Texas Rodeo Cowboy Hall of Fame

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Texas Rodeo Cowboy Hall of Fame
Texas Rodeo Cowboy Hall of Fame Logo File.jpg
LocationStockyards Championship Rodeo, 121 E. Exchange Avenue, Fort Worth, TX 76164
Type Hall of fame
Website TRCHF

The Texas Rodeo Cowboy Hall of Fame is a museum and hall of fame in Fort Worth, Texas, dedicated to the sport of rodeo.



This hall of fame was founded by Johnny Boren. [1] Also contributing to the foundation were a group of Belton, Texas, businessmen. At the time of the foundation, Boren was the manager of the Lone Star Circuit of the Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association. Boren was also a businessman and former bull rider. He founded the Old Timers Rodeo Association. They first located the hall of fame in several businesses in Belton lastly moving to the Bell County Expo Center. Eventually, they moved the hall back to its birthplace, about a block from the Ford dealership where it was created. [2]


The Hall of Fame is currently housed in the Cowtown Coliseum in the Fort Worth Stockyards Historic District. There is a display of over 300 pictures and biographies on the walls for the current inductees, who are Texas rodeo cowboys, cowgirls, organizations, and livestock. The hall of fame's goal is to preserve the history and tradition of the cowboy and cowgirl. Individuals are inducted annually. World champions are inducted of course, but also less familiar individuals. [1] More than 500,000 people visit the hall annually. New programs recently added to the hall include the Promoting the Future program with a scholarship for high school individuals to help them attend college and the Horizon Honoree program to recognize exceptional high school and college rodeo performers. [3]


An induction ceremony takes place each year, usually on the first Saturday in April, at River Ranch in the Fort Worth Stockyards Historic District. The weekend also includes a golf tournament on Thursday, and a Rodeo Reunion gathering and unveiling of plaques at Cowtown Coliseum on Friday afternoon. In 2005, the Hall of Fame inducted as members the former rodeo performer and promoter Dan Taylor of Doole, and his wife, Berva. [4]

