Many animals are able to navigate using the Sun as a compass. Orientation cues from the position of the Sun in the sky are combined with an indication of time from the animal's internal clock.
There is evidence that some animals can navigate using celestial cues, such as the position of the Sun. Since the Sun apparently moves in the sky, navigation by this means also requires an internal clock. Many animals depend on such a clock to maintain their circadian rhythm. [1] Animals that use sun compass orientation are fish, birds, sea turtles, butterflies, bees, sandhoppers, reptiles, and ants. [2]
Sun compass orientation is using the Sun's position in the sky as a directional guide. [2] The azimuth can be used along with sun compass orientation to help animals navigate. The Sun's azimuth can be defined as the direction of a celestial object from the observer, expressed as the angular distance from the north or south point of the horizon to the point at which a vertical circle passing through the object intersects the horizon.
Sun compass orientation can be used as a daily guide for animals but for some, including sea turtles, they use the sun as a migratory guide. Turtles use the sun’s azimuth compensation schedule in order to find their specific breeding locations each year. [3]
Sandhoppers use the sun daily to determine where their home lays. With this experiment a group of sandhoppers were subjected to six hours of artificial lights and their movements were monitored when exposed to normal sunlight. The sandhopper's orientation when finally exposed to normal sunlight, showed that their orientation was off by 90 degrees when in respect to their home. This study helped show how an artificial light can alter the species relationship to the sun and how it can throw off the species basic directional abilities [4]
In terms of high elevations, sun compass decreases its precision when providing information to animals. A study was performed to see if dung beetles respond better to orientations provided by the sun compass or skylight compass. The results of this study showed that dung beetles use their original bearings (i.e. sun compass) a majority of the time and rarely use skylight compass. [5]
Fish larva find safety in the coral reefs for predators. The particular coral reef is one that the larva have been to before. The larva can recognize the area by the smell, sound, and direction of the particular reef. Fish larvae drift away from the reef and swim in order to relocate their reef. They use sun compass as one of their tools. Different cues are learned and remembered by the fish larva which allows them to return to their reef. It was also concluded that the learning process happens when the fish larvae are young and location can be memorized and become second nature. This is a useful tool that helps fish larva return to their respective reefs. [6]
Desert ants use sun compass as a reference to the amount of walking distance to their specific destination. Ants, like bees, compensate for the sun’s daily movements as it moves and rotates about the Earth. They communicate to other ants who have already been out and base their directions on the direction they should go. In addition to sun compass, insects such as ants also use a tool called azimuthal position of the sun. These are additional cues determined by ants and passed on to other ants when they communicate. [7]
Sandhoppers (such as Talitrus saltator , also called sand fleas) are small shrimp-like crustaceans that live on beaches. When taken off a beach, they easily find their way back down to the sea. An experiment described by Lockley showed that this was not simply by moving downhill or towards the sight or sound of the sea. A group of sandhoppers were acclimatised to a day/night cycle under artificial lighting, whose timing was gradually changed until it was 12 hours out of phase with the natural cycle. Then, the sandhoppers were placed on the beach in natural sunlight. They moved roughly 180° from the correct direction down to the sea, up the beach. The experiment implied that the sandhoppers use the sun and their internal clock to determine their heading, and that they had learnt the actual direction down to the sea on their particular beach. [8]
Lockley's experiments with Manx shearwaters (Puffinus puffinus) showed that when released "under a clear sky" far from their nests (in Skokholm), the seabirds first oriented themselves and then "flew off in a direct line for Skokholm", making the journey rapidly. For example, one of the birds, released at Boston airport, arrived in Skokholm 12½ days later; Lockley calculated that if the birds flew for 12 hours per day, they must have travelled at 20 miles per hour, their full normal speed, so they could not have deviated significantly from a straight line course or searched at random for their destination. The birds behaved like this regardless of whether the direct heading took the birds over sea or land. But if the sky was overcast at the time of release, the shearwaters flew around in circles "as if lost" and returned slowly or not at all. Lockley therefore concluded that it was essential for the birds that "at the moment of release the sun was visible by day, or the stars by night". Lockley did not claim to understand how the birds knew their position relative to their destination, but merely observed that they behaved as if they did know it. [9]
