Vladimir Nikolaevich Platonov

Last updated

Platonov Vladimir
Platonov Volodymyr.jpg
Born(1941-06-28)28 June 1941
NationalityUkrainian, Soviet
Education National University of Physical Education and Sport of Ukraine
Alma mater Kiev State Institute of Physical Culture
Known for Sport Science

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Website platonov.org.ua/en

Platonov Vladimir Nikolaevich is a Soviet and Ukrainian scientist (Ukr. Platonov Volodymyr Mykolaiovych; born 28 July 1941). Chief Researcher of the Laboratory of the Theory and Methods of Olympic Training and Advanced Training of the Coaching Staff of the Research Centre of the Educational and Scientific Olympic Institute of the National University of Physical Education and Sports of Ukraine.


Professional career

Platonov graduated from the Kyiv State Institute of Physical Culture (now National University of Physical Education and Sports of Ukraine) in 1962. He worked as a coach from 1962 to 1965 and studied in the PhD program at the KSIPC from 1965 to 1968. He was awarded the academic degree of Candidate of Science in 1969, and the academic degree of Doctor of Science in Pedagogy in 1979. [1]

From 1969 to 1975, he worked as a Senior Lecturer, then as an Assistant Professor at the Kyiv Institute of National Economy and concurrently the senior fellow of the problem research laboratory of high training loads at the KSIPC. He has also held the following titles: Head of the Department of swimming at KSIPC (1975–1977), Vice-Rector for scientific research (1977–1986), Head of the Department of theory of sports established by him at KSIPC (1984–1990), Head of the Department of Olympic and professional sport at KSIPC (later on renamed Ukrainian State University of Physical Education and Sport (USUPES) and then National University of Ukraine on Physical Education and Sport (NUUPES) (1992–2000), Academician of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences (1993), Head of the Department of Theory and methodology of sports preparation and reserve capacities of athletes at the NUUPES (2003–2005); Rector of the KSIPC, USUPES, and NUUPES (1992–2012), Director of the book collection “Sports preparation” of the Publishing House Paidotribo (Spain, 1990–2000), Professor of the Department of history and theory of Olympic sport (2012–2024), Editor-in-Chief of the international scientific journal “Science in Olympic sport” (from 2012 to the present time), and Principal Researcher of the Educational and Scientific Olympic Institute of NUUPES (from 2024 to the present time). [2]

Scientific activities

His range of scientific interests includes the history and present state of the Olympic movement, Olympic and professional sports, the system of preparation of elite athletes, children’s, youth, and reserve sports, adaptation of athletes’ body to the extreme conditions of modern sports, identification of promising athletes, sports selection and orientation of athletes’ preparation, problems of doping, overtraining, and sport injuries.

He has written over 500 publications, including more than 30 textbooks, monographs, manuals, encyclopedic editions, as well as in the numerous articles, and large-scale work on the professional development of professionals, especially coaching staff. [3]

During the period from 1981 to 2020, he headed the Specialized academic council for the defense of dissertations in the field of physical education and sport, more than 600 dissertations for the degrees of Doctor and Candidate of sciences have been defended over this period in the council. He has also been a member of the Expert Council on Pedagogy and Psychology of the USSR Higher Attestation Commission from 1987 to 1991.

Main publications

Many of his books from this list have had more than 70 editions and reissues in multiple countries, in languages such as English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Chinese, Japanese, Romanian, Bulgarian, Russian, Polish, and a number of other languages.

Activity as Rector of the National University of Ukraine on Physical Education and Sport of Ukraine (NUUPES)

Platonov had headed the University for more than a quarter of a century (1986–2012) [2] and before the end of his contract decided to move to research work, having received the support of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

During his years as rector, he had achieved intensive development of the University, developing it into a recognized institution for special education and sports science. In 1993, Kyiv State Institute of Physical Culture was transformed into the Ukrainian State University of Physical Education and Sport with the highest level of accreditation, and, in 1998, into the National University of Ukraine on Physical Education and Sport of Ukraine, the leading university in the field with broad powers in the area of development of special education and sports science in the country. [4]

Platonov contributed to the recognition of physical education and sports as a distinct field within special education and sports science, expanding its subject area to incorporate global scientific developments and practical applications. As a result, the system of special education, research work, and the training of academic and educational personnel in Ukraine underwent significant reorganization.

This newly defined field encompassed not only the theory and methodology of physical education for various population groups and the sports training of children and youth but also a diverse array of disciplines. These included Olympic, professional, and non-Olympic sports, human health, recreation and physical rehabilitation, sports management and marketing, physiology, psychology, kinesiology, medicine, and more. This initiative contributed to the development of sports science and education, increasing their relevance and application in society.

Platonov leveraged the university’s experience in training and professional development to integrate educational activities with athlete preparation. This helped reduce the gap between educational and research activities in Ukraine and those in Western countries. Traditional relationships with academic and educational institutions of the GDR, Poland, Bulgaria, and PRC were supplemented by intensive cooperation with leading universities of Spain, France, Italy, Germany, the Republic of Korea, Japan, Canada, and Brazil.

Close and mutually beneficial relations were established with the largest publishing houses focused on special scientific and educational literature such as Revue EPS (France), Paidotribo (Spain), Philippka (Germany), Blackwell (Great Britain), Calzetti Mariucci, (Italy), Artmed (Brazil), and a number of other countries, especially China. As a result of this cooperation, a number of leading experts from the University had an opportunity to publish more than 40 monographs and textbooks abroad, to spread their knowledge and experience by giving lectures in universities of many countries, participating in numerous seminars for coaches and educators, programs for the development of systems of scientific support for the preparation of elite athletes, etc.

