University of Sydney Students' Representative Council

Last updated

Students' Representative Council
University of Sydney
USyd SRC Logo.png
Undergraduate student union
of the University of Sydney
Founded1929;95 years ago (1929)
Angus Fisher, NLS
since 1 December 2024
Bohao Zhang,Penta
since 1 December 2024
Shovan Bhattarai, Socialist Alternative
since 1 December 2024
General Secretary
Grace Street,Grassroots
since 1 December 2024
General Secretary
Anu-ujin Khulan,Penta
since 1 December 2024
Australia University of Sydney Students' Representative Council 2024.svg
Political groups
  •   Socialist Alternative (9)
  •   Student Left Alliance (2)
  •   Grassroots (6)
  •   Switch (3)
  •   National Labor Students (5)
  •   Penta (3)
  •   Engineers (1)
  •   Artistry (1)
  •   Student Unity (2)
  •   Liberals (5)
Length of term
1 year
National Union of Students University of Sydney
Honi Soit
Activism, Advocacy, Representation
Students’ Representative Council
Constitution as at September 2023

The Students' Representative Council (SRC) is the representative body for undergraduate students at the University of Sydney. In addition to a student-elected council and student advocacy portfolios, the SRC coordinates a free legal service and caseworker service for all undergraduate students at the University of Sydney. These services provide legal, academic appeal, migration, tenancy and study advice to students.


The SRC has a reputation as Australia's most radical student union, and has been instrumental in leading student activism on a range of issues including education, [1] feminist justice, environmentalism, [2] First Nations justice [3] and queer rights. [4] The longest-running weekly student newspaper in Australia, Honi Soit , is funded by the SRC.



The SRC is governed by the Council, which currently consists of 37 Representatives elected annually by undergraduate students. 1 Representative is elected for every 1000 undergraduate students at the University. The Council meets once a month. Motions can be presented by any student (within or without the council), and are debated on for political merit. Motions usually contain action points that can compel the SRC to commit to student issues, and advocate for student interest concerns.


The Executive of the SRC is elected annually by the Council (bar the President), and consists of the President, Vice-Presidents, General Secretaries, and five general members, elected proportionally out of Council. Meeting fortnightly, the Executive makes most significant decisions regarding the SRC.

The day-to-day operation of the SRC is generally conducted by paid staff and paid office-bearers, being the President (directly elected by students), the Vice-President, the General Secretary, the Education Officer(s), and Women's Officer(s).


Annual elections are held in September each year, to elect the Council, the President, 7 NUS delegates, and the editors of Honi Soit, the student newspaper. Unlike most student organisations, other office-bearers are elected by the Council, and not directly by students. All undergraduate students have a right to vote in annual elections.

Approximately 4500 students vote each year. [5]


In 1888 the establishment of the Sydney University Undergraduate Association marked the first sign of organised student government on the campus of Sydney University. The Women's Undergraduate Association was formed in 1899 and separate organisations for male and female evening students were to form some years later. In 1929 the four associations agreed to rationalize the governing of the student body, and the Students' Representative Council was established to represent all undergraduates. The first President of the S.R.C. was J. M. Gosper. The 1930/31 Annual Report acknowledges that it is 'largely to the enthusiasm and organising abilities of J. M. Gosper that the Council owes its origins.

Student government was initially concerned primarily with gaining a student voice within the official University hierarchy, and promoting student interests within the University environment. However, student leaders soon became aware of their influence within the wider community, and the scope of student politics extended to include issues of broader social and political significance. At various times student activism has been of considerable importance in moulding public opinion in Australia on issues as diverse as apartheid, the death penalty, censorship, conscription and tertiary fees.

Honi Soit is the SRC's official journal and was first published in 1929. Its longevity is perhaps unintended, as the SRC's Annual Report expressed 'doubt as to whether any useful purpose could be served by the continuation of Honi Soit' and the publication was maintained the following year on an 'experimental basis.'


Prominent former Presidents of the Sydney SRC include a Prime Minister of Australia, Cabinet Ministers, and Members of Parliaments, State and Federal, Justices of the High Court of Australia and the Supreme Court, including a Chief Justice of New South Wales and a Court of Appeal President. Presidents of the SRC have also regularly proceeded to become Presidents of the National Union of Students.

