UNESCO Institute for Statistics

Last updated
Institute for Statistics of UNESCO
TypeCross-nationally comparable statistics
Member of UNESCO
Seat Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Website uis.unesco.org

The UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) [1] is the statistical office of UNESCO and is the UN depository for cross-nationally comparable statistics on education, science and technology, culture, and communication.


The UIS was established in 1999. Based in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, it was created by a collaboration between Université de Montréal, the INRS and UNESCO to provide statistics for the UN. [2]

The institute serves member states of UNESCO as well as intergovernmental and nongovernmental organisations, research institutes, universities, and citizens. All data is available for free.

Its offices are based at Côte-des-Neiges on the main campus of Université de Montréal, in building 3333 Queen-Mary Road.

The institute provides education data to many global reports and databases, such as the SDG global database of the UN Stats Division, the Global Education Monitoring Report, World Development Indicators and World Development Report (World Bank), Human Development Report (UNDP), and State of the World's Children (UNICEF).

Sex-disaggregated indicators are systematically integrated into all UIS data collections.


Areas of work

Program highlights

UIS open data

All UIS data is freely available in different formats.

Designed for expert users, the UIS database is an online resource that provides country profiles, indicators, and data series in UNESCO's fields of competence, tools to build statistical tables, related documentation, and metadata. Developers and researchers can also use an API [5] to download UIS data in machine-readable formats.

General users can explore the data through a series of indicator pages that present charts and tables that can easily be customised, shared, and downloaded.[ citation needed ]

The UIS also has a data visualisation gallery that features interactive products on key issues, such as women in science, children out of school, and girls’ education in Africa.

Capacity building

The institute works with national statisticians and policymakers to improve data quality by providing training, diagnostic tools, standard, and guidelines on the collection, analysis, and use of statistical information. These services take many forms, from regional training workshops to on-site technical assistance projects through the UIS network of statistical advisers in the field.

Research and analysis

The UIS provides analytical services in a number of critical policy areas, such as exclusion from education, education quality, education finance, investments in research and development, etc.


The UIS publishes statistical and analytical reports in addition to methodological guides and international classifications. The institute's flagship publication, the Sustainable Development Data Digest, [6] is available in several UN languages.

The institute also produces a series of e-atlases, using interactive maps and charts to present the data on key issues, such as Sustainable Development Goal 4 – Education 2030, gender inequality in education, literacy, teachers, and global trends in R&D.


As an autonomous organisation, the UIS has its own governing board that consists of 12 experts from different regions and organisational backgrounds. The board's primary tasks are to ensure the independence of the institute, define UIS policy and its broad functions, and approve its program and budget. In addition, the board monitors, evaluates, and advises on the institute's operations.


  1. UNESCO Institute for Statistics website.
  2. UIS Basic Texts, Retrieved February 3, 2017.
  3. "Leading SDG 4 - Education 2030". UNESCO . Archived from the original on 2022-03-31. Retrieved 2023-10-12.
  4. International Standard Classification of Education 2011 Retrieved February 3, 2017.
  5. UIS API data portal
  6. Sustainable Development Data Digest: Laying the Foundation to Measure Sustainable Development Goal 4 Retrieved February 3, 2017.