![]() | The examples and perspective in this article deal primarily with the United States and do not represent a worldwide view of the subject.(June 2022) |
The term annual percentage rate of charge (APR), [1] [2] corresponding sometimes to a nominal APR and sometimes to an effective APR (EAPR), [3] is the interest rate for a whole year (annualized), rather than just a monthly fee/rate, as applied on a loan, mortgage loan, credit card, [4] etc. It is a finance charge expressed as an annual rate. [5] [6] Those terms have formal, legal definitions in some countries or legal jurisdictions, but in the United States: [3]
In some areas, the annual percentage rate (APR) is the simplified counterpart to the effective interest rate that the borrower will pay on a loan. In many countries and jurisdictions, lenders (such as banks) are required to disclose the "cost" of borrowing in some standardized way as a form of consumer protection. The (effective) APR has been intended to make it easier to compare lenders and loan options.
The nominal APR is calculated by multiplying the interest rate for a payment period by the number of payment periods in a year. [3] However, the exact legal definition of "effective APR", or EAR, can vary greatly in each jurisdiction, depending on the type of fees included, such as participation fees, loan origination fees, monthly service charges, or late fees. The effective APR has been called the "mathematically-true" interest rate for each year. [7] [8]
The computation for the effective APR, as the fee + compound interest rate, can also vary depending on whether the up-front fees, such as origination or participation fees, are added to the entire amount, or treated as a short-term loan due in the first payment. When start-up fees are paid as first payment(s), the balance due might accrue more interest, as being delayed by the extra payment period(s). [9]
Effective annual percentage rate can be computed in at least three ways:
For example, consider a $100 loan which must be repaid after one month, plus 5%, plus a $10 fee. If the fee is not considered, this loan has an effective APR of approximately 80% (1.0512 = 1.7959, which is approximately an 80% increase). If the $10 fee were considered, the monthly interest increases by 10% ($10/$100), and the effective APR becomes approximately 435% (1.1512 = 5.3503, which equals a 435% increase). Hence there are at least two possible "effective APRs": 80% and 435%. Laws vary as to whether fees must be included in APR calculations.
In the United States, the Truth in Lending Act governs the calculation and disclosure of APR, implemented by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) through Regulation Z. In general, APR in the United States is expressed as the periodic (for instance, monthly) interest rate times the number of compounding periods in a year [10] (also known as the nominal interest rate); since the APR must include certain non-interest charges and fees, it requires more detailed calculation. The APR must be disclosed to the borrower within 3 days of applying for a mortgage. This information is typically mailed to the borrower and the APR is found on the truth in lending disclosure statement, which also includes an amortization schedule.
On July 30, 2009, provisions of the Mortgage Disclosure Improvement Act of 2008 (MDIA) came into effect. [11] A specific clause of this act refers directly to APR disclosure on mortgages. It states, if the final annual percentage rate APR is off by more than 0.125% from the initial GFE disclosure, then the lender must re-disclose and wait another three business days before closing on the transaction.
The calculation for "close-ended credit" (such as a home mortgage or auto loan) can be found here. For a fixed-rate mortgage, the APR is thus equal to its internal rate of return (or yield) under an assumption of zero prepayment and zero default. For an adjustable-rate mortgage the APR will also depend on the particular assumption regarding the prospective trajectory of the index rate.
The calculation for "open-ended credit" (such as a credit card, home equity loan or other line of credit) can be found here.
The European Union's APR standardization focuses on transparency and consumer rights: «a comprehensible set of information to be given to consumers in good time before the contract is concluded and also as part of the credit agreement [...] every creditor has to use this form when marketing a consumer credit in any Member State» so marketing different figures is not allowed.
The EU regulations were reinforced with directives 2008/48/EC and 2011/90/EU, fully in force in all member states since 2013. [12] However, in the UK the EU directive has been interpreted as the Representative APR.