Hall of Fame Inductees

EventTypeIndividual Name/Place Name/OwnerLocationYearRefs
1-Event Cowtown Coliseum - Hub Baker2011
1-Event Fort Worth Stock Show and Rodeo 2015
1-EventGladewater Rodeo Committee2008
1-Event Houston Rodeo 2013
1-EventKilleen Rodeo Association2006
1-EventPioneer Association Clay County2002
1-EventSan Angelo Roping Fiesta2010
1-Event San Antonio Stock Show & Rodeo - Keith Martin2011
1-EventSanta Rosa Palomino Club2012
1-EventTarleton State University 1967 Men's Rodeo Team2017
1-EventTarleton State Women's Team, National Champions, 1969-70-712020
1-EventTexas Cowboy Reunion2019
1-EventWest Texas Fair & RodeoAbilene2009
1-EventWindy Ryon Memorial Roping2016
2-AnimalLivestock"Bodacious" owned by Andrews Rodeo Company2020 [3]
2-AnimalLivestock"Brown" owned by Bubba and Deb Manon2012
2-AnimalLivestock"Cebe Reed" owned by Martha Josey2019
2-AnimalLivestock"Jocko" Free Malone owned by Lloyd and Kathy Hodges2020
2-AnimalLivestock"King Surgeon"2017
2-AnimalLivestock"Matilda" owned by Leon Coffee2013
2-AnimalLivestock"Pearl", Big Smokin' Wonder2016
2-AnimalLivestock"Red" Star Plaudit 2015
2-AnimalLivestock"V-61" owned by Bill Minick2012
2-AnimalLivestock"War Wagon" owned by Marvin Cantrell2019
2-AnimalLivestock"Whitt" owned by Butch Stoneman2014
2-AnimalLivestock"Zombie A" owned by Billie McBride2013
Gerald Abbot2001
Johnny Ackel2003
Jan Hogg Ratjen Acola2008
Logan Adams2011
Merrill Adams-Ellis2012
Ira Akers1999
Eddy Akridge2002
J. R. Akridge2002
Grady Allen2002
Guy Allen 2009
Kirk Allmon2015
Tommy Alston2000
Jim Bob Altizer2003
Mack Altizer2011
Sherry Ingam-Altizer2013
Jimmy Anderson2007
Burr D. Andrews2006
Sammy Andrews2008
Gold CardRoy Angermiller2020
Bo Ashorn2011
Men ContestantsMatt Austin2020
Gene Autry 2013
Angie Watts Averhoff2014
Russ Baize2016
Mark Baker2008
R. C. "Granny" Bales2003
Mike Bandy2007
Moe Bandy2007
Dudley Barker Jr.2001
Curtis Barron1983
Darrell Barron2008
N.E. "Peanut" Barron1998
Bobby Joe Bartley2000
Pearl Jenkins Bartley2007
Bill Barton1998
Leon Bauerie2003
Ernest Beakley2007
Kenneth Beasley2001
Johnny Boren AwardAndra Beatty2020
Joe Beaver2003
Rex Beck2007
Johnny Boren AwardThe Belton Ladies2019
John H. "Sonny" Berry1996
Glen Bird2010
Bob "BB" Bird2011
John William "Twiggy" Bland2011
R.L. Bland2011
Rex Bland2009
Rosemary Bland2009
Steve Bland2009
Bob Blandford2010
Kay Blandford2014
Butch Bode2014
Ricky Bolin2011
Bobby Booth2000
Clinton Booth1976
Eddie Boren1995
Johnny Boren1997
C.R. Boucher2016
Bert Bounds2009
Ed Bourquin1995
David Bowden2015
Robert "Muscles" Boyd1999
Rick Bradley2014
Jack B. (J.B.) Bradshaw2016
Leo Brannan2008
Jack Bridges Jr.1981
Gayle Brittain2010
Dave Brock2009
Jeana Brooks2011
Men ContestantsJon Brockway2019
Beck Bland Brown2011
Bobby "Hooter" Brown2003
George & Beulah Brown1997
Weldon Burgoon2010
Jack Burkholder2009
Curtis Burlin2001
Shelly Burmeister-Mowery2015
David Burnham2012
John Burrus2007
Women ContestantsShanna Bush2019
Wanda Bush 2002
Ferrell Butler2003
James "Big Jim" Bynum1997
Eddie Caldwell1997
Jim Calvert1997
Ed Cameron2001
Ricky Canton2014
Marvin Cantrell2009
Lawrence Carey2002
Roy Carter2014
Wacey Cathey2002
Empty SaddlesJames R. Cavender2019
Maurice Champion2001
Harold J. "Snuffy" Chancellor2005
Keith Chapman2012
Terry Chapman2007
Rick "The Bumble Bee" Chapman2014
