Corpus spongiosum (penis)

Last updated
Corpus spongiosum penis
Cross section of the penis
Grant 1962 197.png
Lower parts of the genital and urinary tracts in the male
Part of Penis
Latin corpus spongiosum penis
corpus cavernosum urethrae
TA98 A09.4.01.015
TA2 3681
FMA 19617
Anatomical terminology

The corpus spongiosum is the mass of spongy tissue surrounding the male urethra within the penis. [1] It is also called the corpus cavernosum urethrae in older texts.



The proximal part of the corpus spongiosum is expanded to form the urethral bulb, and lies in apposition with the inferior fascia of the urogenital diaphragm, from which it receives a fibrous investment.

The urethra enters the bulb nearer to the superior than to the inferior surface. On the latter there is a median sulcus (groove), from which a thin fibrous septum (wall) projects into the substance of the bulb and divides it imperfectly into two lateral lobes or hemispheres.

The portion of the corpus spongiosum in front of the bulb lies in a groove on the under surface of the conjoined corpora cavernosa penis. It is cylindrical in form and tapers slightly from behind forward. Its anterior end is expanded in the form of an obtuse cone, flattened from above downward. This expansion, termed the glans penis, is moulded on the rounded ends of the corpus cavernosum penis, extending farther on their upper than on their lower surfaces.

At the summit of the glans is the slit-like vertical opening known as the external urethral orifice, or the urinary meatus.

The circumference of the base of the glans forms a rounded projecting border, the corona of glans penis, overhanging a deep retroglandular sulcus, behind which is the neck of the penis.


The function of the corpus spongiosum in erection is to prevent the urethra from pinching closed, thereby maintaining the urethra as a viable channel for ejaculation. To do this, the corpus spongiosum remains pliable during erection while the corpora cavernosa penis becomes engorged with blood.

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Septum of the penis</span>

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Erection</span> Physiological phenomenon involving the hardening and enlargement of the penis

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Penile ulltrasonography is medical ultrasonography of the penis. Ultrasound is an excellent method for the study of the penis, such as indicated in trauma, priapism, erectile dysfunction or suspected Peyronie's disease.


  1. Heide Schatten; Gheorghe M. Constantinescu (21 March 2008). Comparative Reproductive Biology. John Wiley & Sons. ISBN   978-0-470-39025-2.

PD-icon.svgThis article incorporates text in the public domain from page 1248 of the 20th edition of Gray's Anatomy (1918)