2019 South American U-17 Championship squads

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The 2019 South American U-17 Championship is an international association football tournament held in Peru from 21 March to 14 April 2019. The ten national teams involved in the tournament were required to register a squad of 23 players; only players in these squads are eligible to take part in the tournament.


All registered players had to have been born on or after 1 January 2002. The age listed for each player is on 21 March 2019, the first day of the tournament.

On 6 March 2019 CONMEBOL published the lists of ten teams. [1] [2]

Group A


Peru announced their squad of 23 players on 6 March 2019. [3] [4]

Head coach: Carlos Silvestri

No.Pos.PlayerDate of birth (age)Club
11 GK Diego Enríquez (2002-01-24)24 January 2002 (aged 17) Flag of Peru (state).svg Sporting Cristal
22 DF Jesús Reyes (2002-01-11)11 January 2002 (aged 17) Flag of Peru (state).svg Sporting Cristal
32 DF José Arón Sánchez (2003-05-04)4 May 2003 (aged 15) Flag of Peru (state).svg Academia Cantolao
42 DF José Soto (2002-03-21)21 March 2002 (aged 17) Flag of Peru (state).svg Universitario
52 DF José Racchumick (2002-01-01)1 January 2002 (aged 17) Flag of Peru (state).svg Sporting Cristal
63 MF Rafael Caipo (2002-02-06)6 February 2002 (aged 17) Flag of Peru (state).svg Sporting Cristal
73 MF Yuriel Celi (2002-02-20)20 February 2002 (aged 17) Flag of Peru (state).svg Academia Cantolao
83 MF Pedro de la Cruz (2002-01-15)15 January 2002 (aged 17) Flag of Peru (state).svg Alianza Lima
94 FW Joao Grimaldo (2003-02-20)20 February 2003 (aged 16) Flag of Peru (state).svg Sporting Cristal
104 FW Carlos Ruíz (2002-01-25)25 January 2002 (aged 17) Flag of Peru (state).svg Sporting Cristal
114 FW Didier La Torre (2002-03-21)21 March 2002 (aged 17) Flag of Peru (state).svg Alianza Lima
121 GK Massimo Sandi (2002-05-12)12 May 2002 (aged 16) Flag of Peru (state).svg Alianza Lima
132 DF Mathias Llontop (2002-05-22)22 May 2002 (aged 16) Flag of Peru (state).svg Universidad San Martín
144 FW Sebastián Cavero (2002-06-20)20 June 2002 (aged 16) Flag of Peru (state).svg Alianza Lima
153 MF Alessandro Burlamaqui (2002-02-18)18 February 2002 (aged 17) Flag of Spain.svg Espanyol
163 MF Jeremy Escate (2002-03-04)4 March 2002 (aged 17) Flag of Peru (state).svg Alianza Lima
174 FW Nicolás Figueroa (2002-05-24)24 May 2002 (aged 16) Flag of Peru (state).svg Universidad San Martín
184 FW Óscar Manuel Pinto (2002-01-20)20 January 2002 (aged 17) Flag of Peru (state).svg Universidad San Martín
192 DF Joao Montoya (2002-05-04)4 May 2002 (aged 16) Flag of Peru (state).svg Academia Cantolao
203 MF José Huayhua (2002-03-24)24 March 2002 (aged 16) Flag of Peru (state).svg Universitario
211 GK Ángel De la Cruz (2002-05-24)24 May 2002 (aged 16) Flag of Peru (state).svg Alianza Lima
222 DF Kluivert Aguilar (2003-05-05)5 May 2003 (aged 15) Flag of Peru (state).svg Sporting Cristal
233 MF Carlos Meza (2002-01-31)31 January 2002 (aged 17) Flag of Peru (state).svg Sporting Cristal


Head coach: Javier Rodríguez

The 23-man squad was announced on 7 March 2019. [5]

