Stephen Brookfield

Last updated
Brookfield, Stephen (1980). Independent adult learning (PhD thesis). University of Leicester, UK. hdl:2381/10432. OCLC   57138050.
  • (1984). Adult learners, adult education and the community. ISBN   978-0-335-10409-3.
  • (1985). Self-directed learning: from theory to practice. ISBN   978-0-87589-743-1.
  • (1986). Understanding and facilitating adult learning: a comprehensive analysis of principles and effective practices . ISBN   9781555423551.
  • (1987). Developing critical thinkers: challenging adults to explore alternative ways of thinking and acting . ISBN   9781555420550.
  • (1988). Training educators of adults: the theory and practice of graduate adult education. ISBN   978-0-415-00564-7.
  • (1988). Learning democracy: Eduard Lindeman on adult education and social change. ISBN   978-0-7099-5017-2.
  • (2015). The Skillful teacher: on trust, technique and responsiveness in the classroom (3rd ed.). ISBN   9780787980665.
  • (2017). Becoming a critically reflective teacher. ISBN   9780787901318.
  • ; Preskill, Stephen (2005). Discussion as a way of teaching: tools and techniques for democratic classrooms. ISBN   9780787944582.
  • (2005). The Power of Critical Theory: Liberating Adult Learning and Teaching. ISBN   9780787956011.
  • ; Hess, Mary (2008). Teaching reflectively in theological contexts: promises and contradictions (PDF). ISBN   978-1-57524-284-2.
  • ; Preskill, Stephen (2009). Learning as a way of leading: lessons from the struggle for social justice. ISBN   9780787978075.
  • ; Sheared, Vanessa; Scipio III, Colin; Peterson, Elizabeth; Bailey, Juanita Johnson (2010). Handbook of race and adult education. ISBN   9780470381762.
  • ; Holst, John (2010). Radicalizing learning: adult education for a just world. ISBN   9780787998257.
  • (2011). Teaching for critical thinking: helping students question their assumptions. ISBN   9780470889343.
  • (2013). Powerful techniques for teaching adults. ISBN   9781118017005.
  • ; James, Alison (2014). Engaging imagination: helping students become creative and reflective thinkers. ISBN   978-1-118-40947-3.
  • ; Preskill, Stephen (2016). The discussion book: 50 great ways to get people talking. ISBN   978-1-100-49715-0.
  • Brookfield, Stephen Teaching Race: Helping Students Unmask and Challenge Racism . 2018. ISBN   978-1-119-37442-8
  • Becoming-a-White-Antiracist Becoming a White Antiracist: A Practical Guide for Educators, Leaders and Activists. Stephen Brookfield and Mary Hess. Sterling, VA: Stylus Publishing, 2021.

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    Stephen Brookfield
    Liverpool, England
    Awards Cyril O. Houle World Award for Literature in Adult Education (six times)
    Academic background
    Alma mater University of Leicester, UK
    Thesis Independent Adult Learning  (1980)