Survivor România 2025

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Survivor România 2025
Season 6
SurvivorRomania2025 logo.jpg
Promotional poster
Presented byDaniel Pavel
No. of daysTBA
No. of castaways24
Location La Romana, Dominican Republic
No. of episodesTBA
Original network Pro TV
Original releaseFebruary 3, 2025 (2025-02-03) 
2025 (2025)
Additional information
Filming datesJanuary 15, 2025 (2025-01-15) 
2025 (2025)
Season chronology
All Stars

Survivor România 2025 or Survivor România Înapoi la origini, is the sixth season of the Pro TV incarnation of the competitive reality TV show Survivor România .

This season the format of the game changed significantly from previous seasons, as the producers decided to follow the Mexican version of the show, which is also produced by Acun Medya. The teams were renamed and given new colors: yellow and green. This is the first time in the history of Survivor România that the division of tribes did not take place before the show's premiere.


Development and filming

Like previous seasons, this sixth season is produced by Acun Media Global. The season was first announced by Daniel Pavel at the launch of the ProTV's autumn schedule. Pavel affirmed that the producers are in the process of preparing another season of Survivor România which is set to be aired at the beginning of next year. Pavel stated in an interview, "Each season of Survivor All Stars, in essence, means starting over with completely new characters, as well as new elements of storytelling within the format’s equation. So, fans of the show should expect something truly unique and unprecedented." He also said, moreover "I would really love for us to be like the Americans or the Australians, to have two formats that reinvent the show in terms of courses, visuals, and contestants, and to bring the Survivor-loving audience—because we know how much it is loved in Romania—both sportsmanship and reality show elements, in an even cooler alchemy than ever before." [1]

Casting for this season began on September 27, 2024, and closed in November 2024. [2] [3] On 7 October 2024, Pro TV released the first trailer for the series, a forty-second teaser featuring Daniel Pavel on an island, where he exclaims: "Survivor experience is the spark that becomes a flame and stays with us forever. Survivor returns to its roots, stronger and more thrilling."

The full cast of Survivor România 2025 were introduced by Pro TV on December 13, 2024, through a spectacular promo created in a massive studio in Buftea. The story of the promo begins with the contestants aboard the ship "The Iron Will," sailing towards the island in the Dominican Republic. However, everything takes an unexpected turn when a powerful storm strikes, and the crew, led by their captain, Daniel Pavel, battles the raging waves. Eventually, the ship wrecks, and the contestants are forced to swim to a deserted island, where their Survivor România adventure becomes a reality. [4]

The filming for this season was supposed to begin in the first half of January 2025, but it was postponed due to a massive drug bust in the Bayahibe port in the Dominican Republic. Local authorities confiscated 620 packages of cocaine, and this incident led to intensified controls in the area, which affected the production team's schedule. Filming resumed a few days later. [5]


Like in season four, the first contentant was chosen by a public vote. On 15 November, it was announced on the show's social media pages that the public would decide the first castaway of the series through a competition on the show La Măruță. On November 18, the six contestants were revealed. The competition will last for 2 weeks when the six contestants had to compete in various elimination challenges. The public ultimately decided who would be the first castaways of the season. [6] [7] [8]

The Urns of Destiny

The Urns of Destiny are a new element introduced in the format of the show. At each Tribal Council, there will be nine identical urns — four of them containing water and five containing blood. After all contestants have cast their votes, the contestant who received the most votes from the tribe must choose one of the urns and break it. If the broken urn contains blood, the contestant nominated by the tribe will go to the Elimination Duel alongside the contestant nominated by the holder of the immunity necklace. If the broken urn contains water, the contestant nominated by the tribe will have the opportunity to choose their own opponent from the remaining contestants, except for the holder of the immunity necklace. [9]


    The season is scheduled to start on February 3, 2025 on Pro TV and Voyo and will be broadcast from Monday to Wednesday at 9:30 p.m. [10] [11]


    Alexia Preda was chosen by fans. [12] [13] The remaining nineteen castaways was announced by Pro TV on December 13, 2024. Notable castaways this season include the radio host, Sebastian Coțofană and the hip-hop artist, Bitză. The list of castaways also includes tempters from Insula Iubirii, a reality show on Antena 1, such as Diandra Moga, Ema Kovács and Darius Măcinic. Roxana Chiperi was a contestant on iUmor. Another notable presence is Larisa Popa, who became famous on TikTok thanks to her collaboration with a famous personality. [14] [15] [16] Darius and Ovidiu "Uwe Dai" Măcinic are the first pair of brothers to participate in the same season. [17] The players were initially divided into two tribes by gender: the all-female Zeițe and the all-male Titani. In Episode 6, the tribes were reorganized and renamed by the two winners of the Captain's Challenge: Uwe Dai and Laurențiu.

