Volta (crater)

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Volta crater 4190 med.jpg
Oblique Lunar Orbiter 4 image
Coordinates 53°54′N84°24′W / 53.9°N 84.4°W / 53.9; -84.4
Diameter 123 km
Depth Unknown
Colongitude 88° at sunrise
Eponym Alessandro Volta

Volta is a lunar impact crater near the northwest limb of the Moon. It is located south-southeast of the crater Xenophanes, and due north of the smaller Galvani. The crater Regnault lies across the western rim of Volta. Attached to the southwest rim of Volta and the southern rim of Regnault is Stokes. The worn Langley is lying between Volta and Stokes in the north and Galvani in the south.

The outer rim of Volta is heavily worn and irregular, with small craters overlying the rim crest, with Volta K and Volta J along the south side, a chain of craters along the east, and Regnault along the west rim. Even the northern rim is irregular, with a gouging valley extending through the north-northeast rim towards Xenophanes. In contrast the interior floor is relatively level and flat, with only a few small craters in the surface. The most notable of these are Volta D in the southeast and Volta B in the northeast.

Satellite craters

By convention these features are identified on lunar maps by placing the letter on the side of the crater midpoint that is closest to Volta.

B54.6° N83.5° W9 km
D52.5° N83.3° W20 km

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