A single method of calculating the APR was introduced in 1998 (directive 98/7/EC) and is required to be published for the major part of loans. Using the improved notation of directive 2008/48/EC, the basic equation for calculation of APR in the EU is:
In this equation the left side is the present value of the drawdowns made by the lender and the right side is the present value of the repayments made by the borrower. In both cases the present value is defined given the APR as the interest rate. So the present value of the drawdowns is equal to the present value of the repayments, given the APR as the interest rate.
Note that neither the amounts nor the periods between transactions are necessarily equal. For the purposes of this calculation, a year is presumed to have 365 days (366 days for leap years), 52 weeks or 12 equal months. As per the standard: "An equal month is presumed to have 30.41666 days (i.e. 365/12) regardless of whether or not it is a leap year." The result is to be expressed to at least one decimal place. This algorithm for APR is required for some but not all forms of consumer debt in the EU. For example, this EU directive is limited to agreements of €50,000 and below and excludes all mortgages. [13]
In the Netherlands the formula above is also used for mortgages. In many cases the mortgage is not always paid back completely at the end of period N, but for instance when the borrower sells his house or dies. In addition, there is usually only one payment of the lender to the borrower: in the beginning of the loan. In that case the formula becomes:
If the length of the periods are equal (monthly payments) then the summations can be simplified using the formula for a geometric series. Either way, the APR can be solved iteratively only from the formulas above, apart from trivial cases such as N=1.
An effective annual interest rate of 10% can also be expressed in several ways:
These rates are all equivalent, but to a consumer who is not trained in the mathematics of finance, this can be confusing. APR helps to standardize how interest rates are compared, so that a 10% loan is not made to look cheaper by calling it a loan at "9.1% annually in advance".
The APR does not necessarily convey the total amount of interest paid over the course of a year: if one pays part of the interest prior to the end of the year, the total amount of interest paid is less.
In the case of a loan with no fees, the amortization schedule would be worked out by taking the principal left at the end of each month, multiplying by the monthly rate and then subtracting the monthly payment.
This can be expressed mathematically by
This also explains why a 15-year mortgage and a 30-year mortgage with the same APR would have different monthly payments and a different total amount of interest paid. There are many more periods over which to spread the principal, which makes the payment smaller, but there are just as many periods over which to charge interest at the same rate, which makes the total amount of interest paid much greater. For example, $100,000 mortgaged (without fees, since they add into the calculation in a different way) over 15 years costs a total of $193,429.80 (interest is 93.430% of principal), but over 30 years, costs a total of $315,925.20 (interest is 215.925% of principal).
In addition the APR takes costs into account. Suppose for instance that $100,000 is borrowed with $1000 one-time fees paid in advance. If, in the second case, equal monthly payments are made of $946.01 against 9.569% compounded monthly then it takes 240 months to pay the loan back. If the $1000 one-time fees are taken into account then the yearly interest rate paid is effectively equal to 10.31%.
The APR concept can also be applied to savings accounts: imagine a savings account with 1% costs at each withdrawal and again 9.569% interest compounded monthly. Suppose that the complete amount including the interest is withdrawn after exactly one year. Then, taking this 1% fee into account, the savings effectively earned 8.9% interest that year.
The APR can also be represented by a money factor (also known as the lease factor, lease rate, or factor). The money factor is usually given as a decimal, for example .0030. To find the equivalent APR, the money factor is multiplied by 2400. A money factor of .0030 is equivalent to a monthly interest rate of 0.6% and an APR of 7.2%. [14]
For a leasing arrangement with an initial capital cost of C, a residual value at the end of the lease of F and a monthly interest rate of r, monthly interest starts at Cr and decreases almost linearly during the term of the lease to a final value of Fr. [15] The total amount of interest paid over the lease term of N months is therefore
and the average interest amount per month is
This amount is called the "monthly finance fee". [16] The factor r/2 is called the "money factor"
Despite repeated attempts by regulators to establish usable and consistent standards, APR does not represent the total cost of borrowing in some jurisdictions nor does it really create a comparable standard across jurisdictions. Nevertheless, it is considered a reasonable starting point for an ad hoc comparison of lenders.