No.Pos.PlayerDate of birth (age)Club
11 GK Joan López (2002-01-11)11 January 2002 (aged 17) Flag of Ecuador.svg Independiente del Valle
22 DF Jordan Morán (2002-03-17)17 March 2002 (aged 17) Flag of Ecuador.svg LDU Quito
32 DF Piero Hincapié (2002-01-09)9 January 2002 (aged 17) Flag of Ecuador.svg Independiente del Valle
42 DF Víctor Carabali (2002-01-27)27 January 2002 (aged 17) Flag of Ecuador.svg Barcelona
53 MF Marco Angulo (2002-05-08)8 May 2002 (aged 16) Flag of Ecuador.svg Independiente del Valle
62 DF Roberto Cabezas (2002-10-07)7 October 2002 (aged 16) Flag of Ecuador.svg Independiente del Valle
73 MF Jeremy Farfán (2002-01-26)26 January 2002 (aged 17) Flag of Ecuador.svg LDU Portoviejo
83 MF Neicer Acosta (2002-12-12)12 December 2002 (aged 16) Flag of Ecuador.svg Independiente del Valle
94 FW Edwin Valencia (2002-10-23)23 October 2002 (aged 16) Flag of Ecuador.svg Barcelona
104 FW Johan Mina (2002-05-15)15 May 2002 (aged 16) Flag of Ecuador.svg Emelec
114 FW Adrián Mejía (2002-05-28)28 May 2002 (aged 16) Flag of Ecuador.svg Independiente del Valle
121 GK Elías Valencia (2002-09-10)10 September 2002 (aged 16) Flag of Ecuador.svg Universidad Católica
132 DF Raúl Guerrón (2003-04-13)13 April 2003 (aged 15) Flag of Ecuador.svg El Nacional
143 MF Erick Plúas (2002-03-20)20 March 2002 (aged 17) Flag of Ecuador.svg Orense
153 MF Patrickson Delgado (2003-10-17)17 October 2003 (aged 15) Flag of Ecuador.svg Independiente del Valle
163 MF Isaac Padilla (2002-03-24)24 March 2002 (aged 16) Flag of Ecuador.svg Delfín
173 MF John Mercado (2002-06-03)3 June 2002 (aged 16) Flag of Ecuador.svg Panamá
182 DF Edwin Rodríguez (2002-01-08)8 January 2002 (aged 17) Flag of Ecuador.svg Aucas
194 FW Pedro Vite (2002-03-09)9 March 2002 (aged 17) Flag of Ecuador.svg Independiente del Valle
202 DF Hanssel Delgado (2002-04-07)7 April 2002 (aged 16) Flag of Ecuador.svg Independiente del Valle
212 DF Derihan Rivera (2002-08-11)11 August 2002 (aged 16) Flag of Ecuador.svg LDU Portoviejo
221 GK Gilmar Napa (2003-01-05)5 January 2003 (aged 16) Flag of Ecuador.svg Orense
232 DF Jaymar Reascos (2003-08-14)14 August 2003 (aged 15) Flag of Ecuador.svg Emelec


Head coach: Flag of Ecuador.svg Sixto Vizuete

The 23-man squad was announced on 13 March 2019. [6] [7]

No.Pos.PlayerDate of birth (age)Club
11 GK Jorge Mejía (2002-03-24)24 March 2002 (aged 16) Flag of Bolivia.svg Florida
22 DF Cristian Hurtado (2002-12-10)10 December 2002 (aged 16) Flag of Bolivia.svg Florida
32 DF Mauricio Álvarez (2003-04-09)9 April 2003 (aged 15) Flag of Bolivia.svg Florida
42 DF Leonardo Zabala (2002-05-23)23 May 2002 (aged 16) Flag of Bolivia.svg Calleja
53 MF Víctor Hugo Lema (2002-06-22)22 June 2002 (aged 16) Flag of Bolivia.svg Florida
62 DF Manrique Espinosa (2002-08-17)17 August 2002 (aged 16) Flag of Bolivia.svg Destroyers
73 MF Miguel Villarroel (2003-01-10)10 January 2003 (aged 16) Flag of Bolivia.svg Florida
84 FW Luis Andrés Zeballos (2002-05-07)7 May 2002 (aged 16) Flag of Bolivia.svg Academia Tahuichi Aguilera
93 MF Jeyson Chura (2002-02-03)3 February 2002 (aged 17) Flag of Bolivia.svg Florida
103 MF Robson Tomé de Araujo (2002-05-18)18 May 2002 (aged 16) Flag of Brazil.svg Palmeiras
114 FW José Alfredo Flores (2003-08-03)3 August 2003 (aged 15) Flag of Bolivia.svg Academia Tahuichi Aguilera
121 GK Bruno Hurtado (2002-11-08)8 November 2002 (aged 16) Flag of Bolivia.svg Florida
132 DF Daniel Lino (2002-02-18)18 February 2002 (aged 17) Flag of Bolivia.svg Blooming
143 MF Adrián Peña (2003-12-10)10 December 2003 (aged 15) Flag of Bolivia.svg JMP Soccer
153 MF Dalton Pallimo (2002-11-04)4 November 2002 (aged 16) Flag of Bolivia.svg Independiente Yacuiba
164 FW Matías Romero (2002-02-19)19 February 2002 (aged 17) Flag of Bolivia.svg The Strongest
172 DF Luis Ángel Flores (2002-09-19)19 September 2002 (aged 16) Flag of Bolivia.svg Torre Fuerte
184 FW Pablo Vaca (2002-05-31)31 May 2002 (aged 16) Flag of Bolivia.svg Florida
194 FW José Miguel Briceño (2002-01-20)20 January 2002 (aged 17) Flag of Bolivia.svg Planeta
202 DF Carlos Abastoflor (2002-04-09)9 April 2002 (aged 16) Flag of Bolivia.svg Academia Tahuichi Aguilera
213 MF Javier Uzeda (2002-07-31)31 July 2002 (aged 16) Flag of Bolivia.svg Florida
221 GK Edilson Vásquez (2002-10-24)24 October 2002 (aged 16) Flag of Bolivia.svg Real Trópico
233 MF Reynaldo Cuba (2002-08-11)11 August 2002 (aged 16) Flag of Bolivia.svg The Strongest


