In Riemannian geometry, the sphere theorem, also known as the quarter-pinched sphere theorem, strongly restricts the topology of manifolds admitting metrics with a particular curvature bound. The precise statement of the theorem is as follows. If M is a complete, simply-connected, n-dimensional Riemannian manifold with sectional curvature taking values in the interval then M is homeomorphic to the n-sphere. (To be precise, we mean the sectional curvature of every tangent 2-plane at each point must lie in .) Another way of stating the result is that if M is not homeomorphic to the sphere, then it is impossible to put a metric on M with quarter-pinched curvature.
Note that the conclusion is false if the sectional curvatures are allowed to take values in the closed interval . The standard counterexample is complex projective space with the Fubini–Study metric; sectional curvatures of this metric take on values between 1 and 4, with endpoints included. Other counterexamples may be found among the rank one symmetric spaces.
The original proof of the sphere theorem did not conclude that M was necessarily diffeomorphic to the n-sphere. This complication is because spheres in higher dimensions admit smooth structures that are not diffeomorphic. (For more information, see the article on exotic spheres.) However, in 2007 Simon Brendle and Richard Schoen utilized Ricci flow to prove that with the above hypotheses, M is necessarily diffeomorphic to the n-sphere with its standard smooth structure. Moreover, the proof of Brendle and Schoen only uses the weaker assumption of pointwise rather than global pinching. This result is known as the differentiable sphere theorem.
Heinz Hopf conjectured that a simply connected manifold with pinched sectional curvature is a sphere. [1] In 1951, Harry Rauch showed that a simply connected manifold with curvature in [3/4,1] is homeomorphic to a sphere. [2] In 1960, both Marcel Berger and Wilhelm Klingenberg proved the topological version of the sphere theorem with the optimal pinching constant. [3] [4] Berger discusses the history of the theorem in his book A Panoramic View of Riemannian Geometry, originally published in 2003. [5]
In mathematics, differential topology is the field dealing with the topological properties and smooth properties of smooth manifolds. In this sense differential topology is distinct from the closely related field of differential geometry, which concerns the geometric properties of smooth manifolds, including notions of size, distance, and rigid shape. By comparison differential topology is concerned with coarser properties, such as the number of holes in a manifold, its homotopy type, or the structure of its diffeomorphism group. Because many of these coarser properties may be captured algebraically, differential topology has strong links to algebraic topology.
Riemannian geometry is the branch of differential geometry that studies Riemannian manifolds, defined as smooth manifolds with a Riemannian metric. This gives, in particular, local notions of angle, length of curves, surface area and volume. From those, some other global quantities can be derived by integrating local contributions.
In Riemannian geometry, the sectional curvature is one of the ways to describe the curvature of Riemannian manifolds. The sectional curvature K(σp) depends on a two-dimensional linear subspace σp of the tangent space at a point p of the manifold. It can be defined geometrically as the Gaussian curvature of the surface which has the plane σp as a tangent plane at p, obtained from geodesics which start at p in the directions of σp. The sectional curvature is a real-valued function on the 2-Grassmannian bundle over the manifold.
In the mathematical field of Riemannian geometry, the scalar curvature is a measure of the curvature of a Riemannian manifold. To each point on a Riemannian manifold, it assigns a single real number determined by the geometry of the metric near that point. It is defined by a complicated explicit formula in terms of partial derivatives of the metric components, although it is also characterized by the volume of infinitesimally small geodesic balls. In the context of the differential geometry of surfaces, the scalar curvature is twice the Gaussian curvature, and completely characterizes the curvature of a surface. In higher dimensions, however, the scalar curvature only represents one particular part of the Riemann curvature tensor.
In mathematics, the uniformization theorem states that every simply connected Riemann surface is conformally equivalent to one of three Riemann surfaces: the open unit disk, the complex plane, or the Riemann sphere. The theorem is a generalization of the Riemann mapping theorem from simply connected open subsets of the plane to arbitrary simply connected Riemann surfaces.
