Ulmus 'Myrtifolia'

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Ulmus 'Myrtifolia'
Genus Ulmus
Cultivar 'Myrtifolia'

The elm cultivar Ulmus 'Myrtifolia', the Myrtle-leaved Elm, first appeared in nursery and horticultural lists in the 1830s, as Ulmus myrtifolia and Ulmus campestris myrtifolia, [1] [2] [3] the name Ulmus myrtifoliaVolxem being used at Kew Gardens from 1880. [4] Lawson's nursery of Edinburgh appears to have been the earliest to list the tree. [1] 'Myrtifolia' was listed by Nicholson in Kew Hand-List Trees & Shrubs (1896), but without description. [5] It was later listed as a cultivar and described by Rehder in 1939 [4] and by Krüssmann in 1962. [6]


The specimen under this name in the Herb. Nicholson at Kew was considered by Melville to be a probable U. minor × Ulmus minor 'Plotii' hybrid. [7]

The cultivar 'Myrtifolia Purpurea', which has larger leaves, is not related to 'Myrtifolia'. [4]


'Myrtifolia' was described as having leaves ovate or rhombic-ovate to oblong-ovate, 25 cm long with nearly simple teeth, loosely pilose on both sides. The petiole is 2 to 4 mm long, and the samara is 12 to 15 mm long.


A 'Mytifolia' was present in North Road, Bath in 1902. [8] There were specimens at Arnold Arboretum in the mid-20th century, sourced in the 1920s from a tree in Cleveland, Ohio. [4]

The tree is not known to remain in cultivation.

Putative specimen

A small, slow-growing, dense-crowned old elm (15 m, girth 2 m), with very small narrow myrtle-like leaves, stands near 90 Lower Granton Rd, Edinburgh (2016), in a garden that was once part of the elm-planted grounds of Wardie House (demolished 1955). [9] Ulmus campestris myrtifolia appeared in the lists of the adjacent Wardie Nursery (Lawson Nursery group) in the late 19th century, [3] and Ulmus myrtifolia in the Lawson's of Edinburgh lists from the 1830s. [10] Its leaves, which flush and fall late, [11] are lance-shaped or oval (24.5 cm by 1.32 cm; petioles 0.51 cm). The tree, which has smooth branchlets, has been grafted on to a suberose U. minor stock.


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<i>Ulmus minor</i> Umbraculifera Gracilis Elm cultivar

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<i>Ulmus minor</i> Suberosa Elm cultivar

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<i>Ulmus</i> Myrtifolia Purpurea Elm cultivar

The Elm cultivar Ulmus 'Myrtifolia Purpurea', the Purple Myrtle-leaved Elm, was first mentioned by Louis de Smet of Ghent (1877) as Ulmus myrtifolia purpurea. An U. campestris myrtifolia purpureaHort. was distributed by Louis van Houtte in the 1880s, by the Späth nursery, Berlin, in the 1890s and early 1900s, and by the Hesse Nursery, Weener, Germany, till the 1930s.

<i>Ulmus glabra</i> Superba Elm cultivar

The wych elm cultivar Ulmus glabraHuds. 'Superba', Blandford Elm, with unusually large leaves, was raised by Gill's of Blandford Forum, Dorset, in the early 1840s as Ulmus montana superba and was quickly distributed to other UK nurseries. It was confirmed as a form of wych, and first described by Lindley in The Gardeners' Chronicle, 1845, later descriptions being added by Gill (1845) and Morren (1848), who called it U. montana var. superba. Morren had adopted the name 'Superba' from the Fulham nurseryman Osborne in 1844, who supplied him with the tree – presumably one of the nurseries supplied by Gill. Morren states that 'Superba', already in cultivation in England, was introduced to Belgium by Denis Henrard of Saint Walburge, Liège, that in 1848 it had been present in Belgium for only three years, and that this variety was the one described as 'Superba' by Osborne, whom Henrard had visited at his nursery in Fulham in September 1844. 'Blandford Elm', with leaves of the same dimensions, was soon for sale in the USA.


  1. 1 2 Loudon, J. C., Hortus lignosus londinensis: or, A catalogue of plants ... cultivated in the gardens and grounds in the neighbourhood of London: with all their synonyms, including their French, German, and Italian names; ... To which are added ... hardy trees and shrubs in the principal nurseries of London and Edinburgh, and at Bollwyller in France, and in Hamburg (London, 1838), p.145
  2. Report of the Board on behalf of United States Executive Departments at the International Exhibition held at Philadelphia 1876 (Washington 1884), vol 2, The Department of Agriculture: Horticultural and Propagating Division; p.311
  3. 1 2 The Lawson Company's List, no. IV, Forest Trees & Shrubs, Nov. 1874; Lawson Seed & Nursery Co., Edinburgh & London, p.25
  4. 1 2 3 4 5 Rehder, Alfred (1939). "Rehder, new species, varieties and combinations". Journal of the Arnold Arboretum. 20: 87–88. Retrieved 12 August 2016.
  5. Nicholson, Kew Hand-List Trees & Shrubs, vol.2 (London 1896), p.135
  6. Krüssmann, J. G., Handbuch der Laubgehölze 2: 540, 1962
  7. Green, Peter Shaw (1964). "Registration of cultivar names in Ulmus". Arnoldia. 24 (6–8). Arnold Arboretum, Harvard University: 41–80. Retrieved 16 February 2017.
  8. Inman, T. Frederic (1905). "The Elm". Proceedings of the Bath Natural History and Antiquarian Field Club. 10: 37. Retrieved 19 August 2016.
  9. Around Edinburgh - Lower Granton Road and Wardie from Granton Harbour Around Edinburgh - Lower Granton Road and Wardie from Granton Harbour, accessdate: August 12, 2016
  10. Loudon, J. C., Hortus lignosus londinensis (London, 1838), p.145-6
  11. Google Maps: A901 - Google Maps, accessdate: August 12, 2016
  12. Bean, W. J., Kew Hand-list of Trees and Shrubs, 1934, p.341