2010 Auckland local elections

Last updated

The 2010 Auckland local elections took place from 17 September until 9 October and were conducted by postal vote. The elections were the first since the merger of the seven councils and elected the new Auckland Council, composed of the mayor and 20 councillors, and 149 members of 21 local boards. It also elected 21 district health board members and 41 licensing trust members.


2010 Auckland Council Election Results.png

Mayoral election

At the close of nominations at 12 noon of 20 August 2010, the following candidates had been nominated for mayor: [1]

NameAffiliation (if any)Notes
Aileen Austin Independent
John Banks IndependentSitting Auckland City mayor and former National Party MP
Marlene BarrIndependent
Penny Bright
Len Brown IndependentSitting Manukau City mayor
Hugh ChapmanIndependent
Colin Craig Independent
Nga DaveIndependent
Harry FongIndependent
Shannon Gillies
Vinnie Kahui
Alan McCulloch Independent
Steve McDonaldIndependent
Willie MortonTemnakWithdrew 8 September 2010
Vanessa NeesonIndependent Waitakere City Councillor and former National Party candidate
Phil O'ConnorChristians Against Abortion
Simon Prast Independent
Raymond Presland
Mark RossIndependent
Annalucia Vermunt Communist League
Andrew Williams Independent Progressive LeadershipSitting North Shore City mayor
David Willmott
Wayne Young

Governing body elections

20 members were elected to governing body of the Auckland Council across thirteen wards using first-past-the-post.

Rodney (1)

Auckland Council Rodney ward councillor election, 2010 [2]
Penny Webster 864543.0
Christine Rose 596029.7
Tom Ashton420420.9
Vincent Pereira4852.4
Rejected ballots8014.0
Turnout 20096

Albany (2)

Auckland Council Albany ward councillor election, 2010 [2]
Independent Michael Goudie 9201
Putting People FirstWayne Walker8547
Proudly IndependentJulia Parfitt7434
Putting People FirstJohn Watson6887
Proudly IndependentJohn Kirikiri6290
Citizens & Ratepayers Linda Cooper 6152
Shore VoiceMargaret Miles6120
Independent Ian Bradley5579
Citizens & Ratepayers Josephine Kim5570
Independent Brian Neeson 4911
Independent Progressive Leadership Andrew Williams 4668
Accountable IndependentRoss Craig3916
Independent Rodney Bell3388
Independent David Cooper2978
Independent Alan McCulloch 2851
Independent Laurie Conder1499
Cameron Slater 1298
Roads FirstDavid Willmott1221
Independent Uzra Balouch766
Rejected ballots3402

North Shore (2)

Auckland Council North Shore ward councillor election, 2010 [2]
Citizens & Ratepayers - North Shore George Wood 14902
Shore Voice Ann Hartley 13616
Independent Grant Gillon 12626
North Now Christine Rankin 12489
Independent Joel Cayford10427
Shore Voice Chris Darby 9077
Independent Vivienne Keohane5650
Independent Jan O'connor3458
Independent Mary-Anne Benson-Cooper2709
Independent Steve Ashby2647
Independent Harry Fong2356
Independent Ken Mckay1905
Rejected ballots2288

Waitakere (2)

Auckland Council Waitākere Ward councillor election, 2010 [2]
Independent Penny Hulse 18125
Best for the West Sandra Coney 13451
Best for the WestPaul Walbran11400
Citizens & Ratepayers - Waitakere Marie Hasler 10584
Citizens & Ratepayers - Waitakere Mark Brickell10491
Independent Vanessa Neeson9609
Independent Peter Chan6599
CAP - Communities Advancing ProsperitySailauama Cheryl Talamaivao4357
Independent Bill Daly2305
Rejected ballots2568

Whau (1)

Auckland Council Whau ward councillor election, 2010 [2]
Citizens & Ratepayers Noelene Mary Raffills 751830.8
Independent Ratepayers & Residents Ross Clow 713229.2
Independent Jeremy Kirwan393416.1
Independent Ruby Manukia-schaumkel328813.5
Rejected ballots254010.4
Turnout 24412

Albert-Eden-Roskill (2)

Auckland Council Albert-Eden-Roskill ward councillor election, 2010 [2]
Citizens & Ratepayers - Albert Eden Roskill Christine Fletcher 20777
City Vision Cathy Casey 15087
Citizens & Ratepayers - Albert Eden Roskill Paul Goldsmith 14503
City Vision Glenda Fryer13283
Independent Ravi Musuku6837
Focus LocalMark Donnelly6090
Albert-Eden-Roskill Ratepayers & Residents AssnPeter Boys4375
Independent Lisa Bates4037
Independent Gary Russell3719
Independent Harry Palmer2734
Independent Susanna Kruger2670
Rejected ballots4107

