October 2042 lunar eclipse

Last updated
Penumbral Lunar Eclipse
October 28, 2042
Lunar eclipse chart close-2042Oct28.png
The moon will be imperceptibly dim as the moon clips the Earth's northern penumbral shadow
Series 156 (- of 81)
Duration (hr:mn:sc)
Penumbral00:02:00[ citation needed ]
Contacts UTC

A penumbral lunar eclipse will take place on October 28, 2042, according to some sources. This will be 0.4 days after the Moon reached perigee (making it a supermoon). This event marks the beginning of lunar saros cycle 156 according to some sources, and will be visually imperceptible and other sources have this as a miss. [1]


According to some sources, it will be the last of 5 Metonic cycle eclipses occurring every 19 years on October 28th, while the other sources calculate the Moon will miss the shadow.


Lunar eclipse from moon-2042Oct28.png

Lunar year series (354 days)

Lunar eclipse series sets from 2038-2042
Descending node Ascending node
Saros Date
111 2038 Jun 17
Lunar eclipse from moon-2038Jun17.png
Lunar eclipse chart close-2038Jun17.png
116 2038 Dec 11
Lunar eclipse from moon-2038Dec11.png
Lunar eclipse chart close-2038Dec11.png
121 2039 Jun 06
Lunar eclipse from moon-2039Jun06.png
Lunar eclipse chart close-2039Jun06.png
126 2039 Nov 30
Lunar eclipse from moon-2039Nov30.png
Lunar eclipse chart close-2039Nov30.png
131 2040 May 26
Lunar eclipse from moon-2040May26.png
Lunar eclipse chart close-2040May26.png
136 2040 Nov 18
Lunar eclipse from moon-2040Nov18.png
Lunar eclipse chart close-2040Nov18.png
141 2041 May 16
Lunar eclipse from moon-2041May16.png
Lunar eclipse chart close-2041May16.png
146 2041 Nov 08
Lunar eclipse from moon-2041Nov08.png
Lunar eclipse chart close-2041Nov08.png
156 2042 Oct 28
Lunar eclipse from moon-2042Oct28.png
Lunar eclipse chart close-2042Oct28.png
Last set 2038 Jul 16 Last set 2038 Jan 21
Next set 2042 Apr 05 Next set 2042 Sep 29

Metonic series

This eclipse (depending on definitions) is the last of four Metonic cycle lunar eclipses on the same date, October 28–29, each separated by 19 years:

The metonic cycle repeats nearly exactly every 19 years and represents a Saros cycle plus one lunar year. Because it occurs on the same calendar date, the earth's shadow will in nearly the same location relative to the background stars.

Metonic events: May 4 and October 28
Descending nodeAscending node
  1. 1966 May 4 - Penumbral (111)
  2. 1985 May 4 - Total (121)
  3. 2004 May 4 - Total (131)
  4. 2023 May 5 - Penumbral (141)
  1. 1966 Oct 29 - Penumbral (116)
  2. 1985 Oct 28 - Total (126)
  3. 2004 Oct 28 - Total (136)
  4. 2023 Oct 28 - Partial (146)
  5. 2042 Oct 28 - Penumbral (156)
Metonic lunar eclipse 1966-2023D.png Metonic lunar eclipse 1966-2023A.png

See also


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