Western Cemetery (Cheshunt)

Last updated

Western Cemetery
Western Cemetery entrance sign.jpg
Sign at cemetery's entrance
Bulls Cross Ride, Cheshunt, Hertfordshire EN7 5HT
CountryEngland, United Kingdom
Coordinates 51°41′06″N0°03′45″W / 51.6849°N 0.0624°W / 51.6849; -0.0624 Coordinates: 51°41′06″N0°03′45″W / 51.6849°N 0.0624°W / 51.6849; -0.0624
Owned byWestern Charitable Foundation
Website Official website
Find a Grave Western Cemetery

Western Cemetery is a Jewish cemetery at Bulls Cross Ride in Cheshunt in the Borough of Broxbourne, Hertfordshire EN7 5HT, England. It was established as the cemetery of the Western (now Western Marble Arch) Synagogue, as well as the independent West End Great Synagogue. [1] It is now run by the Western Charitable Foundation, which extends burial rights to the Jewish Joint Burial Society, [nb 1] [2] Liberal Judaism and Waltham Forest Hebrew Congregation. It has two prayer halls – The Barnett Ohel, dating from 1967, and the Gee Ohel.


Notable interments include the grave of leading writer and theologian Rabbi Louis Jacobs (1920–2006), the founder of Masorti (Conservative) Judaism in the UK, who is buried alongside his wife Sophie (Shulamit) (1921–2005).

See also


  1. "The Society purchased the right to bury in a number of plots at the Western Cemetery... from the Western Charitable Foundation which provides maintenance of the site and prepares the graves, for which the society pays a quarterly charge... There are sufficient plots to bury on this land at current rates for at least the next 50 years." "JJBS Trustee Report and Accounts 2016". Jewish Joint Burial Society . June 2017. p. 5. Retrieved 17 August 2020.

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  1. "Masorti Judaism". JCR-UK. 31 October 2019. Retrieved 7 August 2020.
  2. "Cemeteries & Crematoria". Jewish Joint Burial Society. Retrieved 7 August 2020.