Adventures In High Fantasy is a 1981 role-playing game adventure published by Reston Publishing for High Fantasy .
Adventures In High Fantasy is a supplement which provides three adventures and a set of rules for play with miniatures. [1]
Adventures in High Fantasy features four scenarios, including Fortress Ellendar and Moorguard , and also includes "Terra Ash," which describes a lost and buried temple contested by three warring societies, and "Lord of Conquest," a battle scenario that includes miniatures rules. [2]
Adventures in High Fantasy was written by Jeffrey C. Dillow and published by Reston Publishing in 1981 as a 208-page hardcover book and as a softcover book. [2]
Eric Goldberg reviewed Adventures In High Fantasy in Ares Magazine #9. [3] Goldberg commented that "Dillow's imagination is one of his strongest assets, as can be deduced from a quick perusal of his adventure rationales as shown in the Adventures in High Fantasy book." [3]
Lewis Pulsipher reviewed Adventures In High Fantasy in The Space Gamer No. 51. [1] Pulsipher commented that "Take a look at this book if you get a chance, but unless you play High Fantasy or love set-script adventures, you can find more useful material for your game at a comparable price, with more freedom to pick and choose." [1]
Magic Realm is a fantasy adventure board game designed by Richard Hamblen and published by Avalon Hill in 1979. Magic Realm is more complex than many wargames and is somewhat similar to a role-playing game. It can be played solitaire or with up to 16 players and game time can last 4 hours or more. The game board is a type of geomorphic mapboard constructed of large double-sided hexagon tiles, ensuring a wide variety of playing surfaces.
The Creature That Ate Sheboygan is a science fiction board game released in 1979 by Simulations Publications (SPI). The game received good reviews and won an industry award.
Bushido is a Samurai role-playing game set in Feudal Japan, originally designed by Robert N. Charrette and Paul R. Hume and published originally by Tyr Games, then Phoenix Games, and subsequently by Fantasy Games Unlimited. The setting for the game is a land called Nippon, and characters adventure in this heroic, mythic, and fantastic analogue of Japan's past.
High Fantasy is a fantasy role-playing game system originally published by Fantasy Productions in 1978. A second edition in 1981 and several subsequent books were published by Reston Publishing that featured solo adventures using the High Fantasy system. The game received mixed reviews in game periodicals including White Dwarf, The Space Gamer, Different Worlds, Ares, and Dragon.
Thieves' World is a role-playing game supplement published by Chaosium in 1981, based on the Thieves' World series of novels. It was notable for including rules and statistics allowing for its use with nine different fantasy and science-fiction RPG gaming systems.
Land of the Rising Sun is a fantasy role-playing game, designed by Lee Gold and published by Fantasy Games Unlimited (FGU) in 1980 that is set in feudal Japan.
Thieves' Guild is a fantasy role-playing game published by Gamelords in 1980.
Adventures in Fantasy is a role-playing game published by Excalibre Games in 1979, designed by Dave Arneson and Richard Snider. The game is a fantasy system, similar to early Dungeons & Dragons (D&D), which Arneson co-created. It received mixed to negative reviews in game periodicals, including The Space Gamer, Ares, and Pegasus, and ultimately flopped. Arneson later bought the rights to Adventures in Fantasy and published a new edition in 1981 through his own company Adventure Games.
Star Patrol is a science fiction role-playing game published by Gamescience in 1977.
Fortress Ellendar is a 1979 fantasy role-playing game adventure published by Fantasy Productions, Inc. for the High Fantasy role-playing game.
Moorguard is a 1980 fantasy role-playing game adventure published by Fantasy Productions, Inc. for the High Fantasy role-playing game.
The Lords of Underearth is a 1981 board game published by Metagaming Concepts as part of its MicroGame line.
Thieves' Guild 2 is a 1980 role-playing game supplement published by Gamelords for Thieves' Guild.
Thieves' Guild 3: The Duke's Dress Ball is a 1980 role-playing game supplement published by Gamelords for Thieves' Guild.
Thieves' Guild 4 is a 1981 role-playing game supplement published by Gamelords for Thieves' Guild.
Griffin Mountain is a tabletop role-playing game supplement for RuneQuest, written by Rudy Kraft, Jennell Jaquays, and Greg Stafford, and published by Chaosium in 1981. Griffin Mountain is a wilderness campaign setting for the RuneQuest system, focussed on the land of Balazar and the Elder Wilds. It contains role-playing material to help gamemasters design adventures in the setting. It received positive reviews in game periodicals including Ares, White Dwarf, The Space Gamer, and Dragon.
F'Dech Fo's Tomb is a 1981 fantasy role-playing game adventure published by Judges Guild.
Murder in Irliss is an adventure published by Reston Publishing in 1982 for the single-player fantasy role-playing game High Fantasy.
In the Service of Saena Sephar is an adventure published by Reston Publishing in 1982 for the single-player fantasy role-playing game High Fantasy.
In The Labyrinth is a 1980 role-playing game supplement for The Fantasy Trip published by Metagaming. An expanded version released in 2019 by Steve Jackson Games as part of the company's revival of The Fantasy Trip.