In mathematics, the lattice of subgroups of a group is the lattice whose elements are the subgroups of , with the partial ordering being set inclusion. In this lattice, the join of two subgroups is the subgroup generated by their union, and the meet of two subgroups is their intersection.
The dihedral group Dih4 has ten subgroups, counting itself and the trivial subgroup. Five of the eight group elements generate subgroups of order two, and the other two non-identity elements both generate the same cyclic subgroup of order four. In addition, there are two subgroups of the form Z2 × Z2, generated by pairs of order-two elements. The lattice formed by these ten subgroups is shown in the illustration.
This example also shows that the lattice of all subgroups of a group is not a modular lattice in general. Indeed, this particular lattice contains the forbidden "pentagon" N5 as a sublattice.
For any A, B, and C subgroups of a group with A ≤ C (A a subgroup of C) then AB ∩ C = A(B ∩ C); the multiplication here is the product of subgroups. This property has been called the modular property of groups( Aschbacher 2000 ) or (Dedekind's) modular law (Robinson 1996, Cohn 2000). Since for two normal subgroups the product is actually the smallest subgroup containing the two, the normal subgroups form a modular lattice.
The lattice theorem establishes a Galois connection between the lattice of subgroups of a group and that of its quotients.
The Zassenhaus lemma gives an isomorphism between certain combinations of quotients and products in the lattice of subgroups.
As groups are algebraic structures, it follows by a general Theorem ( Burris & Sankappanavar 2011 , p. 33) that their lattices of subgroups are algebraic lattices. This means that they are complete and compactly generated. However in general, there is no restriction on the possible sublattices of the lattice of subgroups, in the sense that every lattice is isomorphic to a sublattice of the subgroup lattice of some group. Furthermore, every finite lattice is isomorphic to a sublattice of the subgroup lattice of some finite group ( Schmidt 1994 , p. 9). Every finite distributive lattice is also isomorphic to the normal subgroup lattice of some group ( Silcock 1977 ).
Subgroups with certain properties form lattices, but other properties do not.
However, neither finite subgroups nor torsion subgroups form a lattice: for instance, the free product is generated by two torsion elements, but is infinite and contains elements of infinite order.
The fact that normal subgroups form a modular lattice is a particular case of a more general result, namely that in any Maltsev variety (of which groups are an example), the lattice of congruences is modular ( Kearnes & Kiss 2013 ).
Lattice-theoretic information about the lattice of subgroups can sometimes be used to infer information about the original group, an idea that goes back to the work of ØysteinOre ( 1937 , 1938 ). For instance, as Ore proved, a group is locally cyclic if and only if its lattice of subgroups is distributive. If additionally the lattice satisfies the ascending chain condition, then the group is cyclic.
Groups whose lattice of subgroups is a complemented lattice are called complemented groups ( Zacher 1953 ), and groups whose lattice of subgroups are modular lattices are called Iwasawa groups or modular groups ( Iwasawa 1941 ). Lattice-theoretic characterizations of this type also exist for solvable groups and perfect groups ( Suzuki 1951 ).
In mathematics, specifically group theory, given a prime number p, a p-group is a group in which the order of every element is a power of p. That is, for each element g of a p-group G, there exists a nonnegative integer n such that the product of pn copies of g, and not fewer, is equal to the identity element. The orders of different elements may be different powers of p.
In mathematics, one can define a product of group subsets in a natural way. If S and T are subsets of a group G, then their product is the subset of G defined by
In abstract algebra, a cyclic group or monogenous group is a group, denoted Cn, that is generated by a single element. That is, it is a set of invertible elements with a single associative binary operation, and it contains an element g such that every other element of the group may be obtained by repeatedly applying the group operation to g or its inverse. Each element can be written as an integer power of g in multiplicative notation, or as an integer multiple of g in additive notation. This element g is called a generator of the group.
A group is a set together with an associative operation that admits an identity element and such that there exists an inverse for every element.
