In economics, an ordinal utility function is a function representing the preferences of an agent on an ordinal scale. Ordinal utility theory claims that it is only meaningful to ask which option is better than the other, but it is meaningless to ask how much better it is or how good it is. All of the theory of consumer decision-making under conditions of certainty can be, and typically is, expressed in terms of ordinal utility.
For example, suppose George tells us that "I prefer A to B and B to C". George's preferences can be represented by a function u such that:
But critics of cardinal utility claim the only meaningful message of this function is the order ; the actual numbers are meaningless. Hence, George's preferences can also be represented by the following function v:
The functions u and v are ordinally equivalent – they represent George's preferences equally well.
Ordinal utility contrasts with cardinal utility theory: the latter assumes that the differences between preferences are also important. In u the difference between A and B is much smaller than between B and C, while in v the opposite is true. Hence, u and v are not cardinally equivalent.
The ordinal utility concept was first introduced by Pareto in 1906. [1]
Suppose the set of all states of the world is and an agent has a preference relation on . It is common to mark the weak preference relation by , so that reads "the agent wants B at least as much as A".
The symbol is used as a shorthand to the indifference relation: , which reads "The agent is indifferent between B and A".
The symbol is used as a shorthand to the strong preference relation: if:
Instead of defining a numeric function, an agent's preference relation can be represented graphically by indifference curves. This is especially useful when there are two kinds of goods, x and y. Then, each indifference curve shows a set of points such that, if and are on the same curve, then .
An example indifference curve is shown below:
Each indifference curve is a set of points, each representing a combination of quantities of two goods or services, all of which combinations the consumer is equally satisfied with. The further a curve is from the origin, the greater is the level of utility.
The slope of the curve (the negative of the marginal rate of substitution of X for Y) at any point shows the rate at which the individual is willing to trade off good X against good Y maintaining the same level of utility. The curve is convex to the origin as shown assuming the consumer has a diminishing marginal rate of substitution. It can be shown that consumer analysis with indifference curves (an ordinal approach) gives the same results as that based on cardinal utility theory — i.e., consumers will consume at the point where the marginal rate of substitution between any two goods equals the ratio of the prices of those goods (the equi-marginal principle).
Revealed preference theory addresses the problem of how to observe ordinal preference relations in the real world. The challenge of revealed preference theory lies in part in determining what goods bundles were foregone, on the basis of them being less liked, when individuals are observed choosing particular bundles of goods. [2] [3]
Some conditions on are necessary to guarantee the existence of a representing function:
When these conditions are met and the set is finite, it is easy to create a function which represents by just assigning an appropriate number to each element of , as exemplified in the opening paragraph. The same is true when X is countably infinite. Moreover, it is possible to inductively construct a representing utility function whose values are in the range . [4]
When is infinite, these conditions are insufficient. For example, lexicographic preferences are transitive and complete, but they cannot be represented by any utility function. [4] The additional condition required is continuity.
A preference relation is called continuous if, whenever B is preferred to A, small deviations from B or A will not reverse the ordering between them. Formally, a preference relation on a set X is called continuous if it satisfies one of the following equivalent conditions:
If a preference relation is represented by a continuous utility function, then it is clearly continuous. By the theorems of Debreu (1954), the opposite is also true:
Note that the lexicographic preferences are not continuous. For example, , but in every ball around (5,1) there are points with and these points are inferior to . This is in accordance with the fact, stated above, that these preferences cannot be represented by a utility function.
For every utility function v, there is a unique preference relation represented by v. However, the opposite is not true: a preference relation may be represented by many different utility functions. The same preferences could be expressed as any utility function that is a monotonically increasing transformation of v. E.g., if
where is any monotonically increasing function, then the functions v and v give rise to identical indifference curve mappings.
This equivalence is succinctly described in the following way:
In contrast, a cardinal utility function is unique up to increasing affine transformation. Every affine transformation is monotone; hence, if two functions are cardinally equivalent they are also ordinally equivalent, but not vice versa.
Suppose, from now on, that the set is the set of all non-negative real two-dimensional vectors. So an element of is a pair that represents the amounts consumed from two products, e.g., apples and bananas.
