The Washington Meridian is one of the 38 principal meridians governing cadastral surveys in the United States. The meridian line was surveyed and established in 1803 by surveyor Isaac Briggs. [1] Briggs named the meridian the Washington Meridian, likely because the meridian passed near his offices in the community of Washington, Mississippi. [1]
The Washington Meridian runs north on a longitude of 91°09′36″W from the base line, which is the Mississippi–Louisiana border at latitude 31° north. The Washington Meridian is the basis of cadastral surveys in southwestern Mississippi, south of the Choctaw Meridian base line and west of the territory of the Saint Stephens Meridian. The Washington Meridian shares the same initial point as the Saint Helena Meridian, which runs south from that initial point. The Saint Helena Meridian is the basis for surveys in Louisiana east of the Mississippi River. [2] [3]
The Public Land Survey System (PLSS) is the surveying method developed and used in the United States to plat, or divide, real property for sale and settling. Also known as the Rectangular Survey System, it was created by the Land Ordinance of 1785 to survey land ceded to the United States by the Treaty of Paris in 1783, following the end of the American Revolution. Beginning with the Seven Ranges in present-day Ohio, the PLSS has been used as the primary survey method in the United States. Following the passage of the Northwest Ordinance in 1787, the Surveyor General of the Northwest Territory platted lands in the Northwest Territory. The Surveyor General was later merged with the United States General Land Office, which later became a part of the U.S. Bureau of Land Management (BLM). Today, the BLM controls the survey, sale, and settling of lands acquired by the United States.
The San Bernardino meridian, established in 1852, is one of three principal meridians in the state of California. Because of the state's shape, three meridian–baseline sets are required for surveys in all parts of the state. The San Bernardino meridian is used for Southern California, and some townships in Arizona are also referenced to it.
The Humboldt meridian in California, longitude 124° 07' 10" west from Greenwich, intersects the base line on the summit of Mount Pierce at latitude 40° 25' 02" north, and governs the surveys in the northwestern corner of California, lying west of the Coast Range of mountains, and north of township 5 south, of the Humboldt meridian system. This principal meridian was established in 1853.
The Choctaw meridian is a meridian that governs the surveys in most of central Mississippi, USA. It begins on the Choctaw baseline, latitude 31° 54' 40" north, longitude 90° 14' 45" west from Greenwich and runs north to the south boundary of the Chickasaw cession, at latitude 34° 19' 40" north. The surveys of Mississippi by the United States General Land Office begun in 1831 "used the 'Old Choctaw Line' as the 'base meridian' of their efforts to transform the landscape from a landscape of imperial violence to a field of national development."
The first principal meridian is a meridian that began at the junction of the Ohio River and Great Miami River. It extends north on the boundary line between the states of Ohio and Indiana, and roughly approximates to the meridian of longitude 84° 48′ 50″ west from Greenwich. The ranges of the public surveys in the state of Ohio, west of the Scioto River, are numbered from this meridian.
The second principal meridian, or Paoli Meridian, coincides with 86° 28′ of longitude west from Greenwich, starts from a point two and one half miles west of the confluence of the Little Blue and Ohio rivers, runs north to the northern boundary of Indiana, and, with the base line in latitude 38° 28′ 20″, governs the surveys in Indiana and part of those in Illinois.
The fourth principal meridian, set in 1815, is the principal meridian for land surveys in northwestern Illinois and west-central Illinois, and its 1831 extension is the principal meridian for land surveys in Wisconsin and northeastern Minnesota. It is part of the Public Land Survey System that covers most of the United States.
The Fifth Principal Meridian, also known as the "5th Principal Meridian" and "PM 05", is a principal meridian survey line used in the United States for land claims in the Public Land Survey System (PLSS). It was first surveyed in 1815. The meridian, a north-south line, starts from the old mouth of the Arkansas River and runs north. Another survey line related to it is the base line running west from the old mouth of the St. Francis River. These survey lines govern all land surveys in four states and a large portion of the land surveys for two more. Monuments have been erected where the two lines meet at 34°38′44″N91°3′42″W, and the surveyors' skill has been commemorated at the Louisiana Purchase State Park in eastern Arkansas. The Fifth Principal Meridian is nearly coincident with 91° 3′ 42″ longitude west from the Greenwich meridian.
