Strategic technology plan

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A strategic technology plan is a specific type of strategy plan that lets an organization know where it is now and where its wants to be some time in the future with regard to the technology and infrastructure in the organization. It often consists of the following sections.


Components of strategic technology plan

Mission, vision statement

A mission statement describes the overall purpose of the organization.

An example of a mission statement:

Our mission is to ensure our students have the desire for learning and provide them with the knowledge, skills, and values to become contributing citizens of the world.

A vision statement describes what the organization stands for, what it believes in, and why it exists. It describes the desired outcome, invoking a vivid mental picture of the company's goal.

An example of a vision statement:

The Carrington Public School System is committed to seeing students exercising self-control, being accountable, showing respect, actively learning, inquiring, discussing, questioning, debating, self-motivated, creating, connecting instruction to life, and reflecting and revising.

Needs assessment

A needs assessment is a systematic exploration of the way things are and the way they should be. These things are usually associated with organizational and/or individual performance. [1]

A needs assessment describes: teaching and learning, integration of technology with business requirements, curricula and instruction, educator preparation and development, administration and support services, infrastructure for technology.

Curriculum integration

When evaluating your needs, consider:

Professional development

When evaluating your needs, consider:

Equitable use of technology

When evaluating your needs, consider:

Infrastructure for technology

When evaluating your needs, consider:

Administrative needs

When evaluating your needs, consider:

Stakeholders are composed of;

Technology initiative descriptions, goal statement and rationale

In order for technology to be effective, it must be tied to leadership, core visions, professional development, time, and assessment. The following goals are statements of ways with regard to its use of technology:

Objectives (measurable and observable)

The objectives are tied to the mission and vision statements. Each goal has objectives and indicators. The objectives stated in specific and measurable terms what must be accomplished in order to reach the larger goal.

The Technology plan splits the objectives into categories:

Hardware, software, and facility resource requirement

Only by having the proper equipment can staff development take place. Effective technology plans should not just focus on the technology but also the applications. This will provide teachers and administrators with the information on what they should be able to do with the technology. Professional development is the most important element in implementing technology into the classroom. Teachers must be able to have strategies to change the way they teach and integrate new technology. The only way to do this is to provide the hardware, software and the training. Teachers and administrators should be able to use a variety of technology applications such as: the Internet, video cameras, iPods, and multimedia presentations.

Instructional resource requirement and staff development plan

In order for an organization to fulfill its mission and goals, it is important that all staff be provided with the necessary support and training opportunities to enable them to undertake their roles to the highest standard. The plan will provide training and educational opportunities for professional and personal development to relate to educational activities. [4] Professional development is a key focus of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001. The law requires enhancing education through technology entitlement funds to be directed toward professional development that is ongoing and high quality. [5]

Itemized budget and rational, evaluation method, and funding

In the strategic plan, there is an item budget, evaluation method, and funding source/amount/timeline. The itemized budget is broken down into the years of the plan. Money is divided up into amounts that will be used for each year. The evaluation method collects data and disaggregates it to determine the outcomes.

See also

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This glossary of education-related terms is based on how they commonly are used in Wikipedia articles. This article contains terms starting with G – L. Select a letter from the table of contents to find terms on other articles.

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  1. Identify the results desired
  2. Determine acceptable levels of evidence that support that the desired results have occurred
  3. Design activities that will make desired results happen
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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Educational management</span> Administration of education systems

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  1. (Rouda, R., Kusy, M. 1995).
  2. 1 2 3 4 5 (McQuillan, M. 2008).
  3. John, Sarkan. "Strategic Plan Template" . Retrieved 9 June 2023.
  4. (Staff Development Strategic Plan, 2005).
  5. (Fernandez, D. 1999).

Further reading