A study demonstrated that monarch butterflies use the sun as a compass to guide their southwesterly autumn migration from Canada to Mexico. Migrating butterflies were captured and held for cycles of 12 hours of light and 12 of dark. One group's light began each day at 7:00 am, while the other group's began 6 hours earlier at 1:00 am. The monarchs were held in captivity for a few days and then released in a flight cage under natural daylight conditions. This allowed them to fly in the direction that they wanted to go while keeping them in the test arena. The butterflies that had their biological clocks set to the natural fall cycle (lights turned on at 7:00 am) tried to fly to the southwest, while those whose clocks had been shifted 6 hours earlier oriented 90 degrees toward the left. [2]
The ability of birds to tune their compensation mechanisms so well to the true changes in sun azimuth suggests that the respective processes of pre-programmed learning are generating a sun azimuth/time/direction function that reflects the true sun azimuth curve very closely. It suggests that birds record the sun’s direction at rather short intervals and store this information together with the information on time in their memory. A study performed testing the sun compass orientation in pigeons showed that animals must compensate for the movement of the sun with their internal clocks. The sun’s azimuth plays an important role in doing so. The azimuth allows the birds to tell the time of day, and ultimately determine which direction to go for reasons such as migration or possible sources of food. [10] [11]
For some animals, the sun is a form of visual stimulus used as a tool for navigation. As seen in birds and bees, the animal will orient their body at a certain angle in relation to the sun and the time of day. This external stimuli activates a portion of the brain (in necessary for navigation and allows the organism to adjust their orientation in relation to the sun). That is to say, if the animal leaves its nest in the morning when the sun is low in the sky and plans to head in a known direction, the animal will travel in a certain direction with the sun in a position related to its body (e.g. to travel West, the sun could be on the animal's right side during navigation). This form of navigation is not as simple as observing a stimulus and acting accordingly. Studies have shown that animals may use other "tricks" like the length and direction of shadows to determine where the sun is during time shifts and then calculate the direction they should travel. For example, above the Tropic of Cancer, the sun will always be South at its zenith (highest point) so short shadows will point North. [12] Animals tend to incorporate several types of navigation techniques, like magnetic orientation and landmarks, to their repertoire in order to perform normal navigation or to migrate.
When animals use the sun for compass orientation, they must compensate for the apparent movement of the sun with the help of their internal clock. Animals associate the sun azimuth with time of day provided by their internal clock and a reference direction provided by their magnetic compass. [10]
Procellariiformes is an order of seabirds that comprises four families: the albatrosses, the petrels and shearwaters, and two families of storm petrels. Formerly called Tubinares and still called tubenoses in English, procellariiforms are often referred to collectively as the petrels, a term that has been applied to all members of the order, or more commonly all the families except the albatrosses. They are almost exclusively pelagic, and have a cosmopolitan distribution across the world's oceans, with the highest diversity being around New Zealand.
The four cardinal directions, or cardinal points, are the four main compass directions: north, east, south, and west, commonly denoted by their initials N, E, S, and W respectively. Relative to north, the directions east, south, and west are at 90 degree intervals in the clockwise direction.
Bird migration is the regular seasonal movement, often north and south along a flyway, between breeding and wintering grounds. Many species of bird migrate. Migration carries high costs in predation and mortality, including from hunting by humans, and is driven primarily by availability of food. It occurs mainly in the northern hemisphere, where birds are funneled on to specific routes by natural barriers such as the Mediterranean Sea or the Caribbean Sea.
Felix Santschi was a Swiss entomologist known for discovering that ants use the sun as a compass and for describing about 2000 taxa of ants.
Magnetoreception is a sense which allows an organism to detect a magnetic field to perceive direction, altitude or location. This sensory modality is used by a range of animals for orientation and navigation, and as a method for animals to develop regional maps. In navigation, like in bird migration, magnetoreception deals with the detection of the Earth's magnetic field.