The Sixth principal meridian at 97°22′08″W extends from the baseline coincident with the north boundary of Kansas in latitude 40°N south through the state to its south boundary in latitude 37°N and north through Nebraska to the Missouri River and governs the surveys in Kansas and Nebraska; the surveys in Wyoming except those referred to the Wind River meridian and base line, which intersect in latitude 43°01′20″N and longitude 108°48′40″W from Greenwich; the surveys in Colorado except those projected from the New Mexico and Ute meridians the latter intersecting its baseline in latitude 39°06′40″N and longitude 108°33′20″W from Greenwich; and the surveys in South Dakota extended or to be extended over the tract embracing the Pine Ridge and Rosebud Indian Reservations.
The Tallahassee meridian, in longitude 84° 16′ 37.59″ west from the prime meridian at Greenwich, runs north and south from the initial point on the base line at Tallahassee, in latitude 30° 26′ 04.12″ north, and as a principal meridian governs the surveys in Florida and Alabama as part of the Public Land Survey System.
The Saint Stephens meridian, in longitude 88° 02′ west from Greenwich, begins at the initial point, on the base line, in latitude 31° north, passes through Saint Stephens, Alabama, extends south to Mobile Bay and north to latitude 33° 06′ 20″, and governs the surveys in the southern district of Alabama, and in Pearl River district lying east of the river and south of the Choctaw Baseline, in latitude 31° 52′ 40″ north, in the state of Mississippi.
The Chickasaw meridian begins on the north boundary of Mississippi in latitude 34° 59' north, longitude 89° 15' west from Greenwich, extends south to latitude 33° 48' 45" north, and governs the surveys in north Mississippi.
Saint Helena meridian begins at the initial point of the Washington meridian, in latitude 31° north, and longitude 91° 09′ 15″ west of Greenwich, passing one mile east of Baton Rouge, extends south to the Mississippi River, and governs the surveys in the Greensburg and southeastern districts of Louisiana, east of the Mississippi River.
The Louisiana meridian, in longitude 92° 24′ 15″ west of Greenwich, extends from the Gulf of Mexico to the north boundary of Louisiana, and with the baseline through the initial point conforming to the parallel of 31° north latitude, governs all the surveys in the state west of the Mississippi River.
The Salt Lake meridian, established in 1855, in longitude 111° 54′ 00″ west from Greenwich, has its initial point at southeast corner of Temple Square, in Salt Lake City, Utah, extends north and south through the state, and, with the base line, through the initial, and coincident with the parallel of 40° 46′ 04″ north latitude, governs the surveys in the territory, except those referred to the Uintah meridian and Baseline projected from an initial point in latitude 40° 26′ 20″ north, longitude 109° 57′ 30″ west from Greenwich.
The Boise meridian is one of the 35 principal meridians of the Public Land Survey System of the United States. Adopted in 1867, its longitude is 116° 23′ 35″ west from Greenwich and its principal baseline is latitude 43° 22′ 21″ north. The meridian and baseline intersect approximately 19 miles (31 km) from Boise, between the Snake River and the Boise River. The Boise meridian governs land surveys in the state of Idaho.
The Gila and Salt River Meridian intersects the initial point on the south side of the Gila River, opposite the mouth of Salt River, at latitude 33° 22′ 37.82733″ north, longitude 112° 18′ 21.99931″ west from Greenwich based on NAD 83, and governs the surveys in the territory of Arizona. The current declination for the initial point is 12° east. It is located on Monument Hill, an easily visible hill just south of the confluence of the Gila and Salt Rivers, in Avondale, Arizona, about 14 miles southwest of downtown Phoenix.
The Indian meridian, in longitude 97° 14′ 30″ west from Greenwich, extends from Red River to the south boundary of Kansas, and, with the base line in latitude 34° 30′ north, governs the surveys in Oklahoma east of 100° west longitude from Greenwich.
The five principal meridians of Alaska are the Copper River meridian, Fairbanks meridian, Kateel River meridian, Seward meridian and Umiat meridian.
In surveying, an initial point is a datum that marks the beginning point for a cadastral survey. The initial point establishes a local geographic coordinate system for the surveys that refer to that point.