
Last updated
Classification Computer virus
Isolation date2008
Origin New Zealand
Authors Owen Walker

Akbot was a computer virus that infected an estimated 1.3 million computers and added them to a botnet. [1] It was created by an 18-year-old named Owen Walker, who was charged but unconvicted in 2008.



Akbot is an IRC controlled backdoor program. It allows an outside user to take control of the infected computer. Akbot operates by joining IRC servers and the waiting for further instructions. Once installed, Akbot can be used to gather data, kill processes, or perform DDOS attacks.


The author, 18-year-old New Zealand based bot master, Owen Walker ("AKILL"), was caught during an international investigation, Operation: Bot Roast, during which his home was raided by New Zealand police and an FBI agent. He was charged in April 2008, but not convicted because the court did not believe his motives to be criminal. [2]

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Operation: Bot Roast is an operation by the FBI to track down bot herders, crackers, or virus coders who install malicious software on computers through the Internet without the owners' knowledge, which turns the computer into a zombie computer that then sends out spam to other computers from the compromised computer, making a botnet or network of bot infected computers. The operation was launched because the vast scale of botnet resources poses a threat to national security.

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Owen Thor Walker is a computer hacker living in New Zealand, who was discharged without conviction despite pleading guilty to several charges of 'cybercrime'. In 2008 he admitted to being the ringleader of an international hacking organization estimated to have caused $26 million worth of damage.

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  1. "New Zealand teenager accused of controlling botnet of 1.3 million computers". Heise online. November 30, 2007. Archived from the original on 2007-12-01.
  2. Shenagh Gleeson and Newstalk ZB (15 July 2008). "Conviction would harm hacker's future - judge". The New Zealand Herald . Retrieved 16 September 2011.