Chôros Laboratory and of the Doctoral Program in Architecture and Science of the City. He is the cofounder of the scientific journal EspacesTemps.net. He published in French, along with Michel Lussault, the dictionary of geography and space of societies, Dictionnaire de la géographie et de l’espace des sociétés.He has contributed to in the epistemological and theoretical reform of geography as a science of the spatial dimension of the social, open to the social sciences and philosophy. Starting from political geography, he has most notably explored the city, urbanity, Europe and globalization. He works also for the introduction of non-verbal languages, especially audio-visual languages, at all levels of research. In 2013 he made a feature film, Urbanity/ies, which is intended as a manifesto for scientific film.
Social Justice and the City is a book published in 1973 written by the Marxist geographer David Harvey. The book is an attempt to lay out afresh the paradigm of urban geography, by bringing together the two conflicting theses of methodology and philosophy. Going against the grain of his previous book Explanation in Geography published in 1970, he argued that geography cannot remain disengaged, impartial and ‘objective’ at a time when urban poverty and associated ills were reigning high.
Environmental, ecological or green gentrification is a process in which cleaning up pollution or providing green amenities increases local property values and attracts wealthier residents to a previously polluted or disenfranchised neighbourhood. Green amenities include green spaces, parks, green roofs, gardens and green and energy efficient building materials. These initiatives can heal many environmental ills from industrialization and beautify urban landscapes. Additionally, greening is imperative for reaching a sustainable future. However, if accompanied by gentrification, these initiatives can have an ambiguous social impact. For example, if the low income households are displaced or forced to pay higher housing costs. First coined by Sieg et al. (2004), environmental gentrification is a relatively new concept, although it can be considered as a new hybrid of the older and wider topics of gentrification and environmental justice. Social implications of greening projects specifically with regards to housing affordability and displacement of vulnerable citizens. Greening in cities can be both healthy and just.
Mexico City has massively been expanding its urban fabric and population density, becoming the fifth largest city in the world. A combination of neoliberal policies, complex geographic location, socio-economic disparities and inefficient strategies have influenced the process of gentrification en la city. The combination of numerous megaprojects, inefficient city-planning strategies, and remote work after the COVID-19 pandemic have led to dysfunctions in circulation, community allocation and equal access to resources. In consequence, middle and low-income communities have been directly or indirectly alienated and challenged to adapt to a complex and evolving urban environment, and the culture erasure that comes with the process of gentrification.
The social production of space is a concept in the sociology of space which contends that space is neither a thing nor a container, but a product and means of production. Thus, space is produced and constructed socially and a set of human relations. It was pioneered by philosopher Henri Lefebvre in his 1974 book La Production de l'espace.