Bo Chesson2001
Hal Thomas Churchill2011
Men ContestantDerek C. Clark2019
John B. Clark2003
Rowland Clark2011
Vicki Taylor Cleveland2011
Dan O. Coates2005
Jerry L. Cobie2003
Doyle Cobier2001
Gene O. "Buddy" Cockrell2014
Lawrence Coffee2016
Leon Coffee2004
Everett E. Colborn1977
Chili Cole1998
Ed Cole2004
Neil Collier2001
Ron Conaster2015
Gerald Conner2003
Sarge Cook2003
Roy Cooper 2010
Dan Courier2012
Corley Cox2016
Dickie Cox1997
Jackie Bob Cox2013
James Alfred Cox2003
A.T. "Tony" Crainer2003
Allen B. Crainer1998
Bob Crill2011
J.G. Crouch2006
Bill Crowder2013
Dr. Andrew Currie2012
Governor Bill Daniel2003
"Smokey" Joe F. Davis2009
Alvin Davis2009
Joe Davis2001
Larry Dawson2013
Carl Deaton2010
Jo Decker 2003
Bobby Delvecchio2011
Billy Joe Deussen2000
Lt. Governor David Dewhurst2009
Myrtis Dightman 2001
Monk Dishman2015
George Doak2002
Quail Dobbs 2000
Gold CardChuck Doebbler2019
Men ContestantsRoyd Doyal2020
Austin Doolittle1975
Glenn Dorn2003
Pat Doyal2007
Red Doyal2017
Skipper Driver2016
Betty Barron Dusek2010
Buck Eckols2001
Diltzie Bland Edmondson2011
Johnny Kirk Edmondson2014
Sunny Edwards2011
Buran Elliot1998
Jack Elliot2000
Cecil Ellis1997
Merrill Adams Ellis2012
Johnny Boren AwardWanie Ellis2019
Chick Elms1996
Clarence Monroe "Monte" Elms2005
David Elms2004
Johnny Emmons2014
Don Endsley2011
Bobby & Marianne Estes1998
Billie Ann Evans2007
JW "Bub" Evans2004
Sig Faircloth1981
Mildred Farris & John Farris2004
Tom Feller2015
C.D. Ferguson1998
C.L. "Buck" Ferguson2001
Larry Ferguson2013
Dan Fisher2017
Ralph Fisher2009
Men ContestantsLeonard Fluitt2020
Lane Foltyn2016
Empty SaddlesBilly Charles Ford2019
Todd Fox2003
Western HeritageBeckie Frazier2020
Dr. Tandy Freeman2008
Empty SaddlesJasbo Fulkerson2020
Amye Gamblin1978
Men ContestantsTutt Garnett2019
Debbie Garrison2017
Joe Gaskin2010
John Gass2016
Norman Gatlin2000
Dan A. Gattis2010
D.J. "Kajun Kidd" Gaudin1998
Don Gay 2007
Jim Gay2007
Neal & Kay Gay2007
Pete Gay2007
Bill George1999
Jimmie George2008
A.L. "Duke" Gibbs2005
L.G. Gibbs1977
Derrell Gilfillan2003
Hollis & Wana Gilfillan2001
George Glascock1980
John Gloor2015
W.R. "Dude" Goodrum2001
Colby Jay Goodwin2017
C.L. "Bubba" Goudeau2000
Charlie Graham1999
Don Graham2006
Dr. Charles Graham2008
Dwight Graham1999
Gene Graham2011
Calvin Norris Greely Jr.2016
Keith Greene2004
Freddy Lynn "Gomer" Greer2005
Greg "Goose"2016
Dick Griffith2015
Spicer Gripp2009
Buddy Groff1981
Sammie Groves2011
Melton "Sugar" Grunwald2009
Warren Gunn2001
Tony Guyn1996
Tony Gale Haberer2005
Tom Hadley1997
Women ContestantsTrina Powers Hadley2020
Taylor "Prairie Kid" Hall Jr.2001
Women ContestantsVannie Halliday2020
Jim Haltom2000
J.J. Hamptom2009
Donna Fay Hinson Hanks2006
Dr. T.K. Hardy DVM2015
Miles Hare2008
Frank Harris2001
Leslie Harrison2008
Delbert Hataway2002
John Hatley1998
Men ContestantsJ. Pete Hawkins2020
Jackie Flowers Hayden1997
Richard "Tuff" Hedeman 2010
Gary "Roach" Hedeman2014
John Henry1975
Ken Henry2010
M.H. Henry2004
Monty "Hawkeye" Henson 2004
Clyde Hebert2001
Women ContestantsTami Noble Herbert2019
Holt Hickman2015
Cecil Alford Hill2004
Western HeritageJerry Hill2020
Bob Hinds2011
Byrel Hittson1980
Jimmy Hodge2014
Tina Lee "Tiny Sikes" Hodge2007
William Henry "Bill" Hogg2009
Raymond Hollabaugh2011
Ellis White Holland Sr.1975
Less Hood1995
Dave Hopper2006