In mathematics, a distributive lattice is a lattice in which the operations of join and meet distribute over each other. The prototypical examples of such structures are collections of sets for which the lattice operations can be given by set union and intersection. Indeed, these lattices of sets describe the scenery completely: every distributive lattice is—up to isomorphism—given as such a lattice of sets.
In mathematics, specifically group theory, the free product is an operation that takes two groups G and H and constructs a new group G ∗ H. The result contains both G and H as subgroups, is generated by the elements of these subgroups, and is the “universal” group having these properties, in the sense that any two homomorphisms from G and H into a group K factor uniquely through a homomorphism from G ∗ H to K. Unless one of the groups G and H is trivial, the free product is always infinite. The construction of a free product is similar in spirit to the construction of a free group.
In mathematics, a locally cyclic group is a group (G, *) in which every finitely generated subgroup is cyclic.
In geometry and group theory, a lattice in the real coordinate space is an infinite set of points in this space with the properties that coordinate-wise addition or subtraction of two points in the lattice produces another lattice point, that the lattice points are all separated by some minimum distance, and that every point in the space is within some maximum distance of a lattice point. Closure under addition and subtraction means that a lattice must be a subgroup of the additive group of the points in the space, and the requirements of minimum and maximum distance can be summarized by saying that a lattice is a Delone set. More abstractly, a lattice can be described as a free abelian group of dimension which spans the vector space . For any basis of , the subgroup of all linear combinations with integer coefficients of the basis vectors forms a lattice, and every lattice can be formed from a basis in this way. A lattice may be viewed as a regular tiling of a space by a primitive cell.
In the branch of mathematics called order theory, a modular lattice is a lattice that satisfies the following self-dual condition,
In mathematics, a covering group of a topological group H is a covering space G of H such that G is a topological group and the covering map p : G → H is a continuous group homomorphism. The map p is called the covering homomorphism. A frequently occurring case is a double covering group, a topological double cover in which H has index 2 in G; examples include the spin groups, pin groups, and metaplectic groups.
In mathematics, especially in the area of algebra known as group theory, the Fitting subgroupF of a finite group G, named after Hans Fitting, is the unique largest normal nilpotent subgroup of G. Intuitively, it represents the smallest subgroup which "controls" the structure of G when G is solvable. When G is not solvable, a similar role is played by the generalized Fitting subgroupF*, which is generated by the Fitting subgroup and the components of G.
In mathematics, in the field of group theory, a quasinormal subgroup, or permutable subgroup, is a subgroup of a group that commutes (permutes) with every other subgroup with respect to the product of subgroups. The term quasinormal subgroup was introduced by Øystein Ore in 1937.
In abstract algebra, every subgroup of a cyclic group is cyclic. Moreover, for a finite cyclic group of order n, every subgroup's order is a divisor of n, and there is exactly one subgroup for each divisor. This result has been called the fundamental theorem of cyclic groups.
In mathematics, the special linear group SL(2, R) or SL2(R) is the group of 2 × 2 real matrices with determinant one:
In abstract algebra, a chief series is a maximal normal series for a group.
In mathematics, a group is called an Iwasawa group, M-group or modular group if its lattice of subgroups is modular. Alternatively, a group G is called an Iwasawa group when every subgroup of G is permutable in G.
In mathematics, the Krull–Schmidt theorem states that a group subjected to certain finiteness conditions on chains of subgroups, can be uniquely written as a finite direct product of indecomposable subgroups.
In mathematics, the Iwasawa algebra Λ(G) of a profinite group G is a variation of the group ring of G with p-adic coefficients that take the topology of G into account. More precisely, Λ(G) is the inverse limit of the group rings Zp(G/H) as H runs through the open normal subgroups of G. Commutative Iwasawa algebras were introduced by Iwasawa (1959) in his study of Zp extensions in Iwasawa theory, and non-commutative Iwasawa algebras of compact p-adic analytic groups were introduced by Lazard (1965).
In mathematics, a supersolvable lattice is a graded lattice that has a maximal chain of elements, each of which obeys a certain modularity relationship. The definition encapsulates many of the nice properties of lattices of subgroups of supersolvable groups.