Waitemata and Gulf (1)

Auckland Council Waitemata and Gulf ward councillor election, 2010 [2]
Independent Mike Lee 1143642.7
Independent Alex Swney 539820.2
Independent Tenby Powell336312.6
Independent Rob Thomas290510.9
Independent Janis Marler8503.2
Independent Craig Thomas6192.3
Rejected ballots21878.2
Turnout 26758

Ōrākei (1)

Auckland Council Ōrākei ward councillor election, 2010 [2]
Independent Cameron Brewer 1823551.5
Citizens & Ratepayers Doug Armstrong 1110131.4
Independent Hugh Chapman359010.1
Rejected ballots24767.0
Turnout 35402

Maungakiekie-Tamaki (1)

Auckland Council Maungakiekie-Tamaki ward councillor election, 2010 [2]
Labour Richard Northey 923640.6
Citizens & Ratepayers Alfred Ngaro 750533.0
Independent Simon Prast 340915.0
Communist League Patrick Brown7513.3
Independent Walter Wi-peri2861.3
Rejected ballots15596.9
Turnout 22746

Howick (2)

Auckland Council Howick ward councillor election, 2010 [2]
Independent Sharon Stewart 23716
Citizens & Ratepayers - Howick Jami-Lee Ross 19289
Citizens & Ratepayers - Howick Dick Quax 19036
Residents and Ratepayers TeamDavid Collings11590
Independent Maggie Burrill10674
Community VoiceMike Padfield4352
Rejected ballots2413

The ward was originally going to be called Te Irirangi, but this was changed after strong local opposition. [3]

Manukau (2)

Auckland Council Manukau ward councillor election, 2010 [2]
Labour Alf Filipaina 15235
Independent Arthur Anae 13260
Citizens & Ratepayers - Manukau Bob Wichman12032
Labour Party Efu Koka11287
Independent Gary Troup 9136
Residents & RatepayersSylvia Taylor6637
Independent Brent Morrissey3565
ABC - A Better ChoiceRosie Brown3168
ABC - A Better ChoiceSalote Lilo3088
Independent Lupe Tofilau Alesana2330
Independent Steven Afford1087
Communist League Annalucia Vermunt502
Rejected ballots1568

Manurewa-Papakura (2)

Auckland Council Manurewa-Papakura ward councillor election, 2010 [2]
Independent John Walker 20996
Manurewa-Papakura First Action Calum Penrose 17266
Residents & Ratepayers Barry Curtis 16597
Team SouthWaina Emery4847
Team SouthToa Greening4018
ABC - A Better ChoiceVui Sapa'u Vitale2387
ABC - A Better ChoiceTimothy Toilolo2056
Rejected ballots1402

Franklin (1)

Auckland Council Franklin ward councillor election, 2010 [2]
Citizens & Ratepayers - Team Franklin Des Morrison 1065146.3
Independent Dianne Glenn949541.3
Independent Herman Smeets13926.1
Rejected ballots14576.3
Turnout 22995

Licensing Trust elections

In the 2010 Auckland licensing trust elections, forty-one members were elected to six licensing trusts across Auckland. [4]

Birkenhead Licensing Trust (6)

Affiliation (if any)NameVotes
Independent Grant Gillon 5012
Trust Reform Jennifer Yorke4255
Trust Reform Marilyn Nicholls4228
Stuart Weir4022
Trust ReformBill Plunkett3881
Independent Merv Adair3363
IndependentBruce Woodley2666
Carol Ryan2640
IndependentGarry Thornton2179
Trust ReformTony Barker1700

Mt Wellington Licensing Trust (6)

Affiliation (if any)NameVotes
Labour Leila Boye5863
Labour Mike Murray5539
Labour Alan Verrall5518
Labour Jessica Gosche5437
Labour Jan Welch4923
Labour Mary-Ann De Kort4639
IndependentLeanne Cross3675

Parakai Licensing Trust (6)

Affiliation (if any)NameVotes
Geoffrey BeltonElected Unopposed
Alan HargreavesElected Unopposed
Trevor HolstElected Unopposed
Fred JonesElected Unopposed
Gail OxtonElected Unopposed
Veronica Pfenniger Elected Unopposed