Credit card holders should be aware that most U.S. credit cards are quoted in terms of nominal APR compounded monthly, which is not the same as the effective annual rate (EAR). Despite the word "annual" in APR, it is not necessarily a direct reference for the interest rate paid on a stable balance over one year. The more direct reference for the one-year rate of interest is EAR. The general conversion factor for APR to EAR is , where n represents the number of compounding periods of the APR per EAR period. As an example, for a common credit card quoted at 12.99% APR compounded monthly, the one year EAR is , or 13.7975%. For 12.99% APR compounded daily, the EAR paid on a stable balance over one year becomes 13.87% (where the .000049 addition to the 12.99% APR is possible because the new rate does not exceed the advertised APR [ citation needed ]). Note that a high U.S. APR of 29.99% compounded monthly carries an effective annual rate of 34.48%.
While the difference between APR and EAR may seem trivial, because of the exponential nature of interest these small differences can have a large effect over the life of a loan. For example, consider a 30-year loan of $200,000 with a stated APR of 10.00%, i.e., 10.0049% APR or the EAR equivalent of 10.4767%. The monthly payments, using APR, would be $1755.87. However, using an EAR of 10.00% the monthly payment would be $1691.78. The difference between the EAR and APR amounts to a difference of $64.09 per month. Over the life of a 30-year loan, this amounts to $23,070.86, which is over 11% of the original loan amount.
Some classes of fees are deliberately not included in the calculation of APR. Because these fees are not included, some consumer advocates claim that the APR does not represent the total cost of borrowing. Excluded fees may include:
Lenders argue that the real estate attorney's fee, for example, is a pass-through cost, not a cost of the lending. In effect, they are arguing that the attorney's fee is a separate transaction and not a part of the loan. Consumer advocates argue that this would be true if the customer is free to select which attorney is used. If the lender insists, however, on using a specific attorney, the cost should be looked at as a component of the total cost of doing business with that lender. This area is made more complicated by the practice of contingency fees – for example, when the lender receives money from the attorney and other agents to be the one used by the lender. Because of this, U.S. regulators require all lenders to produce an affiliated business disclosure form which shows the amounts paid between the lender and the appraisal firms, attorneys, etc.
Lenders argue that including late fees and other conditional charges would require them to make assumptions about the consumer's behavior – assumptions which would bias the resulting calculation and create more confusion than clarity.
Even beyond the non-included cost components listed above, regulators have been unable to completely define which one-time fees must be included and which excluded from the calculation. This leaves the lender with some discretion to determine which fees will be included (or not) in the calculation.
Consumers can, of course, use the nominal interest rate and any costs on the loan (or savings account) and compute the APR themselves, for instance using one of the calculators on the internet.
In the example of a mortgage loan, the following kinds of fees are:
Generally included | Sometimes included | Generally not included |
The discretion that is illustrated in the "sometimes included" column even in the highly regulated U.S. home mortgage environment makes it difficult to simply compare the APRs of two lenders. Note: U.S. regulators generally require a lender to use the same assumptions and definitions in their calculation of APR for each of their products even though they cannot force consistency across lenders.
With respect to items that may be sold with vendor financing, for example, automobile leasing, the notional cost of the good may effectively be hidden and the APR subsequently rendered meaningless. An example is a case where an automobile is leased to a customer based on a "manufacturer's suggested retail price" with a low APR: the vendor may be accepting a lower lease rate as a trade-off against a higher sale price. Had the customer self-financed, a discounted sales price may have been accepted by the vendor; in other words, the customer has received cheap financing in exchange for paying a higher purchase price, and the quoted APR understates the true cost of the financing. In this case, the only meaningful way to establish the "true" APR would involve arranging financing through other sources, determining the lowest-acceptable cash price and comparing the financing terms (which may not be feasible in all circumstances). For leases where the lessee has a purchase option at the end of the lease term, the cost of the APR is further complicated by this option. In effect, the lease includes a put option back to the manufacturer (or, alternatively, a call option for the consumer), and the value (or cost) of this option to the consumer is not transparent.