No.PortraitPresidentFactional groupingTerm startTerm end
1 3x4.svg J.M. Gosper Independent 19301931
2 3x4.svg Frank Wood Bayldon Independent 19311932
3 3x4.svg V.J. Flynn Independent 19321933
4 3x4.svg C.R. Laverty Independent 19331934
5 3x4.svg J. Bowie-Wilson Independent 19341935
6 3x4.svg D.R. Lewis Independent 19351936
7 3x4.svg G.P. Campbell Independent 19361937
8 Kevin Ellis (1908-1975) c1950.png Kevin Ellis Independent 19371938
9 3x4.svg P.J. Kenny Independent 19381939
10 3x4.svg W. Granger Independent 19391940
11 3x4.svg J.H.E. Mackay Independent 19401941
12 3x4.svg J.S. Collings Independent 19411942
13 3x4.svg P.P. Manzie Independent 19421943
14 3x4.svg Moya McDade Independent 19431944
15 3x4.svg Keith Dan Independent 19441945
16 3x4.svg Marnie Watt Independent 19451946
17 3x4.svg John Nash Independent 19461947
18 3x4.svg John Redrup Independent 19471948
19 3x4.svg Ted McWhinney Independent 19481949
20 3x4.svg Alan Beattie Independent 19491950
21 3x4.svg Jim Brassil Independent 19501951
22 3x4.svg Peter J. Curtis Independent 19511952
23 3x4.svg Phillip Jeffrey Independent 19521953
24 3x4.svg Gregory Bartels Independent 19531954
25 3x4.svg Philip Berthon-Jones Independent 19541955
26 3x4.svg Greg Dunne Independent 19551956
27 3x4.svg Tony Reading Independent 19561957
28 3x4.svg Jim Carlton Independent 19571958
29 3x4.svg Malcolm Brown Independent 19581958
30 3x4.svg Brian L. Hennessy Independent 19581959
31 3x4.svg M.G.I. Davey Independent 19591960
32 3x4.svg Robert J. Wallace Independent 19601961
33 Peter Wilenski.jpg Peter Wilenski Independent 19611962
34 3x4.svg John Boyd Independent 19621963
35 The Hon Michael D. Kirby AC CMG (cropped).jpg Michael Kirby Independent 19631964
36 3x4.svg Bob McDonald Independent 19641965
37 3x4.svg Michael A. Weber Independent 19651965
38 3x4.svg J. Richard Walsh Independent 19651966
39 Geoffrey Robertson.jpg Geoffrey Robertson Independent 19661967
40 3x4.svg Alan Cameron Independent 19671968
41 James Spigelman 2012-02.jpg James Spigelman Independent 19681969
42 3x4.svg Percy Allan Independent 19691970
43 3x4.svg Barry Robinson Independent 19701970
44 3x4.svg Chris Beale Independent 19701971
45 3x4.svg Chris Sidoti Independent 19711972
46 3x4.svg Brett Mattes Independent 19741974 [a]
47 3x4.svg John McGrath Independent 19741975
48 3x4.svg David Patch Independent 19761977
49 3x4.svg Peter Byrnes Independent 19771977 [b]
50 3x4.svg Barbara Ramjan Independent 19771978
51 Tony Abbott.jpg Tony Abbott Democratic Labor 19791980 [c]
52 Australian-Labor-Party-stub.svg Paul Brereton Centre Unity 19801981
53 Australian-Labor-Party-stub.svg Paul Rickard Centre Unity 19821983
54 Australian-Labor-Party-stub.svg John Martin Centre Unity 19831984
55 Australian-Labor-Party-stub.svg Belinda Neal Centre Unity 19841985
56 Liberal Placeholder.png Mark Heyward Liberal 19851986
57 Australian-Labor-Party-stub.svg Helen Spowart Council of ALP Students 19861987
58 Joe Hockey MP.jpg Joe Hockey Liberal 19871988
59 3x4.svg Liz Gardiner Left Alliance 19881989
60 3x4.svg Rod McDonald Left Alliance 19891990 [d]
61 3x4.svg Vanessa Chan Left Alliance 19901991
62 3x4.svg Caitlin Vaughan Left Alliance 19911992
63 3x4.svg Amanda Lees Left Alliance 19921993
66 3x4.svg Anna Davis Left Alliance 19931994
67 3x4.svg Heidi Norman Left Alliance 19941995
68 3x4.svg Nadya Haddad Left Alliance 19951996
69 3x4.svg Catherine Burnheim Left Alliance 19961997
70 3x4.svg Katrina Curry Left Alliance 19971998
71 Liberal Placeholder.png Adair Durie Students First 199810 March 1998 [e]
72 Australian-Labor-Party-stub.svg Luke Whitington Socialist Left 19982000 [f]
73 3x4.svg Natasha VercoNational Broad Left / Activist Left20002001
74 Australian-Labor-Party-stub.svg Moksha Watts Socialist Left 20012002
75 Australian-Labor-Party-stub.svg Daniel Kyriacou Socialist Left 20022003
76 Jo Haylen MP 2015.jpg Jo Haylen Socialist Left 20032004
77 Australian-Labor-Party-stub.svg Felix Eldridge Socialist Left 20042005
78 RoseJacksoncropped.png Rose Jackson Socialist Left 20052006
79 Australian-Labor-Party-stub.svg Nick Wood Socialist Left 20062006 [g]
National Labor Students 20062007
80 Australian-Labor-Party-stub.svg Angus McFarland National Labor Students 20072008
81 Australian-Labor-Party-stub.svg Kate Laing National Labor Students 20082009
82 Australian-Labor-Party-stub.svg Noah White National Labor Students 20092010
83 Australian-Labor-Party-stub.svg Elly Howse National Labor Students 20102011
84 Australian-Labor-Party-stub.svg Donherra (Dee) Walmsley National Labor Students 20112012
85 Australian-Labor-Party-stub.svg Phoebe Drake National Labor Students 20122013
86 Australian-Labor-Party-stub.svg David Pink National Labor Students 201320 March 2013 [h]
Sydney Labor Students 20 March 20132014
87 Australian-Labor-Party-stub.svg Jennifer Light Centre Unity 20142015
88 3x4.svg Kyol BlakeneyGrassroots Left20152016
89 Australian-Labor-Party-stub.svg Chloe Smith National Labor Students 20162017
90 Australian-Labor-Party-stub.svg Isabella Brook National Labor Students 20172018
91 3x4.svg Imogen GrantGrassroots Left20182019
92 3x4.svg Jacky HePanda20192020
93 3x4.svg Liam DonohoeGrassroots Left20202021
94 3x4.svg Swapnik SanagavarapuGrassroots Left20212022
95 3x4.svg Lauren LancasterGrassroots Left20222023
96 3x4.svg Lia PerkinsGrassroots Left20232024
97 3x4.svg Harrison BrennanGrassroots Left20242025
98 Australian-Labor-Party-stub.svg Angus Fisher National Labor Students 20252026