In oviparous biology, a hatchling is a newly hatched fish, amphibian, reptile, or bird. A group of mammals called monotremes lay eggs, and their young are hatchlings as well.
Path integration is the method thought to be used by animals for dead reckoning.
The domestic pigeon is a pigeon subspecies that was derived from the rock dove. The rock pigeon is the world's oldest domesticated bird. Mesopotamian cuneiform tablets mention the domestication of pigeons more than 5,000 years ago, as do Egyptian hieroglyphics. Research suggests that domestication of pigeons occurred as early as 10,000 years ago.
Diver navigation, termed "underwater navigation" by scuba divers, is a set of techniques—including observing natural features, the use of a compass, and surface observations—that divers use to navigate underwater. Free-divers do not spend enough time underwater for navigation to be important, and surface supplied divers are limited in the distance they can travel by the length of their umbilicals and are usually directed from the surface control point. On those occasions when they need to navigate they can use the same methods used by scuba divers.
Ronald Mathias Lockley was a Welsh ornithologist and naturalist. He wrote over fifty books on natural history, including a major study of shearwaters, and many articles. He is perhaps best known for his book The Private Life of the Rabbit.
Marine larval ecology is the study of the factors influencing dispersing larvae, which many marine invertebrates and fishes have. Marine animals with a larva typically release many larvae into the water column, where the larvae develop before metamorphosing into adults.
Animal migration is the relatively long-distance movement of individual animals, usually on a seasonal basis. It is the most common form of migration in ecology. It is found in all major animal groups, including birds, mammals, fish, reptiles, amphibians, insects, and crustaceans. The cause of migration may be local climate, local availability of food, the season of the year or for mating.
Sensory ecology is a relatively new field focusing on the information organisms obtain about their environment. It includes questions of what information is obtained, how it is obtained, and why the information is useful to the organism.
Magnetobiology is the study of biological effects of mainly weak static and low-frequency magnetic fields, which do not cause heating of tissues. Magnetobiological effects have unique features that obviously distinguish them from thermal effects; often they are observed for alternating magnetic fields just in separate frequency and amplitude intervals. Also, they are dependent of simultaneously present static magnetic or electric fields and their polarization.
Natal homing, or natal philopatry, is the homing process by which some adult animals return to their birthplace to reproduce. This process is primarily used by aquatic animals, such as sea turtles and Pacific salmon. Scientists believe that the main cues used by the animals are geomagnetic imprinting and olfactory cues. The benefits of returning to the precise location of an animal's birth may be largely associated with its safety and suitability as a breeding ground. When seabirds, like the Atlantic puffin, return to their natal breeding colony, which are mostly on islands, they are assured of a suitable climate and a sufficient lack of land-based predators.
Homing is the inherent ability of an animal to navigate towards an original location through unfamiliar areas. This location may be either a home territory, or a breeding spot.
Olfactory navigation is a hypothesis put forward to explain navigation and homing of pigeons, in particular the homing pigeon.
The Rayleigh sky model describes the observed polarization pattern of the daytime sky. Within the atmosphere, Rayleigh scattering of light by air molecules, water, dust, and aerosols causes the sky's light to have a defined polarization pattern. The same elastic scattering processes cause the sky to be blue. The polarization is characterized at each wavelength by its degree of polarization, and orientation.
Sea turtle migration is the long-distance movements of sea turtles notably the long-distance movement of adults to their breeding beaches, but also the offshore migration of hatchings. Sea turtle hatchings emerge from underground nests and crawl across the beach towards the sea. They then maintain an offshore heading until they reach the open sea. The feeding and nesting sites of adult sea turtles are often distantly separated meaning some must migrate hundreds or even thousands of kilometres.
Animal navigation is the ability of many animals to find their way accurately without maps or instruments. Birds such as the Arctic tern, insects such as the monarch butterfly and fish such as the salmon regularly migrate thousands of miles to and from their breeding grounds, and many other species navigate effectively over shorter distances.