Head coach: José Baudilio Hernández

The 23-man squad was announced on 1 March 2019. [8]

No.Pos.PlayerDate of birth (age)Club
11 GK Rodrigo de la Terga (2002-02-04)4 February 2002 (aged 17) Flag of Venezuela (state).svg Deportivo La Guaira
22 DF Carlos Vivas (2002-04-04)4 April 2002 (aged 16) Flag of Venezuela (state).svg Deportivo Táchira
32 DF Joaquín Suárez (2002-07-04)4 July 2002 (aged 16) Flag of Venezuela (state).svg Academia Puerto Cabello
42 DF Óscar Conde (2002-06-06)6 June 2002 (aged 16) Flag of Venezuela (state).svg Academia Puerto Cabello
53 MF Clyde García (2002-03-19)19 March 2002 (aged 17) Flag of Venezuela (state).svg Deportivo La Guaira
62 DF Óscar Jiménez (2002-09-11)11 September 2002 (aged 16) Flag of Venezuela (state).svg Deportivo La Guaira
73 MF Darluis Paz (2002-03-26)26 March 2002 (aged 16) Flag of Venezuela (state).svg Deportivo La Guaira
83 MF Alfredo Urdaneta (2002-02-26)26 February 2002 (aged 17) Flag of Venezuela (state).svg Deportivo La Guaira
94 FW Daniel Pérez (2002-01-17)17 January 2002 (aged 17) Flag of Venezuela (state).svg Metropolitanos
103 MF Wikelman Carmona (2003-02-24)24 February 2003 (aged 16) Flag of Venezuela (state).svg Dynamo Margarita
113 MF Matías Lacava (2002-10-24)24 October 2002 (aged 16) Flag of Portugal.svg Benfica
121 GK Jesús Vega (2002-08-07)7 August 2002 (aged 16) Flag of Venezuela (state).svg Caracas
132 DF Xavier Flores (2002-05-15)15 May 2002 (aged 16) Flag of Venezuela (state).svg Aragua
143 MF Wilken Ramírez (2002-05-28)28 May 2002 (aged 16) Flag of Venezuela (state).svg Academia Puerto Cabello
153 MF Carlos Faya (2002-01-18)18 January 2002 (aged 17) Flag of Venezuela (state).svg Academia Puerto Cabello
162 DF Jon Aramburu (2002-07-23)23 July 2002 (aged 16) Flag of Venezuela (state).svg Deportivo La Guaira
172 DF Leonel Toro (2002-01-30)30 January 2002 (aged 17) Flag of Venezuela (state).svg Caracas
183 MF Luis Ángel Peña (2002-03-07)7 March 2002 (aged 17) Flag of Venezuela (state).svg Zamora
194 FW Oswaldo Ruggeri (2002-01-28)28 January 2002 (aged 17) Flag of Venezuela (state).svg Ureña
203 MF Yorlen Cordero (2002-02-05)5 February 2002 (aged 17) Flag of Venezuela (state).svg Monagas
213 MF Yackson Rivas (2002-03-18)18 March 2002 (aged 17) Flag of Venezuela (state).svg Mineros de Guayana
221 GK Luis Balbo (2003-05-05)5 May 2003 (aged 15) Flag of Portugal.svg Porto
234 FW Jeriel De Santis (2002-06-18)18 June 2002 (aged 16) Flag of Venezuela (state).svg Caracas


Head coach: Flag of Argentina.svg Hernán Caputto

The 23-man squad was announced on 7 March 2019. [9]