Then under certain circumstances a preference relation is represented by a utility function .
Suppose the preference relation is monotonically increasing, which means that "more is always better":
Then, both partial derivatives, if they exist, of v are positive. In short:
Suppose a person has a bundle and claims that he is indifferent between this bundle and the bundle . This means that he is willing to give units of x to get units of y. If this ratio is kept as , we say that is the marginal rate of substitution (MRS) between x and y at the point . [5] : 82
This definition of the MRS is based only on the ordinal preference relation – it does not depend on a numeric utility function. If the preference relation is represented by a utility function and the function is differentiable, then the MRS can be calculated from the derivatives of that function:
For example, if the preference relation is represented by then . The MRS is the same for the function . This is not a coincidence as these two functions represent the same preference relation – each one is an increasing monotone transformation of the other.
In general, the MRS may be different at different points . For example, it is possible that at the MRS is low because the person has a lot of x and only one y, but at or the MRS is higher. Some special cases are described below.
When the MRS of a certain preference relation does not depend on the bundle, i.e., the MRS is the same for all , the indifference curves are linear and of the form:
and the preference relation can be represented by a linear function:
(Of course, the same relation can be represented by many other non-linear functions, such as or , but the linear function is simplest.) [5] : 85
When the MRS depends on but not on , the preference relation can be represented by a quasilinear utility function, of the form
where is a certain monotonically increasing function. Because the MRS is a function , a possible function can be calculated as an integral of : [6] [5] : 87
In this case, all the indifference curves are parallel – they are horizontal transfers of each other.
A more general type of utility function is an additive function:
There are several ways to check whether given preferences are representable by an additive utility function.
If the preferences are additive then a simple arithmetic calculation shows that
so this "double-cancellation" property is a necessary condition for additivity.
Debreu (1960) showed that this property is also sufficient: i.e., if a preference relation satisfies the double-cancellation property then it can be represented by an additive utility function. [7]
If the preferences are represented by an additive function, then a simple arithmetic calculation shows that
so this "corresponding tradeoffs" property is a necessary condition for additivity. This condition is also sufficient. [8] [5] : 91
When there are three or more commodities, the condition for the additivity of the utility function is surprisingly simpler than for two commodities. This is an outcome of Theorem 3 of Debreu (1960). The condition required for additivity is preferential independence. [5] : 104
A subset A of commodities is said to be preferentially independent of a subset B of commodities, if the preference relation in subset A, given constant values for subset B, is independent of these constant values. For example, suppose there are three commodities: xy and z. The subset {x,y} is preferentially-independent of the subset {z}, if for all :
In this case, we can simply say that:
Preferential independence makes sense in case of independent goods. For example, the preferences between bundles of apples and bananas are probably independent of the number of shoes and socks that an agent has, and vice versa.
By Debreu's theorem, if all subsets of commodities are preferentially independent of their complements, then the preference relation can be represented by an additive value function. Here we provide an intuitive explanation of this result by showing how such an additive value function can be constructed. [5] The proof assumes three commodities: x, y, z. We show how to define three points for each of the three value functions : the 0 point, the 1 point and the 2 point. Other points can be calculated in a similar way, and then continuity can be used to conclude that the functions are well-defined in their entire range.
0 point: choose arbitrary and assign them as the zero of the value function, i.e.:
1 point: choose arbitrary such that . Set it as the unit of value, i.e.:
Choose and such that the following indifference relations hold:
This indifference serves to scale the units of y and z to match those of x. The value in these three points should be 1, so we assign
2 point: Now we use the preferential-independence assumption. The relation between and is independent of z, and similarly the relation between and is independent of x and the relation between and is independent of y. Hence
This is useful because it means that the function v can have the same value – 2 – in these three points. Select such that
and assign
3 point: To show that our assignments so far are consistent, we must show that all points that receive a total value of 3 are indifference points. Here, again, the preferential independence assumption is used, since the relation between and is independent of z (and similarly for the other pairs); hence
and similarly for the other pairs. Hence, the 3 point is defined consistently.
