Ulmus glabra 'Firma'

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Ulmus glabra 'Firma'
Species Ulmus glabra
Cultivar 'Firma'

The Wych Elm cultivar Ulmus glabra 'Firma' was described by Schneider in 1904. [1] [2]



The tree was described as having leaves like the species but firmer in texture. [2] [3]


No specimens are known to survive.

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<i>Ulmus minor</i> Monumentalis Elm cultivar

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<i>Ulmus glabra</i> Superba Elm cultivar

The wych elm cultivar Ulmus glabraHuds. 'Superba', Blandford Elm, with unusually large leaves, was raised by Gill's of Blandford Forum, Dorset, in the early 1840s as Ulmus montana superba and was quickly distributed to other UK nurseries. It was confirmed as a form of wych, and first described by Lindley in The Gardeners' Chronicle, 1845, later descriptions being added by Gill (1845) and Morren (1848), who called it U. montana var. superba. Morren had adopted the name 'Superba' from the Fulham nurseryman Osborne in 1844, who supplied him with the tree – presumably one of the nurseries supplied by Gill. Morren states that 'Superba', already in cultivation in England, was introduced to Belgium by Denis Henrard of Saint Walburge, Liège, that in 1848 it had been present in Belgium for only three years, and that this variety was the one described as 'Superba' by Osborne, whom Henrard had visited at his nursery in Fulham in September 1844. 'Blandford Elm', with leaves of the same dimensions, was soon for sale in the USA.


  1. Green, Peter Shaw (1964). "Registration of cultivar names in Ulmus". Arnoldia. 24 (6–8). Arnold Arboretum, Harvard University: 41–80. Retrieved 16 February 2017.
  2. 1 2 Schneider, Camillo Karl (1904). Illustriertes Handbuch der Laubholzkunde. Vol. 1. Jena G. Fischer. p. 217.
  3. "Herbarium specimen - L.1587158". Botany catalogues. Naturalis Biodiversity Center. Sheet described as Ulmus glabra Huds. f. firma Schneid.