APR is dependent on the time period for which the loan is calculated. That is, the APR for a 30-year loan cannot be compared to the APR for a 20-year loan. APR can be used to show the relative impact of different payment schedules (such as balloon payments or biweekly payments instead of straight monthly payments), but most standard APR calculators have difficulty with those calculations.
Furthermore, most APR calculators assume that an individual will keep a particular loan until the end of the defined repayment period, resulting in the up-front fixed closing costs being amortized over the full term of the loan. If the consumer pays the loan off early, the effective interest rate achieved will be significantly higher than the APR initially calculated. This is especially problematic for mortgage loans, where typical loan repayment periods are 15 or 30 years but where many borrowers move or refinance before the loan period runs out, which increases the borrower's effective cost for any points or other origination fees.
In theory, this factor should not affect any individual consumer's ability to compare the APR of the same product (same repayment period and origination fees) across vendors. APR may not, however, be particularly helpful when attempting to compare different products, or similar products with different terms.
Since the principal loan balance is not paid down during the interest-only term, assuming there are no set up costs, the APR will be the same as the interest rate.
Three lenders with identical information may still calculate different APRs. The calculations can be quite complex and are poorly understood even by most financial professionals. Most users depend on software packages to calculate APR and are therefore dependent on the assumptions in that particular software package. While differences between software packages will not result in large variations, there are several acceptable methods of calculating APR, each of which returns a slightly different result.
Despite its usefulness in comparing borrowing costs across different loans and credit offers, APR has several limitations that can affect its accuracy and relevance, particularly for certain types of loans.
There are instances where APR may be misleading or an inaccurate measure of borrowing costs. It is argued that the APR can be misleading when applied to small-dollar loans, such as payday loans, because it does not accurately represent the true cost of borrowing for short-term financial products. While effective for comparing costs of longer-term loans, APR exaggerates the expense associated with short-term, small-dollar loans, thus potentially misleading consumers about the actual costs they will incur. [17]
In a paper by Thomas W. Miller Jr. at the Mercatus Center, it is argued that while interest rate caps are often proposed as a means to combat "predatory" lending practices associated with high APRs on small-dollar loans, such regulatory measures overlook potential adverse effects. The analysis suggests that a 36 percent interest rate cap could lead to a scarcity of available loans, as the caps may cause demand to surpass supply and prompt lenders to redirect capital away from small-dollar lending markets. This shift could effectively result in an implicit prohibition of products like payday loans by rendering them financially unsustainable. [18]
APR may not accurately reflect the cost of borrowing for certain mortgage types, such as those with non-standard repayment structures. APR calculations, which aim to provide a comprehensive cost measure by including interest rates and other fees, might not capture the complexities or the true costs of mortgages that deviate from traditional, fixed-rate, amortizing loans. This discrepancy arises because APR is designed under the assumption of a standard loan structure, potentially misleading consumers about the financial implications of mortgages with variable rates, interest-only periods, or other unique features. [19]
APR does not encompass all fees associated with a loan, particularly "junk fees". These excluded fees can include various types of non-interest charges such as certain closing costs, which are not reflected in the APR calculation. This exclusion can mislead consumers about the true cost of borrowing, as the APR presents a narrower scope of expenses than what the borrower may eventually pay. [20]
In economics and finance, present value (PV), also known as present discounted value(PDV), is the value of an expected income stream determined as of the date of valuation. The present value is usually less than the future value because money has interest-earning potential, a characteristic referred to as the time value of money, except during times of negative interest rates, when the present value will be equal or more than the future value. Time value can be described with the simplified phrase, "A dollar today is worth more than a dollar tomorrow". Here, 'worth more' means that its value is greater than tomorrow. A dollar today is worth more than a dollar tomorrow because the dollar can be invested and earn a day's worth of interest, making the total accumulate to a value more than a dollar by tomorrow. Interest can be compared to rent. Just as rent is paid to a landlord by a tenant without the ownership of the asset being transferred, interest is paid to a lender by a borrower who gains access to the money for a time before paying it back. By letting the borrower have access to the money, the lender has sacrificed the exchange value of this money, and is compensated for it in the form of interest. The initial amount of borrowed funds is less than the total amount of money paid to the lender.
