Subria gens

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The gens Subria was an obscure plebeian family at ancient Rome. Few members of this gens are mentioned in history, but others are known from inscriptions.



This list includes abbreviated praenomina. For an explanation of this practice, see filiation.

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  1. 1 2 AE 1975, 523.
  2. CIL VII, 302.
  3. Tacitus, Historiae, i. 31.
  4. CIL X, 8023, CIL X, 8024, CIL V, 2824.
  5. AE 1993, 772.
  6. PW, "Subrius" 1.
  7. PIR, S. 683.
  8. CIL XIV, 1643.
  9. Tacitus, Annales, xv. 49, 50, 58, 67.
  10. Cassius Dio, lxii. 24.
  11. Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology, vol. II, p. 175 ("Flavus or Flavius, Subrius").
  12. PW, "Subrius" 2.
  13. PIR, S. 684.
  14. CIL XII, 3570.
  15. 1 2 CIL V, 7917.