No.Pos.PlayerDate of birth (age)Club
11 GK Julio Fierro (2002-04-09)9 April 2002 (aged 16) Flag of Chile.svg Colo-Colo
22 DF David Tati (2002-06-06)6 June 2002 (aged 16) Flag of Chile.svg Colo-Colo
32 DF Patricio Flores (2002-01-30)30 January 2002 (aged 17) Flag of Chile.svg Universidad Católica
42 DF Cristian Riquelme (2003-10-14)14 October 2003 (aged 15) Flag of Chile.svg Everton
52 DF Daniel González (2002-02-20)20 February 2002 (aged 17) Flag of Chile.svg Santiago Wanderers
63 MF Danilo Díaz (2002-06-24)24 June 2002 (aged 16) Flag of Chile.svg Colo-Colo
74 FW Gonzalo Tapia (2002-02-18)18 February 2002 (aged 17) Flag of Chile.svg Universidad Católica
83 MF Vicente Pizarro (2002-11-05)5 November 2002 (aged 16) Flag of Chile.svg Colo-Colo
94 FW César Díaz (2002-01-31)31 January 2002 (aged 17) Flag of Chile.svg Unión Española
104 FW Alexander Aravena (2002-09-06)6 September 2002 (aged 16) Flag of Chile.svg Universidad Católica
114 FW Kennan Sepúlveda (2002-02-08)8 February 2002 (aged 17) Flag of Chile.svg Santiago Wanderers
121 GK Vicente Reyes (2003-11-19)19 November 2003 (aged 15) Flag of the United States.svg Atlanta United
132 DF Daniel Gutiérrez (2003-02-16)16 February 2003 (aged 16) Flag of Chile.svg Colo-Colo
143 MF César Pérez (2002-11-29)29 November 2002 (aged 16) Flag of Chile.svg Magallanes
153 MF Christopher Saldías (2003-04-11)11 April 2003 (aged 15) Flag of Chile.svg O'Higgins
162 DF Nicolás Garrido (2002-08-27)27 August 2002 (aged 16) Flag of Chile.svg Colo-Colo
172 DF Joaquín Gutiérrez (2002-07-04)4 July 2002 (aged 16) Flag of Chile.svg Huachipato
183 MF Bastián Ubal (2002-01-29)29 January 2002 (aged 17) Flag of Chile.svg Universidad de Chile
194 FW Alexander Oroz (2002-12-15)15 December 2002 (aged 16) Flag of Chile.svg Colo-Colo
203 MF Luis Rojas (2002-03-06)6 March 2002 (aged 17) Flag of Chile.svg Universidad de Chile
214 FW Benjamín Osses (2002-06-24)24 June 2002 (aged 16) Flag of Chile.svg Cobresal
224 FW Matías Belmar (2002-08-26)26 August 2002 (aged 16) Flag of Chile.svg O'Higgins
231 GK Diego Carreño (2002-04-26)26 April 2002 (aged 16) Flag of Chile.svg O'Higgins

Group B


Head coach: Guilherme Dalla Déa

The 23-man squad was announced on 1 March 2019. [10]

No.Pos.PlayerDate of birth (age)Club
11 GK Gabriel Pereira (2002-07-02)2 July 2002 (aged 16) Flag of Brazil.svg Grêmio
22 DF Yan Couto (2002-06-03)3 June 2002 (aged 16) Flag of Brazil.svg Coritiba
32 DF Henri (2002-02-19)19 February 2002 (aged 17) Flag of Brazil.svg Palmeiras
42 DF Renan (2002-05-19)19 May 2002 (aged 16) Flag of Brazil.svg Palmeiras
53 MF Daniel Cabral (2002-05-14)14 May 2002 (aged 16) Flag of Brazil.svg Flamengo
62 DF Patryck Lanza (2003-01-18)18 January 2003 (aged 16) Flag of Brazil.svg São Paulo
74 FW Gabriel Veron (2002-09-03)3 September 2002 (aged 16) Flag of Brazil.svg Palmeiras
83 MF Diego Rosa (2002-10-12)12 October 2002 (aged 16) Flag of Brazil.svg Grêmio
94 FW João Peglow (2002-01-07)7 January 2002 (aged 17) Flag of Brazil.svg Internacional
103 MF Reinier (2002-01-19)19 January 2002 (aged 17) Flag of Brazil.svg Flamengo
114 FW Gabriel Silva (2002-03-22)22 March 2002 (aged 16) Flag of Brazil.svg Palmeiras
121 GK Marcelo Pitaluga (2002-12-20)20 December 2002 (aged 16) Flag of Brazil.svg Fluminense
132 DF Gustavo Garcia (2002-01-04)4 January 2002 (aged 17) Flag of Brazil.svg Palmeiras
142 DF Gabriel Noga (2002-01-25)25 January 2002 (aged 17) Flag of Brazil.svg Flamengo
152 DF Daniel Alves (2002-01-04)4 January 2002 (aged 17) Flag of Brazil.svg Palmeiras
162 DF Kawan (2002-03-06)6 March 2002 (aged 17) Flag of Brazil.svg Atlético Paranaense
173 MF Fabinho (2002-04-09)9 April 2002 (aged 16) Flag of Brazil.svg Palmeiras
184 FW Guilherme Cachoeira (2002-04-25)25 April 2002 (aged 16) Flag of Brazil.svg São Paulo
194 FW Juan (2002-03-07)7 March 2002 (aged 17) Flag of Brazil.svg São Paulo
203 MF Neto (2002-09-11)11 September 2002 (aged 16) Flag of Brazil.svg Atlético Mineiro
214 FW Marquinhos (2003-04-07)7 April 2003 (aged 15) Flag of Brazil.svg São Paulo
221 GK Cristian (2002-02-25)25 February 2002 (aged 17) Flag of Brazil.svg Atlético Mineiro
234 FW Miguel Silveira (2003-03-26)26 March 2003 (aged 15) Flag of Brazil.svg Fluminense


Head coach: Pablo Aimar

The 23-man squad was announced on 2 March 2019. [11]