Fruitful cooperation was also established with a number of world-leading companies producing research and sports equipment. It allowed to equip the largest in those years in Ukraine training and scientific-educational center “Olympic Style” with a wide range of training and research equipment of the world-famous company TechnoGym, and the research institute of the University with telemetric complexes produced by the Cosmed company. On the same basis, the sports trauma clinic, the establishment of which was initiated by the famous sports traumatologist Professor V.M. Levenets, was equipped at the world level; the sports and educational centers for shooting, billiard sport, bowling, etc., were also provided with equipment. [2]

The participation of the University in the system of scientific and methodological support for the preparation of the strongest athletes of the country for the Olympic Games and other major competitions, professional development of coaching staff, cooperation with numerous sports boarding schools, schools, training centers, and national teams, as well as in the direct preparation of world-class athletes on the basis of sports and educational departments was preserved and adapted to the new historical conditions. [4] This contributed to the performance of Ukrainian athletes in international competitions from 1992 to 2010.

Platonov paid special attention to cooperation with the International Olympic Committee. The program of research of actual issues of the Olympic movement and introduction of knowledge in the field of Olympic sport into the educational process of higher educational institutions of physical education and sport proposed by him was actively supported by the IOC President Juan Antonio Samaranch. The result of this work was the inclusion of the discipline “Olympic Sport” in the system of special education and the establishment of departments of Olympic Sport in all special universities of the country, the organization and regular holding of the International Congress “Olympic Sport and Sport for All” under the patronage of the IOC, the publication of the textbook for universities “Olympic Sport”, a number of fundamental encyclopedias and monographs on the most important areas of the Olympic movement, the theory and methods of preparation athletes. The achievements of the university in this field were presented at the Olympic Scientific Congresses of 1994 in Paris and 2009 in Copenhagen and were recognized with the highest awards of the International Olympic Committee.

In 1970–1990s, he initiated the establishment and ensured the functioning in the University of a number of Olympic training centers for the most popular sports (road and track cycling, freestyle wrestling, judo, and swimming), as well as the school of sports excellence, a large group of trainees of which became winners and medalists of the Olympic Games, World and European championships, who have achieved a number of world records.

The publishing house Olympic Literature

For the purpose of informational support for athletes’ preparation and development of sports science in the field of physical education and sport, the publishing house Olympic Literature was established in 1994 in the NUUPES on the initiative of V.N. Platonov. The publishing house policy was based on the principle that only textbooks and monographs that meet the highest world standards and are written by internationally recognized authorities on the most relevant topics should be published. This principle, oriented to the needs of the reader, helped the publishing house Olympic Literature gain recognition for its publications. Over the period from 1994 to 2011, the publishing house has published more than 100 fundamental works by leading world experts on a wide range of issues of modern sport and health-enhancing physical activity, sports physiology, kinesiology, biochemistry, biomechanics, sports medicine, and others. The publishing house grew to be a significant publisher in Europe, alongside Blackwell (Great Britain), Paidotribo (Spain), Philippka (Germany), and Calzetti Mariucci (Italy), in terms of production volume and quality and has provided high quality literature not only for the system of special education and sports science in Ukraine but also for the countries of the former USSR.

Dissemination of knowledge

Honorary Doctor (Professor) at a number of the largest universities of Europe, Asia, and America. [3] Since the mid-1970s, he has delivered over 40 plenary lectures at prominent international scientific conferences and congresses, as well as presented at numerous universities and scientific centers across more than 40 countries, including Canada, Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, Uruguay, Mexico, France, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Germany, Tunisia, Israel, Bulgaria, Romania, the USSR, Russia, Poland, Ukraine, China, and Japan.

In the same period, he either organized or participated in over 150 workshops for highly qualified coaches and specialists in high-performance sports and Olympic training. These workshops have been held in numerous countries worldwide, contributing significantly to the development of expertise in the field.

Scientific support for athletes' preparation

Head of the multidisciplinary scientific group of the national swimming team of Ukraine (1970–1988), scientific consultant of the USSR national teams in swimming (1975–1982), cycling (road and track, 1977–1991), handball (men and women, 1980–1991), member of the scientific group on preparation and implementation of the concept of preparation of the USSR national team for the Olympic Games in 1984–1992, head of the program of scientific and methodological support for preparation of the national teams of Ukraine for the Olympic Games (1992–2012).

Participation in the activities of public and other bodies

Awards and honors

Awards of the USSR

Awards of Ukraine

Awards from other countries

Other awards

Honorary titles

Main publications

A substantial proportion of the Cite books on this list have withstood over 70 editions and reprints in numerous countries worldwide, with developed sports in a multitude of languages, including English, Bulgarian, Spanish, Italian, Chinese, German, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Romanian, French, Japanese and others.


  1. "Платонов Володимир Миколайович | НУФВСУ". uni-sport.edu.ua. Retrieved 28 December 2024.
  2. 1 2 3 Булатова, Марія; Дутчак, Мирослав; Кашуба, Віталій; Платонов, Володимир; Шинкарук, Оксана (2015). Імас, Євгеній (ed.). Національний університет фізичного виховання і спорту України. Літопис великого шляху[National University of Physical Education and Sports of Ukraine. Chronicle of the Great Way] (in Ukrainian). Київ: Олімпійська література. p. 242.
  3. 1 2 "Платонов Володимир Миколайович НУФВСУ. Університет фізкультури". uni-sport.edu.ua (in Russian). Retrieved 4 February 2018.
  4. 1 2 Платонов, Володимир Миколайович, ed. (2005). Літопис Національного університету фізичного виховання і спорту України[Chronicle of the National University of Physical Education and Sports of Ukraine] (in Ukrainian). Київ: НУФВСУ. p. 232. ISBN   966-7133-77-X.