    List of Survivor Romania 2025 contestants
    Ema Kovács33 Timișoara, Timiș Stay-at-home momZeițeZeițe1st eliminatedDay 5
    Alexia Preda21 Mediaș, Sibiu Tennis coachZeițeZeițe2nd eliminatedDay 9
    Alex Furman25 Dornești, Suceava Magician and tattoo artistTitaniTitaniMedically evacuatedDay 14
    Darius Măcinic43 Alba Iulia, Alba Judo coachTitaniTitaniDragonii3rd eliminatedDay 14
    Dorian Afro32 Bucharest ChoreographerTitaniTitaniLeoparzii4th eliminatedDay 18
    Francesca Chebuţiu30 Târnăveni, Mureș IT engineerZeițeTitaniDragoniiMedically evacuatedDay 19
    Roxana Chiperi37 Bucharest Aerobics instructorZeițeZeițeDragoniiQuitDay 20
    Silvia Gherasim44 Timișoara, Timiș Personal trainerZeițeZeițeDragonii5th eliminatedDay 22
    Mihai "Bitză" Biță 46 Bucharest Hip-hop artist and music producerTitaniTitaniDragonii
    Izabela Burugă24 Râmnicu Vâlcea, Vâlcea BartenderZeițeLeoparzii
    Adi Coșeru31 Bârlad, Vaslui NurseTitaniTitaniLeoparzii
    Sebastian Coțofană36 Constanța, Constanța Radio hostTitaniTitaniDragonii
    Adina Gache21 Constanța, Constanța DancerZeițeZeițeLeoparzii
    Mario Longa19 Cavaran, Caraș-Severin StudentTitaniTitaniDragonii
    Cristian Marinescu27 Bucharest ModelTitaniZeițeLeoparzii
    Filip Mastică23 Sfântu Gheorghe, Tulcea Restaurant ownerTitaniLeoparzii
    Ovidiu "Uwe Dai" Măcinic46 Alba Iulia, Alba Judo coachTitaniZeițeDragonii
    Diandra Moga28 Târgu Mureș, Mureș Fashion designerZeițeZeițeLeoparzii
    Vasile Petrovschi36 Bucharest IT engineerTitaniTitaniDragonii
    Larisa Popa27 Curtea de Argeș, Argeș Marketing specialistZeițeZeițeLeoparzii
    Lea Rancz26 Timișoara, Timiș Physical education and sports teacherZeițeLeoparzii
    Ina Shan31 Alba Iulia, Alba ModelZeițeZeițeDragonii
    Laurențiu Troancă27 Făgăraș, Brașov Police academy instructorTitaniLeoparzii
    Diana Ursu25 Chișinău, Moldova Professional rugby playerZeițeTitaniDragonii

    Season summary

    Challenge winners and eliminations by cycle
    Episode(s)Challenge winner(s)Nominated
    No.Original air dateRewardTribal
    1–33-5 February, 2025TitaniTitaniUwe DaiLarisa
    Ema1st Eliminated
    Day 5
    4–610-12 February, 2025TitaniTitaniAdinaAlexia
    tiebreaker) [a]
    Alexia2nd Eliminated
    Day 9
    Uwe Dai [b] Larisa
    Laurențiu [b]
    7–917-19 February, 2025ZeițeLeoparziiDianaDarius
    Day 14
    (1-1-0) [c]
    Darius3rd Eliminated
    Day 14
    10–1224-26 February, 2025Vasile [d] DragoniiIzabelaDorian
    Dorian4th Eliminated
    Day 18
    13–153-5 March, 2025DragoniiLeoparziiInaSilvia
    Day 19
    Day 20
    Silvia5th Eliminated
    Day 22
    16–1910-12 March, 20256th Eliminated
    Day ?
    1. Due to a deadlocked tie a rock draw occurred between Alexia and Silvia. Alexia drew the black rock and was sent to Elimination Duel.
    2. 1 2 Uwe Dai and Laurențiu won the Captain's Challenge and had the opportunity to form new tribes.
    3. The Urn of Destiny shattered by Darius contained water, so he chose to enter in the Elimination Duel alongside Francesca, thus denying Diana's nomination; Uwe Dai.
    4. During the journey on Episode 10, Izabela lost their vote at their next Tribal Council; and Vasile won an Reward Steal's Totem which can only be used in the next 3 weeks.

    Voting history

    Swapped tribesSwitched tribes
    Week #123456
    Episode #3691213141518
    Vote5-4-11-0 [a] Duel4-4-1 [b] 1-0 [a] DuelNo vote [c] 7-41-1-0 [a] [d] Duel8-11-0 [a] DuelNo vote [e] No vote [f] 5-31-0 [a] Duel1-0 [a] Duel
    DianaDariusUwe DaiVasile
    FilipNot in GameOn ExileDorian
    IzabelaNot in GameOn ExileNone [g] Larisa
    LaurențiuNot in GameOn ExileDorian
    LeaNot in GameOn ExileDorian
    Uwe DaiEmaEmaLarisaSilviaSilvia
    1. 1 2 3 4 5 6 The winner of the Individual Immunity had to directly nominate a member of the tribe.
    2. Due to a deadlocked tie a rock draw occurred between Alexia and Silvia. Alexia drew the black rock and was sent to Elimination Duel.
    3. No vote; Alex was medically evacuated. No vote occurred for his removal.
    4. The Urn of Destiny shattered by Darius contained water, so he chose to enter in the Elimination Duel alongside Francesca, thus denying Diana's nomination; Uwe Dai.
    5. No vote; Francesca was medically evacuated. No vote occurred for her removal.
    6. No vote; Roxana elected to quit the game. No vote occurred for her removal.
    7. This player lost a vote attempting to gain an advantage.


    1. "Anunțul făcut de Daniel Pavel despre următorul sezon "Survivor România". Ce se va întâmpla cu show-ul. "Înseamnă să o iei de la capăt"". Libertatea. Retrieved 27 September 2024.
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    7. "La Măruţă alege războinicul sau războinica din noul sezon Survivor. Şase concurenţi se vor lupta zilnic pentru un loc în reality show-ul găzduit de Daniel Pavel". Pagina de media. Retrieved 18 November 2024.
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