Supersolvable group

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In mathematics, a group is supersolvable (or supersoluble) if it has an invariant normal series where all the factors are cyclic groups. Supersolvability is stronger than the notion of solvability.



Let G be a group. G is supersolvable if there exists a normal series

such that each quotient group is cyclic and each is normal in .

By contrast, for a solvable group the definition requires each quotient to be abelian. In another direction, a polycyclic group must have a subnormal series with each quotient cyclic, but there is no requirement that each be normal in . As every finite solvable group is polycyclic, this can be seen as one of the key differences between the definitions. For a concrete example, the alternating group on four points, , is solvable but not supersolvable.

Basic Properties

Some facts about supersolvable groups:

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Glossary of group theory</span>

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