Utility functions on divisible goods

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This page compares the properties of several typical utility functions of divisible goods. These functions are commonly used as examples in consumer theory.


The functions are ordinal utility functions, which means that their properties are invariant under positive monotone transformation. For example, the Cobb–Douglas function could also be written as: . Such functions only become interesting when there are two or more goods (with a single good, all monotonically increasing functions are ordinally equivalent).

The utility functions are exemplified for two goods, and . and are their prices. and are constant positive parameters and is another constant parameter. is a utility function of a single commodity (). is the total income (wealth) of the consumer.

NameFunction Marshallian Demand curve Indirect utility Indifference curves Monotonicity Convexity Homothety Good typeExample
Leontief hyperbolic:  ?L-shapesWeakWeakYes Perfect complements Left and right shoes
Cobb–Douglas hyperbolic: hyperbolicStrongStrongYes Independent Apples and socks
Linear "Step function" correspondence: only goods with minimum are demanded ?Straight linesStrongWeakYes Perfect substitutes Potatoes of two different farms
Quasilinear Demand for is determined by: where v is a function of price onlyParallel curvesStrong, if is increasingStrong, if is quasiconcave NoSubstitutes, if is quasiconcave Money () and another product ()
MaximumDiscontinuous step function: only one good with minimum is demanded ?ר-shapesWeakConcaveYesSubstitutes and interferingTwo simultaneous movies
CES See Marshallian demand function#Example  ?Leontief, Cobb–Douglas, Linear and Maximum are special cases
when , respectively.
Translog  ? ?Cobb–Douglas is a special case when .
Isoelastic  ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

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The theory of consumer choice is the branch of microeconomics that relates preferences to consumption expenditures and to consumer demand curves. It analyzes how consumers maximize the desirability of their consumption, by maximizing utility subject to a consumer budget constraint. Factors influencing consumers' evaluation of the utility of goods include: income level, cultural factors, product information and physio-psychological factors.

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In economics, an ordinal utility function is a function representing the preferences of an agent on an ordinal scale. Ordinal utility theory claims that it is only meaningful to ask which option is better than the other, but it is meaningless to ask how much better it is or how good it is. All of the theory of consumer decision-making under conditions of certainty can be, and typically is, expressed in terms of ordinal utility.

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In economics and consumer theory, quasilinear utility functions are linear in one argument, generally the numeraire. Quasilinear preferences can be represented by the utility function where is strictly concave. A useful property of the quasilinear utility function is that the Marshallian/Walrasian demand for does not depend on wealth and is thus not subject to a wealth effect; The absence of a wealth effect simplifies analysis and makes quasilinear utility functions a common choice for modelling. Furthermore, when utility is quasilinear, compensating variation (CV), equivalent variation (EV), and consumer surplus are algebraically equivalent. In mechanism design, quasilinear utility ensures that agents can compensate each other with side payments.

In consumer theory, a consumer's preferences are called homothetic if they can be represented by a utility function which is homogeneous of degree 1. For example, in an economy with two goods , homothetic preferences can be represented by a utility function that has the following property: for every :

In economics, and in other social sciences, preference refers to an order by which an agent, while in search of an "optimal choice", ranks alternatives based on their respective utility. Preferences are evaluations that concern matters of value, in relation to practical reasoning. Individual preferences are determined by taste, need, ..., as opposed to price, availability or personal income. Classical economics assumes that people act in their best (rational) interest. In this context, rationality would dictate that, when given a choice, an individual will select an option that maximizes their self-interest. But preferences are not always transitive, both because real humans are far from always being rational and because in some situations preferences can form cycles, in which case there exists no well-defined optimal choice. An example of this is Efron dice.

Some branches of economics and game theory deal with indivisible goods, discrete items that can be traded only as a whole. For example, in combinatorial auctions there is a finite set of items, and every agent can buy a subset of the items, but an item cannot be divided among two or more agents.

In decision theory, a multi-attribute utility function is used to represent the preferences of an agent over bundles of goods either under conditions of certainty about the results of any potential choice, or under conditions of uncertainty.

In economics and consumer theory, a linear utility function is a function of the form:



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See also