No.Pos.PlayerDate of birth (age)Club
11 GK Rocco Ríos Novo (2002-06-04)4 June 2002 (aged 16) Flag of Argentina.svg Lanús
22 DF Francisco Flores (2002-01-11)11 January 2002 (aged 17) Flag of Argentina.svg San Lorenzo
32 DF Bruno Amione (2002-01-03)3 January 2002 (aged 17) Flag of Argentina.svg Belgrano
42 DF Kevin Lomónaco (2002-01-08)8 January 2002 (aged 17) Flag of Argentina.svg Lanús
53 MF David Ayala (2002-07-26)26 July 2002 (aged 16) Flag of Argentina.svg Estudiantes de La Plata
62 DF Julián Aude (2003-03-24)24 March 2003 (aged 15) Flag of Argentina.svg Lanús
74 FW Exequiel Zeballos (2002-04-24)24 April 2002 (aged 16) Flag of Argentina.svg Boca Juniors
83 MF Juan Sforza (2002-02-14)14 February 2002 (aged 17) Flag of Argentina.svg Newell's Old Boys
94 FW Matías Godoy (2002-01-10)10 January 2002 (aged 17) Flag of Argentina.svg Atlético de Rafaela
103 MF Matías Palacios (2002-05-10)10 May 2002 (aged 16) Flag of Argentina.svg San Lorenzo
114 FW Franco Orozco (2002-01-09)9 January 2002 (aged 17) Flag of Argentina.svg Lanús
121 GK Federico Losas (2002-03-28)28 March 2002 (aged 16) Flag of Argentina.svg Chacarita Juniors
132 DF Valentín Benítez (2002-03-26)26 March 2002 (aged 16) Flag of Argentina.svg Newell's Old Boys
142 DF Tomás Lecanda (2002-01-29)29 January 2002 (aged 17) Flag of Argentina.svg River Plate
153 MF Ignacio Fernández (2002-07-25)25 July 2002 (aged 16) Flag of Argentina.svg Boca Juniors
163 MF Cristian Medina (2002-06-01)1 June 2002 (aged 16) Flag of Argentina.svg Boca Juniors
174 FW Santiago Simón (2002-06-13)13 June 2002 (aged 16) Flag of Argentina.svg River Plate
184 FW Juan Pablo Krilanovich (2002-04-07)7 April 2002 (aged 16) Flag of Argentina.svg Lanús
193 MF Alan Velasco (2002-07-27)27 July 2002 (aged 16) Flag of Argentina.svg Independiente
203 MF Luciano Ferreyra (2002-02-19)19 February 2002 (aged 17) Flag of Argentina.svg Rosario Central
212 DF Luciano Vera (2002-02-09)9 February 2002 (aged 17) Flag of Argentina.svg River Plate
223 MF Ricardo Martínez (2002-09-05)5 September 2002 (aged 16) Flag of Argentina.svg Boca Juniors
231 GK Agustín Gómez (2002-01-16)16 January 2002 (aged 17) Flag of Argentina.svg River Plate


Head coach: Héctor Cárdenas

The 23-man squad was announced on 18 March 2019. [12]

No.Pos.PlayerDate of birth (age)Club
11 GK Juan Diego Castillo (2003-01-13)13 January 2003 (aged 16) Flag of Colombia.svg Carlos Sarmiento Lora
24 FW Juan Madrid (2002-01-30)30 January 2002 (aged 17) Flag of Colombia.svg Barranquilla
32 DF Edilson Pérez (2002-01-20)20 January 2002 (aged 17) Flag of Colombia.svg Atlético Nacional
43 MF Yoni Mosquera (2002-03-23)23 March 2002 (aged 16) Flag of Colombia.svg Estudiantil
52 DF Germán Meneses (2002-02-28)28 February 2002 (aged 17) Flag of Colombia.svg Estudiantil
64 FW Yani Quintero (2002-07-17)17 July 2002 (aged 16) Flag of Colombia.svg Universitario Popayán
74 FW Yéferson Paz (2002-06-13)13 June 2002 (aged 16) Flag of Colombia.svg Cortuluá
82 DF José Luis Caicedo (2002-05-23)23 May 2002 (aged 16) Flag of Colombia.svg Independiente Santa Fe
94 FW Juan Diego Alegría (2002-06-06)6 June 2002 (aged 16) Flag of Colombia.svg Deportes Tolima
104 FW Dylan Borrero (2002-01-05)5 January 2002 (aged 17) Flag of Colombia.svg Independiente Santa Fe
114 FW Juan David Fuentes (2003-05-10)10 May 2003 (aged 15) Flag of Spain.svg Barcelona
121 GK Miguel Ángel Sánchez (2002-09-26)26 September 2002 (aged 16) Flag of Colombia.svg Deportivo Cali
132 DF Jhon Durán (2003-12-13)13 December 2003 (aged 15) Flag of Colombia.svg Envigado
143 MF Juan Perea (2002-05-19)19 May 2002 (aged 16) Flag of Spain.svg Atlético Madrid
153 MF Andrés Arroyo (2002-01-20)20 January 2002 (aged 17) Flag of Colombia.svg Deportivo Cali
164 FW Brayan Montaño (2002-05-02)2 May 2002 (aged 16) Flag of Colombia.svg Deportivo Cali
174 FW Juan Manuel Cuesta (2002-02-09)9 February 2002 (aged 17) Flag of Colombia.svg Independiente Medellín
182 DF Johan Hinestroza (2002-03-14)14 March 2002 (aged 17) Flag of Colombia.svg Atlético Nacional
194 FW Ferlys García (2002-02-23)23 February 2002 (aged 17) Flag of Colombia.svg Barranquilla
203 MF Jhon Granados (2002-04-02)2 April 2002 (aged 16) Flag of Colombia.svg Real Academia
214 FW Johan Campaña (2002-09-09)9 September 2002 (aged 16) Flag of Colombia.svg Deportivo Pasto
221 GK Juan José Uribe (2002-05-19)19 May 2002 (aged 16) Flag of Colombia.svg Atlético Nacional
234 FW Juan David Mosquera (2002-09-05)5 September 2002 (aged 16) Flag of Colombia.svg Carlos Sarmiento Lora