We can continue like this by induction and define the per-commodity functions in all integer points, then use continuity to define it in all real points.
An implicit assumption in point 1 of the above proof is that all three commodities are essential or preference relevant. [7] : 7 This means that there exists a bundle such that, if the amount of a certain commodity is increased, the new bundle is strictly better.
The proof for more than 3 commodities is similar. In fact, we do not have to check that all subsets of points are preferentially independent; it is sufficient to check a linear number of pairs of commodities. E.g., if there are different commodities, , then it is sufficient to check that for all , the two commodities are preferentially independent of the other commodities. [5] : 115
An additive preference relation can be represented by many different additive utility functions. However, all these functions are similar: they are not only increasing monotone transformations of each other (as are all utility functions representing the same relation); they are increasing linear transformations of each other. [7] : 9 In short,
The mathematical foundations of most common types of utility functions — quadratic and additive — laid down by Gérard Debreu [9] [10] enabled Andranik Tangian to develop methods for their construction from purely ordinal data. In particular, additive and quadratic utility functions in variables can be constructed from interviews of decision makers, where questions are aimed at tracing totally 2D-indifference curves in coordinate planes without referring to cardinal utility estimates. [11] [12]
The following table compares the two types of utility functions common in economics:
Level of measurement | Represents preferences on | Unique up to | Existence proved by | Mostly used in | |
Ordinal utility | Ordinal scale | Sure outcomes | Increasing monotone transformation | Debreu (1954) | Consumer theory under certainty |
Cardinal utility | Interval scale | Random outcomes (lotteries) | Increasing monotone linear transformation | Von Neumann-Morgenstern (1947) | Game theory, choice under uncertainty |
In economics, utility is a measure of the satisfaction that a certain person has from a certain state of the world. Over time, the term has been used in at least two different meanings.
In economics, an indifference curve connects points on a graph representing different quantities of two goods, points between which a consumer is indifferent. That is, any combinations of two products indicated by the curve will provide the consumer with equal levels of utility, and the consumer has no preference for one combination or bundle of goods over a different combination on the same curve. One can also refer to each point on the indifference curve as rendering the same level of utility (satisfaction) for the consumer. In other words, an indifference curve is the locus of various points showing different combinations of two goods providing equal utility to the consumer. Utility is then a device to represent preferences rather than something from which preferences come. The main use of indifference curves is in the representation of potentially observable demand patterns for individual consumers over commodity bundles.
In mathematical economics, the Arrow–Debreu model is a theoretical general equilibrium model. It posits that under certain economic assumptions there must be a set of prices such that aggregate supplies will equal aggregate demands for every commodity in the economy.
In economics, convex preferences are an individual's ordering of various outcomes, typically with regard to the amounts of various goods consumed, with the property that, roughly speaking, "averages are better than the extremes". The concept roughly corresponds to the concept of diminishing marginal utility without requiring utility functions.
Competitive equilibrium is a concept of economic equilibrium, introduced by Kenneth Arrow and Gérard Debreu in 1951, appropriate for the analysis of commodity markets with flexible prices and many traders, and serving as the benchmark of efficiency in economic analysis. It relies crucially on the assumption of a competitive environment where each trader decides upon a quantity that is so small compared to the total quantity traded in the market that their individual transactions have no influence on the prices. Competitive markets are an ideal standard by which other market structures are evaluated.
In mathematics, every analytic function can be used for defining a matrix function that maps square matrices with complex entries to square matrices of the same size.
In mathematics, the spectral theory of ordinary differential equations is the part of spectral theory concerned with the determination of the spectrum and eigenfunction expansion associated with a linear ordinary differential equation. In his dissertation, Hermann Weyl generalized the classical Sturm–Liouville theory on a finite closed interval to second order differential operators with singularities at the endpoints of the interval, possibly semi-infinite or infinite. Unlike the classical case, the spectrum may no longer consist of just a countable set of eigenvalues, but may also contain a continuous part. In this case the eigenfunction expansion involves an integral over the continuous part with respect to a spectral measure, given by the Titchmarsh–Kodaira formula. The theory was put in its final simplified form for singular differential equations of even degree by Kodaira and others, using von Neumann's spectral theorem. It has had important applications in quantum mechanics, operator theory and harmonic analysis on semisimple Lie groups.
