Supersolvable lattice

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In mathematics, a supersolvable lattice is a graded lattice that has a maximal chain of elements, each of which obeys a certain modularity relationship. The definition encapsulates many of the nice properties of lattices of subgroups of supersolvable groups.



A finite group is said to be supersolvable if it admits a maximal chain (or series) of subgroups so that each subgroup in the chain is normal in . A normal subgroup has been known since the 1940s to be left and (dual) right modular as an element of the lattice of subgroups. [1] Richard Stanley noticed in the 1970s that certain geometric lattices, such as the partition lattice, obeyed similar properties, and gave a lattice-theoretic abstraction. [2] [3]


A finite graded lattice is supersolvable if it admits a maximal chain of elements (called an -chain or chief chain) obeying any of the following equivalent properties.

  1. For any chain of elements, the smallest sublattice of containing all the elements of and is distributive. [4] This is the original condition of Stanley. [2]
  2. Every element of is left modular. That is, for each in and each in , we have [5] [6]
  3. Every element of is rank modular, in the following sense: if is the rank function of , then for each in and each in , we have [7] [8]

For comparison, a finite lattice is geometric if and only if it is atomistic and the elements of the antichain of atoms are all left modular. [9]

An extension of the definition is that of a left modular lattice: a not-necessarily graded lattice with a maximal chain consisting of left modular elements. Thus, a left modular lattice requires the condition of (2), but relaxes the requirement of gradedness. [10]


Hasse diagram of the noncrossing partition lattice on a 4 element set. The leftmost maximal chain is a chief chain. Noncrossing partitions 4; Hasse.svg
Hasse diagram of the noncrossing partition lattice on a 4 element set. The leftmost maximal chain is a chief chain.

A group is supersolvable if and only if its lattice of subgroups is supersolvable. A chief series of subgroups forms a chief chain in the lattice of subgroups. [3]

The partition lattice of a finite set is supersolvable. A partition is left modular in this lattice if and only if it has at most one non-singleton part. [3] The noncrossing partition lattice is similarly supersolvable, [11] although it is not geometric. [12]

The lattice of flats of the graphic matroid for a graph is supersolvable if and only if the graph is chordal. Working from the top, the chief chain is obtained by removing vertices in a perfect elimination ordering one by one. [13]

Every modular lattice is supersolvable, as every element in such a lattice is left modular and rank modular. [3]


A finite matroid with a supersolvable lattice of flats (equivalently, a lattice that is both geometric and supersolvable) has a real-rooted characteristic polynomial. [14] [15] This is a consequence of a more general factorization theorem for characteristic polynomials over modular elements. [16]

The Orlik-Solomon algebra of an arrangement of hyperplanes with a supersolvable intersection lattice is a Koszul algebra. [17] For more information, see Supersolvable arrangement.

Any finite supersolvable lattice has an edge lexicographic labeling (or EL-labeling), hence its order complex is shellable and Cohen-Macaulay. Indeed, supersolvable lattices can be characterized in terms of edge lexicographic labelings: a finite lattice of height is supersolvable if and only if it has an edge lexicographic labeling that assigns to each maximal chain a permutation of [18]


  1. Schmidt (1994 , Theorem 2.1.3 and surrounding discussion)
  2. 1 2 Stanley (1972)
  3. 1 2 3 4 Stern (1999 , p. 162)
  4. Stern (1999 , Section 4.3)
  5. Stern (1999 , Corollary 4.3.3) (for semimodular lattices)
  6. McNamara & Thomas (2006 , Theorem 1)
  7. Stanley (2007 , Proposition 4.10) (for geometric lattices)
  8. Foldes & Woodroofe (2021 , Theorem 1.4)
  9. Stern (1999 , Theorems 1.72 and 1.73)
  10. McNamara & Thomas (2006)
  11. Heller & Schwer (2018)
  12. Simion (2000 , p. 370)
  13. Stanley (2007 , Corollary 4.10)
  14. Sagan (1999 , Section 6)
  15. Stanley (2007 , Corollary 4.9)
  16. Stanley (2007 , Theorem 4.13)
  17. Yuzvinsky (2001 , Section 6.3)
  18. McNamara & Thomas (2006 , p. 101)

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