Special relationship (international relations)

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Monaco, a microstate on the French Riviera, holds a special relationship with its neighbour France. The Minister of State, the head of government of Monaco, is usually a French citizen, whose appointment by the Prince of Monaco is proposed by the Government of France. NE Monaco From Cap Martin France Sep23 A7C 06556.jpg
Monaco, a microstate on the French Riviera, holds a special relationship with its neighbour France. The Minister of State, the head of government of Monaco, is usually a French citizen, whose appointment by the Prince of Monaco is proposed by the Government of France.

A special relationship is a diplomatic relationship that is especially strong and important. This term is usually used to refer to the relationship between the United States and the United Kingdom. In an extended use of the term, it has also been used to describe the whole of European Union–United States relations, [1] as well as the following relations:

List of relationships
Flag of Albania.svgFlag of China.svg Albania–China relations [2] [3]
Flag of Albania.svgFlag of Kosovo.svg Albania–Kosovo relations [4]
Flag of Argentina.svgFlag of Brazil.svg Argentina–Brazil relations [5]
Flag of Argentina.svgFlag of Uruguay.svg Argentina–Uruguay relations [6]
Flag of Armenia.svgFlag of France.svg Armenia–France relations [7]
Flag of Armenia.svgFlag of Russia.svg Armenia–Russia relations [8] [9] [10]
Flag of Australia (converted).svgFlag of Canada.svg Australia–Canada relations [11]
Flag of Australia (converted).svgFlag of New Zealand.svg Australia–New Zealand relations [12] [13]
Flag of Australia (converted).svgFlag of Singapore.svg Australia–Singapore relations [14]
Flag of Australia (converted).svgFlag of the United Kingdom.svg Australia–United Kingdom relations [15]
Flag of Australia (converted).svgFlag of the United States.svg Australia–United States relations [16]
Flag of Azerbaijan.svgFlag of Turkey.svg Azerbaijan–Turkey relations [17] [18]
Flag of Bhutan.svgFlag of India.svg Bhutan–India relations [19] [20]
Flag of Brazil.svgFlag of Portugal.svg Brazil–Portugal relations [21]
Flag of Canada (Pantone).svgFlag of France.svg Canada–France relations [22]
Flag of Canada (Pantone).svgFlag of New Zealand.svg Canada–New Zealand relations [23]
Flag of Canada (Pantone).svgFlag of the United Kingdom.svg Canada–United Kingdom relations [24]
Flag of Canada (Pantone).svgFlag of the United States.svg Canada–United States relations [25] [26] [27] [28]
Flag of the People's Republic of China.svgFlag of North Korea.svg China–North Korea relations [29]
Flag of the People's Republic of China.svgFlag of Pakistan.svg China–Pakistan relations [30] [31]
Flag of the People's Republic of China.svgFlag of Russia.svg China–Russia relations [32] [33]
Flag of Cyprus.svgFlag of Greece.svg Cyprus–Greece relations [34]
Flag of Cyprus.svgFlag of the United Kingdom.svg Cyprus–United Kingdom relations [35]
Flag of Denmark.svgFlag of Finland.svg Denmark–Finland relations [36]
Flag of Denmark.svgFlag of Iceland.svg Denmark–Iceland relations [37]
Flag of Denmark.svgFlag of Norway.svg Denmark–Norway relations [38]
Flag of Denmark.svgFlag of Sweden.svg Denmark–Sweden relations [39]
Flag of Egypt.svgFlag of the United Arab Emirates.svg Egypt–United Arab Emirates relations [40] [41] [42] [43]
Flag of Estonia.svgFlag of Finland.svg Estonia–Finland relations [44]
Flag of Estonia.svgFlag of Germany.svg Estonia–Germany relations [45]
Flag of Finland.svgFlag of Iceland.svg Finland–Iceland relations [46]
Flag of Finland.svgFlag of Norway.svg Finland–Norway relations [47]
Flag of Finland.svgFlag of Sweden.svg Finland–Sweden relations [48]
Flag of France.svgFlag of Germany.svg France–Germany relations [49]
Flag of France.svgFlag of Greece.svg France–Greece relations [50]
Flag of France.svgFlag of India.svg France–India relations [51]
Flag of France.svgFlag of Italy.svg France–Italy relations [52]
Flag of France.svgFlag of Lebanon.svg France–Lebanon relations [53]
Flag of France.svgFlag of Monaco.svg France–Monaco relations [54]
Flag of France.svgFlag of the United Kingdom.svg France–United Kingdom relations [55] [56]
Flag of France.svgFlag of the United States.svg France–United States relations [57]
Flag of Germany.svgFlag of Italy.svg Germany–Italy relations [58]
Flag of Germany.svgFlag of South Korea.svg Germany–South Korea relations [59]
Flag of Germany.svgFlag of Spain.svg Germany–Spain relations [60]
