Yax Yopaat

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Yax Yopaat
King of Calakmul/Dzibanche
Predecessor Ut Chanal
Successor Uneh Chan
Born Dzibanche
House Snake dynasty
Father Ut Chanal
Religion Maya religion

Yax Yopaat was a Maya king of the Kaan kingdom (Calakmul) who ruled AD 572-579. [1]

His life is mostly a mystery for us today.

A monument at Dzibanche records the celebration of the k'atun ending by Yax Yopaat in AD 572; his name also appears on a carved slate mirror-back. [2] As Sky Witness is thought to have died in 572 and Scroll Serpent acceded in 579, this king would have reigned for about six years. [3]

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  1. Braswell, Geoffrey E.; Gunn, Joel D.; Dominguez Carrasco, María del Rosario; Folan, William J.; Fletcher, Laraine A.; Morales López, Abel; Glascock, Michael D. (2005). "Defining the Terminal Classic at Calakmul, Campeche". In Arthur A. Demarest, Prudence M. Rice and Don S. Rice (ed.). The Terminal Classic in the Maya lowlands: Collapse, transition, and transformation . Boulder: University Press of Colorado. pp.  162–194. ISBN   0-87081-822-8. OCLC   61719499.
  2. Martin and Grube 2008:104
  3. Chronicle of the Maya Kings and Queens by Simon Martin and Nikolai Grube