Universal Worship Service

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The Universal Worship Service was created by Inayat Khan as a prayer service invoking the One Being through the world's major faith traditions.

The service is officiated by clergy who are called Cherags and Cheragas, from the Persian word for 'lamp.' An oil lamp or candle is lit and readings taken on a particular theme from the sacred texts of six of the major world religions and traditions, each evoking a Divine Quality the tradition is said to illustrate:

Other candles may be lit to honor other world traditions. Some of the more commonly included traditions are:

The first candle represents the light of Divine Truth, and from it all the other nine candles are lit.

The service also includes Inayat Khan's prayers Saum, Salat, and Khatum.

There are often meditations, sermons, songs, or Dances of Universal Peace following the readings.

The service can be for any theme and is also the background of Universal Sufi weddings, funerals and baby blessings. [1]

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  1. Prajapati O'Neil - Sufi Order International