Head coach: Alejandro Garay

The 23-man squad was announced on 27 February 2019. [13]

No.Pos.PlayerDate of birth (age)Club
11 GK Lukas González (2002-02-11)11 February 2002 (aged 17) Flag of Uruguay.svg River Plate de Salto
22 DF Enzo Siri (2002-03-09)9 March 2002 (aged 17) Flag of Uruguay.svg Danubio
32 DF Joaquín Sosa (2002-01-10)10 January 2002 (aged 17) Flag of Uruguay.svg Nacional
42 DF Pedro Milans (2002-03-24)24 March 2002 (aged 16) Flag of Uruguay.svg Juventud
53 MF Vicente Poggi (2002-07-11)11 July 2002 (aged 16) Flag of Uruguay.svg Defensor Sporting
62 DF Ignacio Velázquez (2002-10-31)31 October 2002 (aged 16) Flag of Uruguay.svg Nacional
73 MF Cristian Olivera (2002-04-17)17 April 2002 (aged 16) Flag of Uruguay.svg Rentistas
83 MF Santiago Cartagena (2002-09-01)1 September 2002 (aged 16) Flag of Uruguay.svg Nacional
94 FW Juan Manuel Gutiérrez (2002-02-04)4 February 2002 (aged 17) Flag of Uruguay.svg Danubio
103 MF Matías Ocampo (2002-03-14)14 March 2002 (aged 17) Flag of Uruguay.svg Defensor Sporting
114 FW Maximiliano Juambeltz (2002-06-09)9 June 2002 (aged 16) Flag of Uruguay.svg Defensor Sporting
121 GK Randall Rodríguez (2003-11-29)29 November 2003 (aged 15) Flag of Uruguay.svg Peñarol
132 DF Axel Prado (2002-11-17)17 November 2002 (aged 16) Flag of Uruguay.svg Juventud
142 DF Bruno Vera (2003-05-04)4 May 2003 (aged 15) Flag of Uruguay.svg Ferro Carril de Salto
152 DF Luciano Fernández (2002-03-16)16 March 2002 (aged 17) Flag of Uruguay.svg Peñarol
163 MF Alexander Machado (2002-05-28)28 May 2002 (aged 16) Flag of Uruguay.svg Cerro
174 FW Santiago Álvez (2002-07-13)13 July 2002 (aged 16) Flag of Uruguay.svg Danubio
183 MF Kevin Alaniz (2003-01-30)30 January 2003 (aged 16) Flag of Uruguay.svg Fénix
194 FW Matías Arezo (2002-11-21)21 November 2002 (aged 16) Flag of Uruguay.svg River Plate
203 MF Braulio Guisolfo (2002-05-07)7 May 2002 (aged 16) Flag of Uruguay.svg Peñarol
214 FW Axel Pérez (2002-02-18)18 February 2002 (aged 17) Flag of Uruguay.svg Nacional
223 MF Guillermo Wagner (2002-01-09)9 January 2002 (aged 17) Flag of Uruguay.svg Montevideo Wanderers
231 GK Ignacio Suárez (2002-02-05)5 February 2002 (aged 17) Flag of Uruguay.svg Nacional


Head coach: Gustavo Morínigo

The 23-man squad was announced on 23 February 2019. [14] [15]