From the mid-1960s the SRC has been at the centre of student activism in Australia. Most activist groupings in the National Union of Students have a presence at Sydney University, such as National Labor Students (Labor Left), Socialist Alternative, Student Unity (Labor Right), the Australian Greens, Grassroots Left and the Liberals.

Since 2000 the SRC has been heavily influenced by what is now National Labor Students (formerly the National Organisation of Labor Students), the student arm of Labor's Socialist Left. Prior to that, from the late 1980s until 1997, the SRC was controlled by the Left Alliance, a former NUS faction made up of a coalition of students to the left of Labor such as Socialists, the Australian Greens, anarchists, queer activists, and environmentalists. Labor Party affiliated factions dominated the SRC presidency from 1998 to 2014. In recent years Labor's hold on power was challenged by independent/non affiliated alliances, internal conflicts within established Labor factions and the emergence of the Grassroots Left. Grassroots Left quickly developed into a national NUS faction with a presence on several campuses. A member of Grassroots, Kyol Blakeney, was elected the second Indigenous president of the University's SRC in 2014. However, in 2015 and 2016, Labor Left faction National Labor Students re-secured the SRC Presidency, in cooperation with Grassroots in 2015 and in cooperation with moderate Liberals in 2016, who supported Edward McCann for the Vice-Presidency of the SRC. [7] However, following the election this coalition collapsed, with a broad left grouping of Labor left, Socialist Alternative, independents and Grassroots elected to all remaining positions. [8] In 2017, Grassroots returned to the presidency, electing Imogen Grant as the 90th President of the SRC. [9] In 2018, an independent party of international students labelled the Panda Warriors won the presidency, electing Jacky He as the 91st President of the SRC. [10] He is the first President to have been elected on primarily the votes of international students within the university. In 2019, Liam Donohoe won the Presidency, returning the SRC to a Grassroots president. In 2020, Swapnik Sanagavarapu was elected to the SRC Presidency unopposed, leading to a back-to-back Grassroots victory. [11] In 2021, Lauren Lancaster retained the Grassroots hold on the presidency in the largest election in USyd's history. [12] Lia Perkins (Grassroots) was elected unopposed to the Presidency for 2023 and Harrison Brennan (Grassroots) secured the 5th consecutive year of Grassroots presidencies when he was elected as the 96th SRC president over National Labor Students' candidate Rose Donnelly. [13]