Frank Horelica1980
Michael "Smurf" Horton2013
Gold CardJim Houson2020
Don Howell2016
Wright Howington2008
Mike Hudson2011
Logan John Huffman2008
Raymond Hulin2005
Clinton H. "Bud" Humphrey1995
Samuel Paul Humphrey Jr.2004
Sherry Altizer Ingham2013
Buster Ivory2001
June Ivory 2001
David Jennings2012
Men ContestantsJason Jeter2020
Bernis Johnson1998
Clint Johnson2017
Eugene Johnson2002
Hackberry Johnson2010
Sherry Price Johnson 2015
Darrly "Bronc" Jones2010
R.E. Martha Josey 2007
Bussy Kaul2001
Whit Keeney2001
Glenn W. Keith2003
Kenneth Kelley2011
Liz & Reg Kesler 2008
Clyde Kimbro2010
Butch Kirby2012
Sandy Kirby2006
Cody Lambert 2012
Men ContestantsDarrell Lambert2019
Roger Langford2005
Fay Ann Horton Leach2011
Fannie Mae Collier Cox Levi2003
G.K. Lewallen1997
Thomas Earl Wayne "Tex" Lewis1999
John Lindsey2001
H.D. "Curley" Linehan2001
Bob Logue2009
Chuck Logue2009
Hughie Long1978
Jack Long1996
Dillard "Doc" Lucas1977
Tad Lucas2010
Tommy Lucia2017
Gene Lyda 2015
O.B. Lynam2001
Phil Lyne 2006
Sammy Magana2011
Randy Magers2006
Larry Mahan 2015
Toots Mansfield2002
Jayne Marcum2012
Clyde H. Martin2006
George "Tex" Martin2000
Mike Mathis2013
Ann Mattison2013
Harley May2012
Nancy Gault Mayes2020
Bob Mayo2011
J.H. "Goat" Mayo2001
Paul Mayo2011
Ray Mayo2013
Billie McBride 1980
Wilson McBride2007
Don McClure2012
Leonard McCravey2012
Men ContestantsCasey McGlaun2020
Glen McIlvain2012
Denny McLanahan2017
Don McLaughlin2014
Gene McLaughlin2014
Mike McLaughlin2013
Shawn McMullan2012
Bonnie McPherson2017
L.G. "Glenn" McQueen2005
Brandon McReynolds2013
Bob Meacham1999
D.L. "Dwayne" Meacham1999
Jeff Medders1999
Alva Jean McBride Meek2008
Junior Meek1999
Johnny Mellon1975
David Merrill2009
Johnny Boren AwardCharlene Proctor Mewhinney2019
Sue Miller2005
Bill & Pam Minick 2011
Ralph Mitchell2009
Deb Mohon2010
Bubba Monkres2011
Johnny Boren AwardRita Williams Moon2019
Michael Moore2015
Gold CardRandy G. Moore2019
R.H. Moss2010
Lee Mullins2007
Jimmie Gibbs Munroe 1997
Bud Munroe2015
Ty Murray2016
Stephen Murrin Jr.2011
Carl Nafzger 2008
Jack Newton2007
Robert William "Booger Red" Nixon Jr.2007
Charlie O'Reily1998
Punch & Fay Oglesby2014
A.G. Ollre III1999
Altizer Rigs Ora2012
Tuff Overturff2008
Tommy Owens2008
Joe Beaver Pat2011
Neida Patton2009
George Paul2005
Monty Penney2016
S.K. "Kenneth" Pressley2007
Sherman Pressley2010
Bobby G. "Cotton" Proctor1975
Ronnie Proctor2003
Tommy Puryear2009
Charlie Rankin2003
Dick Ratjen2007
Jack Ratjen2007
NaRay McHood Ratliff2002
Art Ray2016
Durwood "Mitz" Ray2007
Tom Ray2012
Lightening Bobby Steiner2011
Virginia Reger2007
Reid & Mary Jo Roland2001
Buddy Reynolds2017
Don "Little Brown Jug" Reynolds2015
Empty SaddlesFoy & Jody Reynolds2020
Frank Rhoades2001
Jack Rice2013
Dickie Richard2002
Manuelita Woodward Richards2003
Roy Lee (RL) Richardson2017
Women ContestantsDollie Beutler Riddle2020
Rusty Riddle2009
Wallace Riddle1976
Ora Altizer2012
Cullen A. Robinson2007
Billy "Red" Rogers2004
Mason Romans Sr.2001
Bob Romer2009
John Rothwell2010
John Routh1999
James Riley Saunders1977
Charmayne James & Scamper 2011
John "Shoe" Schueneman2017
DeLois Hinson Senez2008
Ralph Senn2005
Rusty Sewalt2016
La Tonne Sewalt2004
Ronnye Sewalt2001
Royce Sewalt2002
Jim "Razor" Sharp 2009
Hobb Shed1981
Dee Sheets2014
Tommy Sheffield2008
Bob Sheppard2008
