7th National Assembly of Slovenia

Last updated
7th National Assembly

7. Državni zbor
Coat of arms of Slovenia.svg
Founded23 December 1992
Milan Brglez, SMC
since 1 August 2014
Seats 90 seats
Political groups
  •   SMC (33)
  •   SDS (19)
  •   DeSUS (11)
  •   SD (6)
  •   Levica (5)
  •   NSi (5)
  •   Independent (9)
  •   National minorities (2)
Proportional representation
Last election
13 July 2014
Meeting place
Building of the National Assembly, Ljubljana
Great Hall of the National Assembly

The 7th National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia was elected in the Slovenian parliamentary election held on July 13, 2014.


Major events

Major legislation

Political parties

SMC Modern Centre Party
Stranka modernega centra
Miro Cerar
MP, Prime Minister
33 / 90
SDS Slovenian Democratic Party
Slovenska demokratska stranka
Janez Janša
MP, Former PM
19 / 90
DeSUS Democratic Party of Pensioners of Slovenia
Demokratična stranka upokojencev Slovenije
Karl Erjavec
Minister of Foreign Affairs
11 / 90
SD Social Democrats
Socialni demokrati
Dejan Židan
MP, Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Food
6 / 90
Levica The Left
Luka Mesec
5 / 90
NSi New Slovenia - Christian Democrats
Nova Slovenija - Krščanski demokrati
Matej Tonin
MP, Speaker of the National Assembly
5 / 90
SAB Party of Alenka Bratušek
Stranka Alenke Bratušek
Alenka Bratušek
Former PM
2 / 90


National Assembly leadership

Speaker Milan Brlgez (SMC)
Deputy Speaker Matjaž Nemec (SD)
Deputy Speaker Primož Heinz (DeSUS)

Leaders of the political groups

PS SMC Group of Modern Centre Party
Poslanska skupina Stranke modernega centra
Simona Kustec Lipicer
PS SDS Group of Slovenian Democratic Party
Poslanska skupina Slovenske demokratske stranke
Jože Tanko
PS DeSUS Group of Democratic Party of Pensioners of Slovenia
Poslanska skupina Demokratične stranke upokojencev Slovenije
Franc Jurša
PS SD Group of Social Democrats
Poslanska skupina Socialnih demokratov
Matjaž Han
PS Levica Group of The Left
Poslanska skupina Levice
Luka Mesec
PS NSi Group of New Slovenia - Christian Democrats
Poslanska skupina Nove Slovenije - Krščanskih demokratov
Jožef Horvat
PS SABGroup of Independent MPs
Poslanska skupina Nepovezanih poslancev
Bojan Dobovšek
PS IMNSGroup of Italian in Hungarian National Minority
Poslanska skupina italijanske in madžarske narodne skupnosti
Felice Žiža


    Changes in membership

    Changes of MPs

    Changes are expected when a new government is formed. MP's who have served as Prime Minister, Minister, State Secretary or Secretary-General of the government, cannot be MP any longer and are replaced with an MP not having previously served in cabinet positions.

    Vacated byReason for changeSuccessor
    ConstituencyDistrictNamePartyConstituencyDistrictNamePartyDate of installation

    Changes in the political groups membership

    Working bodies


    Committee on Agriculture, Forestry and Food Tomaž Lisec (SDS)
    Committee on Culture Dragan Matić (SMC)
    Committee on Defence Žan Mahnič (SDS)
    Committee on Education, Science, Sport and Youth Mirjam Bon Klanjšček (SAB)
    Committee on EU Affairs Kamal Izidor Shaker (SMC)
    Committee on Finance and Monetary Policy Urška Ban (SMC)
    Committee on Foreign Policy Jožef Horvat (NSi)
    Committee on Health Tomaž Gantar (DeSUS)
    Committee on Infrastructure, Environment and Spatial Planning Igor Zorčič (SMC)
    Committee on Justice Jan Škoberne (SD)
    Committee on Labour, Family, Social Policy and Disability Uroš Prikl (DeSUS)
    Committee on the Economy
    Committee on the Interior, Public Administration and Local Self-Government Dušan Verbič (SMC)

    Standing Commissions

    Commission for Petitions, Human Rights and Equal Opportunities Eva Irgl (SDS)
    Commission for Public Finance Control Andrej Šircelj (SDS)
    Commission for Public Office and Elections Mitja Horvat (SMC)
    Commission for Relations with Slovenes in Neighbouring and Other Countries Lazslo Göncz (IMNS)
    Commission for the National Communities Ivan Hršak (DeSUS)
    Commission for the Rules of Procedure Matej Tašner Vatovec (Levica)
    Commission for the Supervision of Intelligence and Security Services Branko Grims (SDS)
    Constitutional Commission Milan Brglez (SMC)

    Other bodies

    Council of the Speaker of the National Assembly Milan Brglez (SMC)Speaker and Deputy Speakers (no voting right)
    Leaders of political groups (voting right)
    Representatives of National Minorities (voting right)
    Club of the Female MPs Suzana Lep Šimenko (SDS) Marija Antonija Kovačič (DeSUS)
    Andreja Potočnik (SMC)
    Female MPs


    Sessions of the Assembly

    Sessions of the working bodies

    Appointments and nominations

    National Assembly appoints:


    DateProposerPositionCandidateVotedIn favourAgainstInvalidComments
    1 August 201431 MPs, first signatory Miro Cerar (SMC) [1] Speaker Milan Brglez (SMC)8666119secret ballot
    25 August 2014President of the Republic Borut Pahor [2] Prime Minister Miro Cerar (SMC)6957111secret ballot
    49 MPs, first signatory Matjaž Han (SD) [3] Deputy-Speaker Janko Veber (SD)8759919secret ballot
    49 MPs, first signatory Franc Jurša (DeSUS) [4] Deputy-Speaker Primož Hainz (DeSUS)8756256secret ballot
    Council of the Speaker [5] Secretary-General of the NA Uršula Zore Tavčar 85650/public voting
    18 September 2014Prime Minister Miro Cerar (SMC) [6] Minister of the Interior Vesna Györkös Žnidar (SMC)855425/public voting
    Minister of Foreign Affairs Karl Erjavec (DeSUS)
    Minister of Finance Dušan Mramor (SMC)
    Minister of Infrastructure Peter Gašperšič (SMC)
    Minister of Education, Science and Sport Stanka Setnikar Cankar (SMC)
    Minister of Defence Janko Veber (SD)
    Minister of Economic Development and Technology Jožef Petrovič (SMC)
    Minister of Justice Goran Klemenčič (SMC)
    Minister of Public Administration Boris Koprivnikar (SMC)
    Minister of Health Milojka Kolar Celarc (SMC)
    Minister of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities Anja Kopač Mrak (SD)
    Minister of Culture Julijana Bizjak Mlakar (DeSUS)
    Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Food Dejan Židan (SD)
    Minister of Environment and Spatial Planning Irena Majcen (DeSUS)
    Minister without portfolio for Slovenian diaspora Gorazd Žmavc (DeSUS)
    Minister without Portfolio responsible for Development, Strategic Projects and Cohesion Violeta Bulc (SMC)
    30 September 2014Human Rights Ombudsman Vlasta Nussdorfer [7] Deputy Human Rights Ombudsman Tonček Dolčič 755415/public voting
    [8] Deputy Human Rights Ombudsman Jernej Rovšek 695016/public voting
    45 MPs, first signatory Matjaž Han (SD) [9] Deputy-Speaker Andreja Katič (SD)7460113secret ballot

    Composition of the executive

    Interpellations, votes of confidence, and charges before the Constitutional Court


    According to the Article 118 of the Constitution at least 10 MPs can submit and interpellation against a minister or government as a whole.

    DateProposerInterpellatedQuorumIn favourAgainstAbstainComments
    No interpellation has yet been submitted.

    Votes of confidence

    Prime Minister can, according to the Article 117 of the Constitution request a vote of confidence. If government does not win the vote of confidence, National Assembly has to elect new Prime Minister within 30 days. If it fails, President of the Republic dissolves the National Assembly and snap election takes place within 60 days.

    Also, according to the Article 116 of the Constitution, 10 MPs can propose a vote of no confidence and at the same time propose a candidate for the new Prime Minister.

    Charges before the Constitutional Court

    Based on Articles 109 and 119 of the Constitution National Assembly can press charges against President of the Republic, Prime Minister or ministers before the Constitutional Court if they brake the Constitution or laws.

    Legislative services heads

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    1. Proposal: Speaker; 1 August 2014 - https://www.dz-rs.si/wps/portal/Home/deloDZ/zakonodaja/izbranZakonAkt?uid=C12565E2005ED694C1257D270038F8C5&db=kon_akt&mandat=VII
    2. Proposal: Prime Minister; 5 August 2014 - https://www.dz-rs.si/wps/portal/Home/deloDZ/zakonodaja/izbranZakonAkt?uid=C12565E2005ED694C1257D39003FB4D5&db=kon_akt&mandat=VII
    3. Proposal: Deputy-Speaker; 22 August 2014 - https://www.dz-rs.si/wps/portal/Home/deloDZ/zakonodaja/izbranZakonAkt?uid=C12565E2005ED694C1257D3C0038CB14&db=kon_akt&mandat=VII
    4. Proposal: Deputy-Speaker; 22 August 2014 - https://www.dz-rs.si/wps/portal/Home/deloDZ/zakonodaja/izbranZakonAkt?uid=C12565E2005ED694C1257D3C003FD092&db=kon_akt&mandat=VII
    5. Proposal: Secretary-General; 22 August 2014 - https://www.dz-rs.si/wps/portal/Home/deloDZ/zakonodaja/izbranZakonAkt?uid=C12565E2005ED694C1257D3C00376A37&db=kon_akt&mandat=VII
    6. Proposal: Ministers; 9 September 2014 - https://www.dz-rs.si/wps/portal/Home/deloDZ/zakonodaja/izbranZakonAkt?uid=C12565E2005ED694C1257D4E005DB03D&db=kon_akt&mandat=VII
    7. Proposal: Deputy Human Rights Ombudsman; 17 September 2014 - https://www.dz-rs.si/wps/portal/Home/deloDZ/zakonodaja/izbranZakonAkt?uid=C12565E2005ED694C1257D5600413C58&db=kon_akt&mandat=VII
    8. Proposal: Deputy Human Rights Ombudsman; 22 September 2014 - https://www.dz-rs.si/wps/portal/Home/deloDZ/zakonodaja/izbranZakonAkt?uid=C12565E2005ED694C1257D5B004380D5&db=kon_akt&mandat=VII
    9. Proposal: Deputy-Speaker; 24 September 2014 - https://www.dz-rs.si/wps/portal/Home/deloDZ/zakonodaja/izbranZakonAkt?uid=C12565E2005ED694C1257D5D003EA3E0&db=kon_akt&mandat=VII