In finance and economics, interest is payment from a debtor or deposit-taking financial institution to a lender or depositor of an amount above repayment of the principal sum, at a particular rate. It is distinct from a fee which the borrower may pay to the lender or some third party. It is also distinct from dividend which is paid by a company to its shareholders (owners) from its profit or reserve, but not at a particular rate decided beforehand, rather on a pro rata basis as a share in the reward gained by risk taking entrepreneurs when the revenue earned exceeds the total costs.
In finance, a loan is the tender of money by one party to another with an agreement to pay it back. The recipient, or borrower, incurs a debt and is usually required to pay interest for the use of the money.
A fixed-rate mortgage (FRM) is a mortgage loan where the interest rate on the note remains the same through the term of the loan, as opposed to loans where the interest rate may adjust or "float". As a result, payment amounts and the duration of the loan are fixed and the person who is responsible for paying back the loan benefits from a consistent, single payment and the ability to plan a budget based on this fixed cost.
A reverse mortgage is a mortgage loan, usually secured by a residential property, that enables the borrower to access the unencumbered value of the property. The loans are typically promoted to older homeowners and typically do not require monthly mortgage payments. Borrowers are still responsible for property taxes or homeowner's insurance. Reverse mortgages allow older people to immediately access the equity they have built up in their homes, and defer payment of the loan until they die, sell, or move out of the home. Because there are no required mortgage payments on a reverse mortgage, the interest is added to the loan balance each month. The rising loan balance can eventually exceed the value of the home, particularly in times of declining home values or if the borrower continues to live in the home for many years. However, the borrower is generally not required to repay any additional loan balance in excess of the value of the home.
Refinancing is the replacement of an existing debt obligation with another debt obligation under a different term and interest rate. The terms and conditions of refinancing may vary widely by country, province, or state, based on several economic factors such as inherent risk, projected risk, political stability of a nation, currency stability, banking regulations, borrower's credit worthiness, and credit rating of a nation. In many industrialized nations, common forms of refinancing include primary residence mortgages and car loans.
A payday loan is a short-term unsecured loan, often characterized by high interest rates. These loans are typically designed to cover immediate financial needs and are intended to be repaid on the borrower's next payday.
Second mortgages, commonly referred to as junior liens, are loans secured by a property in addition to the primary mortgage. Depending on the time at which the second mortgage is originated, the loan can be structured as either a standalone second mortgage or piggyback second mortgage. Whilst a standalone second mortgage is opened subsequent to the primary loan, those with a piggyback loan structure are originated simultaneously with the primary mortgage. With regard to the method in which funds are withdrawn, second mortgages can be arranged as home equity loans or home equity lines of credit. Home equity loans are granted for the full amount at the time of loan origination in contrast to home equity lines of credit which permit the homeowner access to a predetermined amount which is repaid during the repayment period.
Credit is the trust which allows one party to provide money or resources to another party wherein the second party does not reimburse the first party immediately, but promises either to repay or return those resources at a later date. The resources provided by the first party can be either property, fulfillment of promises, or performances. In other words, credit is a method of making reciprocity formal, legally enforceable, and extensible to a large group of unrelated people.
A shared appreciation mortgage often abbreviated as "SAM" is a mortgage in which the purchaser of a home shared a percentage of the appreciation in the home's value with the lender. In return, the lender agrees to charge an interest rate that is lower than the prevailing market interest rate. The lender agrees to receive some or all of the repayment of the loan in the form of a share of the increase in value of the property.