No.Pos.PlayerDate of birth (age)Club
11 GK Antonio González (2002-01-02)2 January 2002 (aged 17) Flag of Paraguay.svg Cerro Porteño
22 DF Santiago Ocampos (2002-01-22)22 January 2002 (aged 17) Flag of Italy.svg Juventus
32 DF Rodrigo Melgarejo (2002-05-23)23 May 2002 (aged 16) Flag of Paraguay.svg Deportivo Capiatá
42 DF Gastón Benítez (2002-05-21)21 May 2002 (aged 16) Flag of Paraguay.svg Nacional
52 DF Rolando Ortiz (2002-08-19)19 August 2002 (aged 16) Flag of Paraguay.svg Olimpia
63 MF Wilder Viera (2002-03-04)4 March 2002 (aged 17) Flag of Paraguay.svg Cerro Porteño
73 MF Rodrigo López (2002-03-29)29 March 2002 (aged 16) Flag of Paraguay.svg Libertad
83 MF Fabrizio Peralta (2002-08-02)2 August 2002 (aged 16) Flag of Paraguay.svg Cerro Porteño
94 FW Diego Ariel Duarte (2002-04-08)8 April 2002 (aged 16) Flag of Paraguay.svg Olimpia
103 MF Fernando Ovelar (2004-01-06)6 January 2004 (aged 15) Flag of Paraguay.svg Cerro Porteño
113 MF Júnior Noguera (2002-05-08)8 May 2002 (aged 16) Flag of Paraguay.svg Cerro Porteño
121 GK Fernando Pineda (2002-04-08)8 April 2002 (aged 16) Flag of Paraguay.svg Libertad
132 DF Basilio Duarte (2002-11-01)1 November 2002 (aged 16) Flag of Paraguay.svg Cerro Porteño
142 DF Ulises González (2002-01-15)15 January 2002 (aged 17) Flag of Paraguay.svg Deportivo Capiatá
153 MF Denis Colmán (2003-03-22)22 March 2003 (aged 15) Flag of Paraguay.svg Olimpia
163 MF Matías Galarza (2002-02-11)11 February 2002 (aged 17) Flag of Paraguay.svg Olimpia
173 MF Roque Amarilla (2002-05-26)26 May 2002 (aged 16) Flag of Paraguay.svg Cerro Porteño
184 FW Diego Acosta (2002-11-12)12 November 2002 (aged 16) Flag of Paraguay.svg Libertad
194 FW Fernando Presentado (2002-06-28)28 June 2002 (aged 16) Flag of Paraguay.svg Nacional
203 MF Diego Fernández (2002-09-02)2 September 2002 (aged 16) Flag of Paraguay.svg Sportivo Luqueño
213 MF Orlando Colmán (2002-02-02)2 February 2002 (aged 17) Flag of Paraguay.svg Nacional
222 DF Fabio Barrios (2002-09-19)19 September 2002 (aged 16) Flag of Paraguay.svg Olimpia
231 GK Diego Aranda (2002-03-02)2 March 2002 (aged 17) Flag of Paraguay.svg Sol de América

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The 2004 CONMEBOL Pre-Olympic Tournament was an international football tournament held in Chile from 7 to 25 January 2004. The ten national teams involved in the tournament were required to register a squad of 20 players, of which two had to be goalkeepers. Only players in these squads are eligible to take part in the tournament. The tournament exclusively required players to be born on or after 1 January 1981 to be eligible.

The 2015 South American Youth Football Championship was an international association football tournament held in Uruguay. The ten national teams involved in the tournament were required to register a squad of 23 players; only players in these squads were eligible to take part in the tournament.

The 2017 South American U-20 Championship was an international association football tournament held in Ecuador. The ten national teams involved in the tournament were required to register a squad of 23 players; only players in these squads are eligible to take part in the tournament.

The 2017 South American Under-17 Football Championship is an international association football tournament held in Chile. The ten national teams involved in the tournament were required to register a squad of 23 players; only players in these squads are eligible to take part in the tournament.
Each player had to have been born after January 1, 2000. All ages as of start of the tournament.

The 2019 South American U-20 Championship is an international association football tournament held in Chile. The ten national teams involved in the tournament were required to register a squad of 23 players; only players in these squads are eligible to take part in the tournament.
Each player had to have been born after 1 January 1999. All ages as of start of the tournament.

The following is a list of squads for all 12 national teams that competed at the 2019 Copa América. Each national team had to submit a final squad of 23 players, 3 of whom had to be goalkeepers.

The men's football tournament at the 2019 Pan American Games will be held in Lima from 29 July to 10 August 2019. The eight teams involved in the tournament were required to register a squad of 18 players, including two goalkeepers.

The 2020 CONMEBOL Pre-Olympic Tournament was an international association football tournament held in Colombia from 18 January to 9 February 2020. The ten national teams involved in the tournament were required to register a squad of 23 players; only players in these squads are eligible to take part in the tournament.

Carlos Alberto Vivas González is a Venezuelan footballer who plays as a centre-back for Deportivo Táchira.

The following is a list of squads for all 10 national teams that competed at the 2020 South American Under-20 Women's Football Championship. Each national team had to submit a final squad of 22 players, 3 of whom had to be goalkeepers.

The 2021 Copa América was an international football tournament held in Brazil from 13 June to 10 July 2021. The ten national teams involved in the tournament were required to register a squad of up to 28 players, including at least three goalkeepers, an increase over the usual number of 23 players allowed. Only players in these squads were eligible to take part in the tournament.

The 2022 Copa América de Futsal was an international futsal tournament held in Asunción, Paraguay from 29 January to 6 February 2021. The ten national teams involved in the tournament were required to register a squad of a minimum of 10 and up to 14 players, including at least two goalkeepers. Only players in these squads were eligible to take part in the tournament.

