June 2012 lunar eclipse

Last updated

Partial Lunar Eclipse
4 June 2012
Partial Eclipse of Moon 4th June 2012 Australia cropped.jpg
From Brisbane, Australia, 11:06 UTC
Lunar eclipse chart close-2012Jun04.png
The Moon passed partially into the northern umbral shadow of the Earth.
Series (and member) 140 (25 of 80)
Duration (hr:mn:sc)
Contacts (UTC)
Lunar eclipse chart-2012Jun04.png
The Moon's hourly motion across the Earth's shadow in the constellation of Ophiuchus (north of Scorpius)

A partial lunar eclipse took place on 4 June 2012. It was the first of two lunar eclipses occurring in 2012, the second eclipse set to happen on 28 November. The Moon was about 37% covered by the Earth's northern umbral shadow at maximum eclipse.



This lunar eclipse, occurring during June's "Strawberry" full moon [1] was completely visible over Australia, rising over eastern Asia and setting over western North America. New England and eastern Canada missed the entire eclipse since the event began after moonset in those regions. The eclipse was visible in the central United States.

Amongst those in North America, observers in western Canada and the USA had the best views with moonset occurring sometime after mid-eclipse.

Lunar eclipse from moon-2012Jun04.png
This simulation shows the Earth at the time of greatest eclipse as viewed from the center of the Moon. The Sun is seen here as a partial solar eclipse over the Earth's north pole.

Visibility Lunar Eclipse 2012-06-04.png

Eclipses of 2012

Lunar year (354 days)

This eclipse was one of five lunar eclipses in a short-lived series. The lunar year series repeats after 12 lunations or 354 days (Shifting back about 10 days in sequential years). Because of the date shift, the Earth's shadow will be about 11 degrees west in sequential events.

Lunar eclipse series sets from 2009–2013
Ascending node Descending node
Saros #
GammaSaros #
110 2009 Jul 07
Lunar eclipse from moon-2009Jul07.png
Lunar eclipse chart close-2009jul07.png
December 2009 partial lunar eclipse-cropped.jpg
2009 Dec 31
Lunar eclipse from moon-2009Dec31.png
Lunar eclipse chart close-2009Dec31.png
Lunar eclipse june 2010 northup.jpg
2010 Jun 26
Lunar eclipse from moon-2010Jun26.png
Lunar eclipse chart close-2010jun26.png
Near Greatest Eclipse 20101221 0011-crop.jpg
2010 Dec 21
Lunar eclipse from moon-2010Dec21.png
Lunar eclipse chart close-10dec21.png
Lunar eclipse June 2011 Total.jpg
2011 Jun 15
Lunar eclipse from moon-2011Jun15.png
Lunar eclipse chart close-2011jun15.png
Lunar eclipse by Shiny Things cropped.jpg
2011 Dec 10
Lunar eclipse from moon-2011Dec10.png
Lunar eclipse chart close-2011Dec10.png
Partial Eclipse of Moon 4th June 2012 Australia cropped.jpg
2012 Jun 04
Lunar eclipse from moon-2012Jun04.png
Lunar eclipse chart close-2012Jun04.png
0.8248145 2012 Nov 28
Lunar eclipse from moon-2012Nov28.png
Lunar eclipse chart close-2012Nov28.png
150 2013 May 25
Lunar eclipse from moon-2013May25.png
Lunar eclipse chart close-2013May25.png
Last set 2009 Aug 06 Last set 2009 Feb 9
Next set 2013 Apr 25 Next set 2013 Oct 18

Half-Saros cycle

A lunar eclipse will be preceded and followed by solar eclipses by 9 years and 5.5 days (a half saros). [2] This lunar eclipse is related to two annular solar eclipses of Solar Saros 147.

31 May 2003 10 June 2021
SE2003May31A.png SE2021Jun10A.png


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  1. "Partial Eclipse of the Strawberry Moon". NASA. 28 May 2012. Retrieved 4 May 2020.
  2. Mathematical Astronomy Morsels, Jean Meeus, p.110, Chapter 18, The half-saros