Angus Fisher (National Labor Students) broke the Grassroots incumbency in 2024, winning the primary vote and ending five years of Grassroots presidencies. [14] The Left bloc (Grassroots, Socialist Alternative, Solidarity and aligned Independents) lost its majority on the council in the same year as the Liberal vote share soared, with NLS (Labor Left) holding the balance of power. [15]

Election results

Current composition (2023−2024)

Jasmine Al-Rawi  Left Action  Left
Deaglan Godwin  Left Action  Left
Yasmine Johnson  Left Action  Left
Aryan Ilkhani Lift  Liberal
Harrison Brennan Grassroots Left
Clare Liu Penta Penta
Jamie Bridge Student Left Alliance Student Left Alliance
Jada Khorram Gymbros  Liberal
Simon Upitis  Left Action  Left
Maddie Clark  Left Action  Left
Shovan Bhattarai  Left Action  Left
Tamsyn Smith  Left Action  Left
Angus Dermody Student Left Alliance Student Left Alliance
Rose Donnelly  Revive (NLS)  Left
Emily Sun Lift  Liberal
Lucas Pierce  Left Action  Left
Jack Lockhart  Revive (NLS)  Left
Shahmeer Hossain Lift  Liberal
Grace Porter  Revive (Student Unity)  Left
Ivan Samsonov Lift  Liberal
Keira Garland  Left Action  Left
Ethan Floyd Grassroots Left
James Dwyer  Revive (Student Unity)  Left
Eliza Crossley Switch Left
Angus Fisher  Revive (NLS)  Left
Bowen Gao Penta Penta
Gerard Buttigieg  Revive (NLS)  Left
Grace Street Grassroots Left
Martha Barlow Grassroots Left
Victor Zhang Engineers Engineers
Ned Graham  Revive (NLS)  Left
Sofija Filipovic Switch Left
Jordan Anderson Switch Left
Rav Grewal Grassroots Left
Cara Eccleston Artistry Left
Mary Liu Penta Penta
Ellie Robertson Grassroots Left


2023 SRC election
Political groups
  Left (26)Increase2.svg 1
  Liberal (5) Steady2.svg
  Penta (3) Steady2.svg
  Left Alliance (2) Decrease2.svg 1
  Engineers (1) Decrease2.svg 2
Faction [16] SeatsChange
  Left Action 9Decrease2.svg 1
  Amplify (NLS) 5Increase2.svg 2
 Student Left Alliance2Decrease2.svg 1
 Engineers1Decrease2.svg 2
  Student Unity (Labor Right) 2Steady2.svg


2022 SRC election
Political groups
  Left (25)
  Liberal (5)
  Engineers (3)
  Penta (3)
  Left Alliance (3)
  Independent (2)
Faction [17] [18] VotesSeatsChange
  Left Action 40010Increase2.svg 9
 Grassroots2446Decrease2.svg 4 [i]
 Switch1853Decrease2.svg 7 [i]
  Amplify (NLS) 1313Increase2.svg 2 [j]
 Penta1293Decrease2.svg 2
 Lift1113Increase2.svg 3
 Student Left Alliance1063Increase2.svg 3
 Independents for Change611Increase2.svg 1
  Stand Up (Student Unity) 461Decrease2.svg 4
 Gymbros381Increase2.svg 1
 Colleges361Decrease2.svg 1
 INTERPOL291Increase2.svg 1
  Your Mom (Student Unity) 261Increase2.svg 1