Also known as the "Sum of the Digits" method, the Rule of 78s is a term used in lending that refers to a method of yearly interest calculation. The name comes from the total number of months' interest that is being calculated in a year. This is an accurate interest model only based on the assumption that the borrower pays only the amount due each month. The outcome is that more of the interest is apportioned to the first part or early repayments than the later repayments. As such, the borrower pays a larger part of the total interest earlier in the term.
Credit card interest is a way in which credit card issuers generate revenue. A card issuer is a bank or credit union that gives a consumer a card or account number that can be used with various payees to make payments and borrow money from the bank simultaneously. The bank pays the payee and then charges the cardholder interest over the time the money remains borrowed. Banks suffer losses when cardholders do not pay back the borrowed money as agreed. As a result, optimal calculation of interest based on any information they have about the cardholder's credit risk is key to a card issuer's profitability. Before determining what interest rate to offer, banks typically check national, and international, credit bureau reports to identify the borrowing history of the card holder applicant with other banks and conduct detailed interviews and documentation of the applicant's finances.
Discount points, also called mortgage points or simply points, are a form of pre-paid interest available in the United States when arranging a mortgage. One point equals one percent of the loan amount. By charging a borrower points, a lender effectively increases the yield on the loan above the amount of the stated interest rate. Borrowers can offer to pay a lender points as a method to reduce the interest rate on the loan, thus obtaining a lower monthly payment in exchange for this up-front payment. For each point purchased, the loan rate is typically reduced by anywhere from 1/8% (0.125%) to 1/4% (0.25%).
This article gives descriptions of mortgage terminology in the United Kingdom.
Payment protection insurance (PPI), also known as credit insurance, credit protection insurance, or loan repayment insurance, is an insurance product that enables consumers to ensure repayment of credit if the borrower dies, becomes ill, disabled, loses a job, or faces other circumstances that may prevent them from earning income to service the debt. It is not to be confused with income protection insurance, which is not specific to a debt but covers any income. PPI was widely sold by banks and other credit providers as an add-on to the loan or overdraft product.
A line of credit is a credit facility extended by a bank or other financial institution to a government, business or individual customer that enables the customer to draw on the facility when the customer needs funds. A financial institution makes available an amount of credit to a business or consumer during a specified period of time.
Mortgage calculators are automated tools that enable users to determine the financial implications of changes in one or more variables in a mortgage financing arrangement. Mortgage calculators are used by consumers to determine monthly repayments, and by mortgage providers to determine the financial suitability of a home loan applicant. Mortgage calculators are frequently on for-profit websites, though the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has launched its own public mortgage calculator.
A mortgage loan or simply mortgage, in civil law jurisdictions known also as a hypothec loan, is a loan used either by purchasers of real property to raise funds to buy real estate, or by existing property owners to raise funds for any purpose while putting a lien on the property being mortgaged. The loan is "secured" on the borrower's property through a process known as mortgage origination. This means that a legal mechanism is put into place which allows the lender to take possession and sell the secured property to pay off the loan in the event the borrower defaults on the loan or otherwise fails to abide by its terms. The word mortgage is derived from a Law French term used in Britain in the Middle Ages meaning "death pledge" and refers to the pledge ending (dying) when either the obligation is fulfilled or the property is taken through foreclosure. A mortgage can also be described as "a borrower giving consideration in the form of a collateral for a benefit (loan)".
In accounting and finance, flat interest rate mortgages and loans calculate interest based on the amount of money a borrower receives at the beginning of the loan. However, if repayment is scheduled to occur at regular intervals throughout the term, the average amount to which the borrower has access is lower and so the effective or true rate of interest is higher. Only if the principal is available in full throughout the loan term does the flat rate equate to the true rate. This is the case in the example to the right, where the loan contract is for 400,000 Cambodian riels over 4 months. Interest is set at 16,000 riels (4%) a month while principal is due in a single payment at the end.
Financing cost (FC), also known as the cost of finances (COF), is the cost, interest, and other charges involved in the borrowing of money to build or purchase assets. This can range from the cost it takes to finance a mortgage on a house, to finance a car loan through a bank, or to finance a student loan.