12th Manitoba Legislature

Last updated

The members of the 12th Manitoba Legislature were elected in the Manitoba general election held in March 1907. The legislature sat from January 2, 1908, to June 30, 1910. [1]


The Conservatives led by Rodmond Roblin formed the government. [1]

Charles Mickle of the Liberal Party served as Leader of the Opposition. After Mickle was named a judge in 1909, Tobias Norris became party leader and leader of the opposition. [2]

James Johnson served as speaker for the assembly. [1]

There were three sessions of the 12th Legislature: [1]

1stJanuary 2, 1908February 26, 1908
2ndFebruary 4, 1909March 10, 1909
3rdFebruary 10, 1910March 16, 1910

Daniel Hunter McMillan was Lieutenant Governor of Manitoba. [3]

Members of the Assembly

The following members were elected to the assembly in 1907: [1]

MemberElectoral districtParty [4] First elected / previously elected
  John Williams Arthur Liberal 1907
  Aimé Bénard Assiniboia Conservative 1907
  James Argue Avondale Conservative 1899
  James H. Howden Beautiful Plains Conservative 1903
  Charles Mickle Birtle Liberal 1888
  George Malcolm Liberal 1909
  Stanley McInnis Brandon City Conservative 1899
  George R. Coldwell Conservative 1907
  Alfred Carroll Brandon South Conservative 1903
  Albert Prefontaine Carillon Conservative 1903
  George Steel Cypress Conservative 1899
  John A. Campbell Dauphin Liberal 1907
  Robert Stirton Thornton Deloraine Liberal 1907
  Rodmond Roblin Dufferin Conservative 1888 [a] , 1896
  George Walton Emerson Liberal 1907
  Glenlyon Campbell Gilbert Plains Conservative 1903
  Duncan Cameron Conservative 1908
  Sigtryggur Jonasson Gimli Liberal 1896 [b] , 1907
  James William Armstrong Gladstone Liberal 1907
  William Ferguson Hamiota Conservative 1899 [c] , 1907
  Orton Grain Kildonan and St. Andrews Conservative 1899, 1907
  George Lawrence Killarney Conservative 1899
  Edwin D. Lynch Lakeside Conservative 1903
  Tobias Norris Lansdowne Liberal 1896, 1907
  Jean Lauzon La Verendrye Conservative 1897 [d] , 1907
  Robert Rogers Manitou Conservative 1899
  William B. Waddell Minnedosa Conservative 1903
  Benjamin McConnell Morden Liberal 1907
  Colin Campbell Morris Conservative 1899
  James Bryson Baird Mountain Liberal 1907
  Robert Fern Lyons Norfolk Conservative 1892, 1899
  Hugh Armstrong Portage la Prairie Conservative 1892 [e] , 1902
  Valentine Winkler Rhineland Liberal 1892
  Isaac Riley Rockwood Conservative 1899
  Angus Bonnycastle Russell Conservative 1907
  Joseph Bernier St. Boniface Conservative 1900, 1907
  Donald A. Ross Springfield Liberal 1907
  James Wells Robson Swan River Conservative 1903
  James Johnson Turtle Mountain Conservative 1897
  John Hume Agnew Virden Conservative 1903
  Harvey Simpson Conservative 1909
  Thomas William Taylor Winnipeg Centre Conservative 1900
  John F. Mitchell Winnipeg North Conservative 1907
  James Thomas Gordon Winnipeg South Conservative 1901
  Thomas Herman Johnson Winnipeg West Liberal 1907



    By-elections were held to replace members for various reasons:

    Electoral districtMember electedAffiliationElection dateReason
    Beautiful Plains James H. Howden Conservative March 26, 1907J H Howden appointed Railway Commissioner [5]
    Brandon City Stanley McInnis Conservative July 16, 1907S McInnis appointed Provincial Secretary [5]
    Brandon City George R. Coldwell Conservative November 25, 1907S McInnis died November 4, 1907 [5]
    Gilbert Plains Duncan Cameron Conservative November 17, 1908G Campbell ran for federal seat [5]
    Portage la Prairie Hugh Armstrong Conservative November 30, 1908H Armstrong appointed Provincial Treasurer [5]
    Virden Harvey Simpson Conservative January 9, 1909J H Agnew died November 9, 1908 [5]
    Birtle George Malcolm Liberal November 27, 1909C Mickle named judge in 1909 [5]


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    1. 1 2 3 4 5 "Members of the Twelfth Legislative Assembly of Manitoba (1908–1910)". Memorable Manitobans. Manitoba Historical Society. Retrieved 2012-11-25.
    2. "Leaders of the Opposition - Manitoba". Library of Parliament. Archived from the original on 2013-10-29. Retrieved 2012-12-01.
    3. "Past lieutenant governors". Lieutenant Governor of Manitoba. Archived from the original on 2014-01-05. Retrieved 2014-07-21.
    4. "Historical Summaries" (PDF). Elections Manitoba. Retrieved 2012-09-23.
    5. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 "Biographies of Deceased Members". Legislative Assembly of Manitoba. Archived from the original on 2014-03-30.