See also


  1. Brett Mattes resigned late in his term, and was replaced by John McGrath, who had been elected in 1974 for the 1975 term.
  2. Peter Byrnes resigned midway through his term, and was replaced by Barbara Ramjan. Ramjan subsequently won election to the presidency in her own right.
  3. At the time of the 1978 SRC Annual Elections the SRC Electoral Regulations specified that the term of office commenced from the time of the official declaration of the poll by the Electoral Officer. There was a bitter dispute after the 1978 Annual Elections as the then Electoral Officer delayed declaration of poll for several weeks after the count had been concluded, resulting in the then President-elect, Tony Abbott, gaining access illicitly over a weekend to the SRC offices and declaring himself in power on the following Monday morning. Access to the SRC offices by Officers and representatives was barred by cohorts of Tony Abbott (from St. John's College) on that Monday morning and subsequent days and, eventually, the Registrar's office was called in to mediate between the contending sides. As a consequence of this in the following year the Electoral Regulations were amended to specify that the term of office commenced on 1 September.
  4. For the period to the end of 1988, Sydney University operated on the three-terms-a-year system and SRC Annual elections were held in Trinity (second) term in July. Subsequent to the University changing to the semester system in 1989, the SRC Electoral Regulations were changed during 1988 (to take effect from 1 Jan, 1989) to the effect that SRC Annual Elections be held in second semester and that the term of office of the Council be for one year from 1 December to 30 November the following year. Falling in a transition year, McDonald held office for 15 months.
  5. Adair Durie was removed from office following the 1997 election. [6]
  6. Luke Whitington was elected in the 1998 by-election following the removal of Adair Durie, and was elected again at the 1998 general election to serve in 1999.
  7. The Socialist Left merged into National Labor Students in 2006.
  8. Pink resigned from National Labor Students on the 20 March 2013 joining the newly-formed Sydney Labor Students.
  9. 1 2 Grassroots and Switch ran as a combined 'Switchroots' ticket in 2021, electing 10 students. [18]
  10. Compared with the results of Pump in 2021. [18]

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  1. ""Shameful, anti-intellectual actions": Education protests continue as more cuts loom". 3 November 2021.
  2. "COP26 protest in Sydney stresses that 2050 is too late for climate action". 6 November 2021.
  3. "Looking back: Ann Curthoys on the Freedom Rides - Honi Soit". June 2018.
  4. ""No bigotry, no way!": Snap action for queer rights protests Premier Perrottet". 31 October 2021.
  5. P. Graham, SRC Electoral Officer 2013
  6. "Sydney Uni president sacked". Green Left. 1 April 1998.
  7. "Births, Deaths & Marriages – Week 7, Semester 2 - Honi Soit". 6 September 2016.
  8. "#repselect 2 Live Blog - Honi Soit". 23 November 2016.
  9. "Imogen Grant narrowly elected 2018 SRC President". Honi Soit. 21 September 2017. Retrieved 5 September 2019.
  10. "Panda's Jacky He will be 2019 SRC president". Honi Soit. 20 September 2018. Retrieved 18 February 2019.
  11. Results of SRC President and Honi Soit Elections Provisionally Declared Pulp. 27th August, 2020.
  12. "Lauren Lancaster provisionally elected SRC President, Cake to edit Honi in 2022". Honi Soit. 23 September 2021. Retrieved 1 October 2021.
  13. "BREAKING: Angus Fisher provisionally elected as 97th SRC President". Honi Soit. 26 September 2024. Retrieved 26 September 2024.
  14. "Liberals surge as Grassroots loses Presidency for the first time in five years: 2024 SRC Election wrap up". Honi Soit. 4 October 2024. Retrieved 7 October 2024.
  15. "Left Action and Switchroots maintain power as Labor increases vote share: 2023 Election Wrapped". Honi Soit.
  16. "Left Action and Switchroots dominate SRC election 2022". Honi Soit.
  17. 1 2 3 "SRC Election 2021: Council and NUS Results". Honi Soit.