1979 Five Nations Championship squads

Last updated


Head coach: Peter Colston


  1. Bill Beaumont
  2. Neil Bennett
  3. Tony Bond
  4. Richard Cardus
  5. Robin Cowling
  6. Paul Dodge
  7. Alastair Hignell
  8. Nigel Horton
  9. Peter Kingston
  10. Tony Neary
  11. Gary Pearce
  12. Mike Rafter
  13. John Scott
  14. Mike Slemen
  15. Colin Smart
  16. Peter Squires
  17. Roger Uttley (c.)
  18. Peter Wheeler
  19. Malcolm Young


Head coach: Jean Desclaux

  1. Roger Aguerre
  2. Jean-Michel Aguirre
  3. Christian Bélascain
  4. Roland Bertranne
  5. Louis Bilbao
  6. Alain Caussade
  7. Gérard Cholley
  8. Frédéric Costes
  9. Jérôme Gallion
  10. Jean-François Gourdon
  11. Alain Guilbert
  12. Francis Haget
  13. Jean-François Imbernon
  14. Jean-Luc Joinel
  15. Alain Maleig
  16. Yves Malquier
  17. Jean-François Marchal
  18. Guy Noves
  19. Alain Paco
  20. Robert Paparemborde
  21. Jean-Pierre Rives (c.)
  22. Armand Vaquerin


Head coach: Noel Murphy

  1. Willie Duggan
  2. Ron Elliott
  3. Moss Finn
  4. Michael Gibson
  5. Moss Keane
  6. Terry Kennedy
  7. Freddie McLennan
  8. Ginger McLoughlin
  9. Paul McNaughton
  10. Alistair McKibbin
  11. Phil Orr
  12. Colin Patterson
  13. Fergus Slattery (c.)
  14. Dick Spring
  15. Harold Steele
  16. Colm Tucker
  17. Tony Ward
  18. Pa Whelan


Head coach: Nairn McEwan

  1. Mike Biggar
  2. Bob Cunningham
  3. Colin Deans
  4. Gordon Dickson
  5. David Gray
  6. Bruce Hay
  7. Andy Irvine
  8. Iain Lambie
  9. Alan Lawson
  10. Ian McLauchlan
  11. Ian McGeechan (c.)
  12. Alastair McHarg
  13. Iain Milne
  14. Jim Renwick
  15. Keith Robertson
  16. John Rutherford
  17. Alan Tomes
  18. Bill Watson


Head coach: John Dawes

  1. Barry Clegg
  2. Gareth Davies
  3. Charlie Faulkner
  4. Steve Fenwick
  5. Ray Gravell
  6. Clive Griffiths
  7. Terry Holmes
  8. Allan Martin
  9. Alan Phillips
  10. Graham Price
  11. Derek Quinnell
  12. Elgan Rees
  13. David Richards
  14. Paul Ringer
  15. Mike Roberts
  16. Jeff Squire
  17. J. J. Williams
  18. J. P. R. Williams (c.)
  19. Bobby Windsor

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