Portage Licensing Trust

No.1 (Auckland City) Ward (3)

Affiliation (if any)NameVotes
Citizens & Ratepayers - Community First Duncan MacDonald6447
City Vision Catherine Farmer5172
City Vision Loraine Wilson4961
Community Independents/Whau_NowKathryn Davie4939
Community Independents/Whau_NowPaul Davie4228
Citizens & Ratepayers - Community First Raj Mitra4162
Citizens & Ratepayers - Community First Kevin Healy4117
City Vision Margi Watson3681

No.2 (New Lynn) Ward (2)

Affiliation (if any)NameVotes
Independent Ratepayers & ResidentsDerek BattersbyElected Unopposed
Citizens & Ratepayers - Community First Sandy TaylorElected Unopposed

No.3 (Glen Eden) Ward (2)

Affiliation (if any)NameVotes
Independent Ratepayers & ResidentsJanet Clews2281
Future WestNeil Henderson2065
IndependentGayle Marshall1986

No.4 (Titirangi-Green Bay) Ward (2)

Affiliation (if any)NameVotes
Independent Ratepayers & Residents Ross Clow 4517
Local FocusRebecca Robertson2759
Future WestBrett Austin2713
Independent Ratepayers & ResidentsPim Van Der Voort2614
IndependentBrent Peters2536

No.5 (Kelston West) Ward (1)

Affiliation (if any)NameVotes
West WardsAmi ChandElected Unopposed

Wiri Licensing Trust (6)

Affiliation (if any)NameVotes
Manurewa Action Team Daniel Newman 8418
Manurewa Action Team Angela Dalton 8284
Manurewa Action Team Ken Penney8168
Team ManurewaWaina Emery6794
Team ManurewaRangi Maclean6177
Alan Johnson6011
Manurewa Action TeamPhil Palfrey5608
Team ManurewaTerry Logan5302
Manurewa Action TeamMichelle Kingham5194
Team ManurewaTom Vanderlaan4934
Manurewa Citizens on PatrolKatrina Komene4683
Team ManurewaGeorge Pomana4651
Manurewa Action TeamPahulu Mote4034
George Ngatai3746
Team ManurewaGreg Whaiapu3548
ABC - A Better ChoiceVui Sapa'u Vitale2992
Manurewa Citizens on PatrolRaewyn Bhana2728

Waitakere Licensing Trust

No.1 (Te Atatū) (2)

Affiliation (if any)NameVotes
IndependentRoss Dallow5263
IndependentElizabeth Grimmer3827
IndependentBob Stanic3577
Mike Williams2353
Anti Pokie AllianceSailauama Cheryl Talamaivao2285

No.2 (Lincoln) (3)

Affiliation (if any)NameVotes
IndependentWarren William Flaunty9395
Citizens & Ratepayers Linda Cooper 9085
Independent Brian Neeson 7802
Future WestJeremy Greenbrook-Held4809
John Carrodus4078

No.3 (Waitakere) (1)

Affiliation (if any)NameVotes
Totally IndependentJudy Lawley2194
Independent Ratepayers & ResidentsPaul Mitchell2114
IndependentAdrian Delaat655
IndependentDon Chapman627
Citizens & Ratepayers - Waitakere Mahendra Sharma541

No.4 (Henderson) (1)

Affiliation (if any)NameVotes
Independent Assid Corban 2185
IndependentMike Jolley1772
Citizens & Ratepayers - Waitakere Daniel Fielding1753
IndependentBob Van Ruyssvelt686

See also

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The 2025 Auckland local elections will take place between 9 September and 11 October 2025 by postal vote as part of nation-wide local elections. The elections are the sixth since the 2010 amalgamation of seven councils into the Auckland Council, which is composed of the mayor and 20 councillors, as well as 151 members of 21 local boards. 35 members will also be elected to 5 Licensing Trusts across Auckland.


  1. "Auckland Council Mayoral Candidate Nominations - Interim listing as at 12 noon on 20 August 2010" (PDF). Auckland Council returning officer. 20 August 2010. Archived from the original (PDF) on 27 August 2010. Retrieved 21 August 2010.
  2. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 "Auckland - Final Results" (PDF). 15 October 2010. Retrieved 17 October 2010.[ permanent dead link ]
  3. Matt Bowen Howick name gets nod Eastern Courier, 4 June 2010
  4. "Final results - Licensing trust". 18 April 2012. Archived from the original on 18 April 2012. Retrieved 15 January 2017.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown (link)