State Agency for Fisheries of Ukraine

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State Agency for Fisheries of Ukraine Emblem Derzhavne agentstvo ribnogo gospodarstva Ukrayini.jpg
State Agency for Fisheries of Ukraine Emblem

The State Agency for Fisheries was established to implement the state policy in the fisheries field and fishing industry, protection, use and reproduction of aquatic biological resources, regulation of fisheries, maritime safety of fishing fleet vessels and to exercise its powers in the cases established by Ukrainian legislation on the territory of Ukraine in the exclusive (maritime) economic zone and on the continental shelf of Ukraine, as well as in the exclusive economic zones (in the fishing zones) of other states and in open ocean areas that are under the jurisdiction of international organizations on fisheries management, as well as in those that are outside of any jurisdiction according to the international agreements of Ukraine.


One of the main tasks of the Agency is submission of proposals concerning the state policy in the fisheries field and fishing industry, protection, use and reproduction of aquatic bio-resources, regulation of fisheries and maritime safety of fishing fleet vessels to the Minister of agrarian policy and food of Ukraine.


By the decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of 01.08.1992 the State Committee on Fisheries and Fishing Industry of Ukraine was established. The Ministry of Fisheries of Ukraine was established by the Decree of the President of Ukraine of 30.10.1994 in order to develop and implement a unified state policy on the development of fisheries and improving management of the sector.

By the Decree of the President of Ukraine on 25 July 1997 based on the Ministry of Fisheries of Ukraine the State Fishery Committee of Ukraine was established, which became the successor of rights and obligations liquidated Ministry of Fisheries of Ukraine.

On 15 March 2000, based on the disbanded State Committee for Fisheries, the Cabinet of Ministers created the State Department of Fisheries, a governmental body within the Ministry of Agrarian Policy of Ukraine. Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of 25.05.2006 № 752 "On liquidation of the state Department of Fisheries of Ukraine" eliminated Ukrderzhrybgosp and created the Department of Fisheries within the Ministry of Agriculture.

On 2 November 2006, the State Fishery Committee of Ukraine, a central executive body, was created. Its activities are directed and coordinated by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine through the Minister of Agrarian Policy.

By the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on 24 January 2007 № 42 "On approval of the State Committee for Fisheries of Ukraine" the State Committee for Fisheries of Ukraine was established. Finally, the Decree of President of Ukraine of 16 April 2011 "On the State Agency for Fisheries of Ukraine" established Derzhrybahentstvo of Ukraine as a central executive body, whose activities are directed and coordinated by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine through the Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine.

On 8 April 2015, Yarema Kovaliv was appointed the Chairman of the State Agency of Fisheries of Ukraine by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

Kovaliv Yarema Bogdanovich is a Head of the State Agency of Fisheries of Ukraine since April, 2015.

Activity of an Agency

In 2015, State Agency of Fisheries of Ukraine he began the large-scale deregulation: cancellation of 7 permitting documents, which created the basis for corruption; [1] development of the aquaculture and mariculture; [2] prohibition of the industrial fishing in the Dniper river in Kiev.

State Agency of Fisheries of Ukraine started the reformation of the fish protection authorities, whose quality of work was the reason for distrust of the society. [3]

State Agency of Fisheries of Ukraine has started to create totally new authority: fishing patrol. Selection to Kiev fishing patrol started in December 2015. More than 2,000 profiles were received. As a result of the selection, which included four stages – psychological testing and verification of good physical form, 47 candidates were selected.

On 16 June, the first fisheries protection patrol started its work. During 2016–2017, the State Agency of Fisheries of Ukraine plans to announce selection to fishing patrol in other regions of Ukraine. [4] [ needs update ]

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  1. "Eurofish magazine #1 - 2016".
  2. Krasnikov, Denys (17 July 2015). "Industry reforms to yield lower fish prices, says new agency head". Kyiv Post .
  3. Gordiienko, Olena (4 October 2015). "New fish agency head pledges end to 'organized crime group'". Kyiv Post.
  4. Koshiw, Isobel (1 November 2016). "Reformed fish agency out to net illegal fishing schemes". Kyiv Post. Archived from the original on 25 January 2017.