In economics and consumer theory, quasilinear utility functions are linear in one argument, generally the numeraire. Quasilinear preferences can be represented by the utility function where is strictly concave. A useful property of the quasilinear utility function is that the Marshallian/Walrasian demand for does not depend on wealth and is thus not subject to a wealth effect; The absence of a wealth effect simplifies analysis and makes quasilinear utility functions a common choice for modelling. Furthermore, when utility is quasilinear, compensating variation (CV), equivalent variation (EV), and consumer surplus are algebraically equivalent. In mechanism design, quasilinear utility ensures that agents can compensate each other with side payments.
In decision theory, the von Neumann–Morgenstern (VNM) utility theorem demonstrates that rational choice under uncertainty involves making decisions that take the form of maximizing the expected value of some cardinal utility function. This function is known as the von Neumann–Morgenstern utility function. The theorem forms the foundation of expected utility theory.
In consumer theory, a consumer's preferences are called homothetic if they can be represented by a utility function which is homogeneous of degree 1. For example, in an economy with two goods , homothetic preferences can be represented by a utility function that has the following property: for every :
In economics, and in other social sciences, preference refers to an order by which an agent, while in search of an "optimal choice", ranks alternatives based on their respective utility. Preferences are evaluations that concern matters of value, in relation to practical reasoning. Individual preferences are determined by taste, need, ..., as opposed to price, availability or personal income. Classical economics assumes that people act in their best (rational) interest. In this context, rationality would dictate that, when given a choice, an individual will select an option that maximizes their self-interest. But preferences are not always transitive, both because real humans are far from always being rational and because in some situations preferences can form cycles, in which case there exists no well-defined optimal choice. An example of this is Efron dice.
In psychology, economics and philosophy, preference is a technical term usually used in relation to choosing between alternatives. For example, someone prefers A over B if they would rather choose A than B. Preferences are central to decision theory because of this relation to behavior. Some methods such as Ordinal Priority Approach use preference relation for decision-making. As connative states, they are closely related to desires. The difference between the two is that desires are directed at one object while preferences concern a comparison between two alternatives, of which one is preferred to the other.
Some branches of economics and game theory deal with indivisible goods, discrete items that can be traded only as a whole. For example, in combinatorial auctions there is a finite set of items, and every agent can buy a subset of the items, but an item cannot be divided among two or more agents.
In economics, the Debreu's theorems are preference representation theorems—statements about the representation of a preference ordering by a real-valued utility function. The theorems were proved by Gerard Debreu during the 1950s.
In decision theory, a multi-attribute utility function is used to represent the preferences of an agent over bundles of goods either under conditions of certainty about the results of any potential choice, or under conditions of uncertainty.
Efficiency and fairness are two major goals of welfare economics. Given a set of resources and a set of agents, the goal is to divide the resources among the agents in a way that is both Pareto efficient (PE) and envy-free (EF). The goal was first defined by David Schmeidler and Menahem Yaari. Later, the existence of such allocations has been proved under various conditions.
In economics, the overtaking criterion is used to compare infinite streams of outcomes. Mathematically, it is used to properly define a notion of optimality for a problem of optimal control on an unbounded time interval.
In utility theory, the responsive set (RS) extension is an extension of a preference-relation on individual items, to a partial preference-relation of item-bundles.
In theoretical economics, an abstract economy is a model that generalizes both the standard model of an exchange economy in microeconomics, and the standard model of a game in game theory. An equilibrium in an abstract economy generalizes both a Walrasian equilibrium in microeconomics, and a Nash equilibrium in game-theory.
In economics, a utility representation theorem shows that, under certain conditions, a preference ordering can be represented by a real-valued utility function, such that option A is preferred to option B if and only if the utility of A is larger than that of B. The most famous example of a utility representation theorem is the Von Neumann–Morgenstern utility theorem, which shows that any rational agent has a utility function that measures their preferences over lotteries.