Flag of Germany.svgFlag of the United States.svg Germany–United States relations [61] [62]
Flag of Greece.svgFlag of Italy.svg Greece–Italy relations [63] [64] [65] [66]
Flag of Greece.svgFlag of Portugal.svg Greece–Portugal relations [67]
Flag of Greece.svgFlag of Spain.svg Greece–Spain relations [68]
Flag of Greece.svgFlag of the United States.svg Greece–United States relations [69]
Flag of the Vatican City.svgFlag of Italy.svg Holy See–Italy relations [70] [71]
Flag of Iceland.svgFlag of Norway.svg Iceland–Norway relations [72]
Flag of Iceland.svgFlag of Sweden.svg Iceland–Sweden relations [73]
Flag of India.svgFlag of Israel.svg India–Israel relations [74]
Flag of India.svgFlag of Nepal.svg India–Nepal relations [75]
Flag of India.svgFlag of Russia.svg India–Russia relations [76]
Flag of India.svgFlag of the United Kingdom.svg India–United Kingdom relations [77]
Flag of India.svgFlag of the United States.svg India–United States relations [78] [79]
Flag of Ireland.svgFlag of the United States.svg Ireland–United States relations [80]
Flag of Israel.svgFlag of the United Kingdom.svg Israel–United Kingdom relations [81]
Flag of Israel.svgFlag of the United States.svg Israel–United States relations [82]
Flag of Italy.svgFlag of Portugal.svg Italy–Portugal relations [83]
Flag of Italy.svgFlag of Spain.svg Italy–Spain relations [84]
Flag of Italy.svgFlag of the United Kingdom.svg Italy–United Kingdom relations [85]
Flag of Italy.svgFlag of the United States.svg Italy–United States relations [86]
Flag of Japan.svgFlag of the Philippines.svg Japan–Philippines relations [87]
Flag of Japan.svgFlag of the United States.svg Japan–United States relations [88] [89] [90] [91]
Flag of Laos.svgFlag of Vietnam.svg Laos–Vietnam relations [92] [93] [94] [95]
Flag of Liechtenstein.svgFlag of Switzerland.svg Liechtenstein–Switzerland relations [96]
Flag of Moldova.svgFlag of Romania.svg Moldova–Romania relations [97]
Flag of Norway.svgFlag of Sweden.svg Norway–Sweden relations [98]
Flag of New Zealand.svgFlag of Singapore.svg New Zealand–Singapore relations [99]
Flag of New Zealand.svgFlag of South Korea.svg New Zealand–South Korea relations [100]
Flag of New Zealand.svgFlag of the United Kingdom.svg New Zealand–United Kingdom relations [101]
Flag of New Zealand.svgFlag of the United States.svg New Zealand–United States relations [102]
Flag of Oman.svgFlag of the United Kingdom.svg Oman–United Kingdom relations [103] [104]
Flag of Pakistan.svgFlag of Saudi Arabia.svg Pakistan–Saudi Arabia relations [105] [106] [107]
Flag of Portugal.svgFlag of Spain.svg Portugal–Spain relations [108]
Flag of Portugal.svgFlag of the United Kingdom.svg Portugal–United Kingdom relations [109]
Flag of the Philippines.svgFlag of the United States.svg Philippines–United States relations [110] [111]
Flag of Qatar.svg Flag of the United Kingdom.svg Qatar–United Kingdom relations [112]
Flag of Russia.svg Flag of Serbia.svg Russia–Serbia relations [113]
Flag of Saudi Arabia.svg Flag of the United Kingdom.svg Saudi Arabia–United Kingdom relations [114] [115]
Flag of Singapore.svgFlag of the United Kingdom.svg Singapore–United Kingdom relations [116]
Flag of Singapore.svgFlag of the United States.svg Singapore–United States relations [117]
Flag of Singapore.svgFlag of the Republic of China.svg Singapore–Taiwan relations [118]
Flag of South Africa.svgFlag of the United Kingdom.svg South Africa–United Kingdom relations [119]
Flag of South Korea.svgFlag of the Republic of China.svg South Korea–Taiwan relations [120]
Flag of South Korea.svgFlag of the United Kingdom.svg South Korea–United Kingdom relations [121]
Flag of South Korea.svgFlag of the United States.svg South Korea–United States relations [122]
Flag of the Republic of China.svgFlag of the United States.svg Taiwan–United States relations [123]
Flag of the United Arab Emirates.svgFlag of the United Kingdom.svg United Arab Emirates–United Kingdom relations [124] [125] [126]

See also

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">United Arab Emirates–United Kingdom relations</span> Bilateral relations

The United Arab Emirates has an embassy in London while the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland maintains an embassy in Abu Dhabi and is unique in having another Embassy in Dubai, albeit with His Majesty's Consul-General to Dubai and the Northern Emirates, as opposed to a separate British Ambassador. The UAE-UK relations have been described as a "special relationship".


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