This article describes about the squads for the 2022 South American Under-20 Women's Football Championship.

This article lists the squads for the 2022 Copa América Femenina, the 9th edition of the Copa América Femenina. The tournament is a quadrennial women's international football tournament for national teams in South America organised by CONMEBOL, and was held in Colombia from 8 to 30 July 2022. In the tournament there were ten national teams involved. Each national team registered a squad of 23 players.

The 2023 South American U-20 Championship will be an international football tournament to be held in Colombia from 19 January to 12 February 2023. The ten national teams involved in the tournament were required to register a squad of a minimum of 19 and a maximum of 23 players, including at least three goalkeepers. Only players in these squads are eligible to take part in the tournament. The tournament exclusively requires players to be born between 1 January 2003 and 31 December 2007 to be eligible, that is, they must be a maximum of 20 years old and at least 16 years old.

The 2023 South American U-17 Championship will be an international football tournament to be held in Ecuador from 30 March to 23 April 2023. The ten national teams involved in the tournament were required to register a squad of a minimum of 19 and a maximum of 23 players, including at least three goalkeepers. Only players in these squads are eligible to take part in the tournament. The tournament exclusively requires players to be born between 1 January 2006 and 31 December 2008 to be eligible, that is, they must be a maximum of 17 years old and at least 15 years old.

The 2024 CONMEBOL Pre-Olympic Tournament will be an international football tournament to be held in Venezuela from 20 January to 11 February 2024. The ten national teams involved in the tournament were required to register a squad of a minimum of 19 and a maximum of 23 players, including at least three goalkeepers. Only players in these squads are eligible to take part in the tournament. The tournament exclusively requires players to be born on or after 1 January 2001 to be eligible, that is, they must be a maximum of 23 years old by the end of the calendar year in which the competition is played.

This article describes about the squads for the 2024 South American Under-20 Women's Football Championship.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">2024 Copa América squads</span>

The 2024 Copa América was an international soccer tournament held in the United States from June 20 to July 14, 2024. The sixteen participating national teams were required to register a squad of up to 26 players, including at least three goalkeepers. Only players in these squads were eligible to take part in the tournament.

The 2025 South American U-20 Championship will be an international football tournament to be held in Venezuela from 23 January to 16 February 2025. The ten national teams involved in the tournament were required to register a squad of a minimum of 19 and a maximum of 23 players, including at least three goalkeepers. Only players in these squads are eligible to take part in the tournament. The tournament exclusively requires players to be born between 1 January 2005 and 31 December 2009 to be eligible, i.e. they must be a maximum of 20 years old and at least 16 years old by the end of the calendar year in which the competition is played.


  1. "Nómina de las 10 selecciones participantes" (in Spanish). CONMEBOL.com. 6 March 2019.
  2. "NOMINA DE JUGADORES" (PDF). CONMEBOL.com (in Spanish). Confederación Sudamericana de Fútbol. 1 March 2019.
  3. "Lista de convocados por Perú para el Sudamericano Sub 17" (in Spanish). Futbolperuano.com. 6 March 2019.
  4. "Conoce a los jugadores que defenderán a la Selección Peruana en el Sudamericano Sub 17" (in Spanish). Montevideo: Radio Programas del Perú. 4 March 2019.
  5. "ELLOS SON NUESTROS TRICOLORES SUB 17" (in Spanish). FEF. 7 March 2019. Archived from the original on 27 March 2019. Retrieved 8 March 2019.
  6. "La Sub 17 ya está en Lima y entrena hoy" (in Spanish). FBF. 13 March 2019.
  7. "La Selección Nacional sub-17 trabaja con 28 jugadores" (in Spanish). FBF. 29 January 2019.
  8. "Ya se conocieron los 23 jugadores vinotintos que asistirán al Sudamericano Sub 17 de Perú" (in Spanish). FVF. 1 March 2019.
  9. "Nómina de La Selección Sub 17 para el Sudamericano Sub 17 - Perú 2019" (in Spanish). ANFP. 7 March 2019.
  10. "Seleção Brasileira Sub-17 definida para o Sul-Americano do Peru" (in Portuguese). CBF. 1 March 2019.
  11. "Los 23 citados para el Sudamericano" (in Spanish). AFA. 2 March 2019. Archived from the original on 13 April 2019. Retrieved 4 March 2019.
  12. "Convocatoria Selección Colombia Masculina Sub-17 para Sudamericano" (in Spanish). FCF. 18 March 2019. Archived from the original on 27 March 2019. Retrieved 19 March 2019.
  13. "Plantel para el Sudamericano" (in Spanish). AUF. 27 February 2019.
  14. "Ellos son los 23 convocados albirrojos para el Sudamericano Sub 17" (in Spanish). APF. 23 February 2019.
  15. "La lista del Sudamericano" (in Spanish). ABC Color. 25 February 2019.