In the mathematical fields of differential geometry and geometric analysis, the Ricci flow, sometimes also referred to as Hamilton's Ricci flow, is a certain partial differential equation for a Riemannian metric. It is often said to be analogous to the diffusion of heat and the heat equation, due to formal similarities in the mathematical structure of the equation. However, it is nonlinear and exhibits many phenomena not present in the study of the heat equation.
In mathematics, low-dimensional topology is the branch of topology that studies manifolds, or more generally topological spaces, of four or fewer dimensions. Representative topics are the structure theory of 3-manifolds and 4-manifolds, knot theory, and braid groups. This can be regarded as a part of geometric topology. It may also be used to refer to the study of topological spaces of dimension 1, though this is more typically considered part of continuum theory.
Hopf–Rinow theorem is a set of statements about the geodesic completeness of Riemannian manifolds. It is named after Heinz Hopf and his student Willi Rinow, who published it in 1931. Stefan Cohn-Vossen extended part of the Hopf–Rinow theorem to the context of certain types of metric spaces.
Mikhael Leonidovich Gromov is a Russian-French mathematician known for his work in geometry, analysis and group theory. He is a permanent member of Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques in France and a professor of mathematics at New York University.
In mathematics, the soul theorem is a theorem of Riemannian geometry that largely reduces the study of complete manifolds of non-negative sectional curvature to that of the compact case. Jeff Cheeger and Detlef Gromoll proved the theorem in 1972 by generalizing a 1969 result of Gromoll and Wolfgang Meyer. The related soul conjecture, formulated by Cheeger and Gromoll at that time, was proved twenty years later by Grigori Perelman.
Richard Melvin Schoen is an American mathematician known for his work in differential geometry and geometric analysis. He is best known for the resolution of the Yamabe problem in 1984.
In mathematics, Hopf conjecture may refer to one of several conjectural statements from differential geometry and topology attributed to Heinz Hopf.
In the mathematical field of Riemannian geometry, the Berger spheres form a special class of examples of Riemannian manifolds diffeomorphic to the 3-sphere. They are named for Marcel Berger who introduced them in 1962.
The Yamabe problem refers to a conjecture in the mathematical field of differential geometry, which was resolved in the 1980s. It is a statement about the scalar curvature of Riemannian manifolds:
Let (M,g) be a closed smooth Riemannian manifold. Then there exists a positive and smooth function f on M such that the Riemannian metric fg has constant scalar curvature.
In mathematics, a Hadamard manifold, named after Jacques Hadamard — more often called a Cartan–Hadamard manifold, after Élie Cartan — is a Riemannian manifold that is complete and simply connected and has everywhere non-positive sectional curvature. By Cartan–Hadamard theorem all Cartan–Hadamard manifolds are diffeomorphic to the Euclidean space Furthermore it follows from the Hopf–Rinow theorem that every pairs of points in a Cartan–Hadamard manifold may be connected by a unique geodesic segment. Thus Cartan–Hadamard manifolds are some of the closest relatives of
Simon Brendle is a German-American mathematician working in differential geometry and nonlinear partial differential equations. At the age of 19, He received his Dr. rer. nat. from Tübingen University under the supervision of Gerhard Huisken (2001). He was a professor at Stanford University (2005–2016), and is currently a professor at Columbia University. He has held visiting positions at MIT, ETH Zürich, Princeton University, and Cambridge University.
Harry Ernest Rauch was an American mathematician, who worked on complex analysis and differential geometry. He was born in Trenton, New Jersey, and died in White Plains, New York.
Gerhard Huisken is a German mathematician whose research concerns differential geometry and partial differential equations. He is known for foundational contributions to the theory of the mean curvature flow, including Huisken's monotonicity formula, which is named after him. With Tom Ilmanen, he proved a version of the Riemannian Penrose inequality, which is a special case of the more general Penrose conjecture in general relativity.
Karsten Grove is a Danish-American mathematician working in metric and differential geometry, differential topology and global analysis, mainly in topics related to global Riemannian geometry, Alexandrov geometry, isometric group actions and manifolds with positive or nonnegative sectional curvature.