Johnny Shields2013
Joseph "Joe" Wilson Sikes1998
L.N. "Sonny" Sikes1978
Velvet Bernis Johnson Sipping2011
Rob Smets 2010
Blanche Altizer Smith2006
Gold CardClifton Smith2019
Dean Smith2006
Dude Smith1999
Frances Crane Smith2000
Jerald Smith2010
Rodeo PersonnelJim D. Smith2019
Olie Smith2014
Paul Smith2011
T.M. "Smitty" Smith2014
Vern Smith2017
Doc Stanger2000
Red Steagall 2005
Beverly Steiner2009
Bobby Steiner2000
Buck Steiner2000
Sid Steiner2008
Tommy Steiner1997
Duane Stephens2008
Logan Stevens2008
Kevin Stewart2015
J.W. Stoker2015
John Stokes2016
Dale Stone1999
Wayne H. Stroud2011
Ike Tacker1983
J.D. Tadlock Sr.2014
Western Heritage Couple Bob & Kristen Tallman 2019
Bill Tatum2008
Andy Taylor2008
Empty SaddlesCliff Taylor2019
Berva Dawn Sorenson2005
Dan Taylor 2005
George Thomas Taylor Jr.2001
Monty Taylor2008
Tom Taylor2017
Jon Temple2001
Eula Gene Hinson Thomas1977
Orville Thomas1976
Willie Thomas2004
Roy "Tuffy" Thompson2013
Charlie Throckmorton2007
Brent Thurman 2002
Sissy Thurman 1978
Charlie Tindol2015
Charlie Thompson2017
Harry Tompkins1997
Bud Townsend2008
Monroe Tumlinson2010
Hazel Turner2005
Matt Tyler2014
William "Bud" Upton2011
Dan Utely1978
John VanCronhite2011
Randy Vaughn2016
Rudy E. Vela2011
Cecil Vick2006
Glenn Vick1998
Skipper Voss2006
Tooter Waites2011
Bill Walker2000
Byron Walker2008
Claude Henry "Red" Walker1999
Reagon Walker2012
Richard Wayne "Dick" Walker2005
Whitey Bob Walker2003
Morris Walker2015
Frank E. Wallace Jr.2010
Pat Wallace2019
Roy Wallace2008
Whitney Wallace2013
Terry Walls--
T.J. Ward2013
Jack Ward2006
Men ContestantsJames Ward2019
Corky Warren2012
Jim Watkins2010
Bud Watson1999
Harold Watson1975
Eugene Weakley2012
John E. "Ronny" Webb1999
Dan Webb2015
Empty SaddlesTaylor Webb2020
Billy Weeks1998
Guy Weeks1997
L.E. Weeks2000
Wesley Bowie2013
Howard Westfall1980
Genevieve Hauff2004
Marvin Weyer2001
Earl Wharton1997
Ray Wharton2002
J.T. "Whiz" Whisenhunt2008
Hub Whiteman1997
Jim Whiteman1980
Fred Whitfield2012
George Wilderspin1999
Bill Williams2005
Ronnie Williams2010
Sloan Williams2009
Billy T. Wilis2004
Dan Willis1997
John M. Wilson2007
R.B. Wilson2005
Stanley Wilson1998
Joe Wimberly2013
Delbert Wise1999
Jack Wiseman2012
Gail Woerner2012
Lloyd Woodley2009
Edd Workman2005
Don Workman2015
Jackie Worthington 2009
Martha Wright2008
Men ContestantsLonnie Wyatt2019
Clinton Wyche2003
Mack Yates2004
James Zant2015

Sources: [5] [6] [7] [8] [2]


  1. 1 2 "Our Story". Texas Rodeo Cowboy Hall of Fame. Retrieved March 28, 2020.
  2. 1 2 Lowry, Shannon (April 13, 2007). "Rodeo legends set to be enshrined in Texas Rodeo Cowboy Hall of Fame". The Killeen Daily Herald. Retrieved March 28, 2020.
  3. 1 2 "Bodacious to be inducted into Texas Rodeo Cowboy Hall of Fame Class 2020 - MyParisTexas". MyParisTexas.com. March 11, 2020. Retrieved March 28, 2020.
  4. "Becky Orr, "Cowboy was boss of Chute 9 at CFD for 49 years"". wyomingnews.com. Retrieved August 4, 2011.
  5. "Home". Texas Rodeo Cowboy Hall of Fame. Retrieved March 28, 2020.
  6. "Texas Cowboy Hall of Fame announces 2019 inductees". KBCD. September 18, 2018. Retrieved March 28, 2020.
  7. "Hall Headlines Summer 2019" (PDF). Texas Rodeo Cowboy Hall of Fame. Retrieved March 28, 2020.
  8. "Past Inductees". Texas Rodeo Cowboy Hall of Fame. Retrieved March 28, 2020.