Avocado sunblotch viroid | |
Virus classification ![]() | |
(unranked): | Viroid |
Family: | Avsunviroidae |
Genus: | Avsunviroid |
Species: | Avocado sunblotch viroid |
Avocado sunblotch viroid (ASBV, Avsunviroid albamaculaperseae) is a disease affecting avocado trees.
Infections result in lower yields and poorer quality fruit. ASBV is the smallest known viroid that infects plants and is transmitted by pollen and infected seeds or budwood.
Trees infected with the viroid often show no symptoms other than a reduction in yield, (by 30% or more). However, they are still carriers and can pass the disease onto other plants. Symptoms in more serious infections include depressed longitudinal streaks of yellow in the fruit. The fruit may also become red or white in colour. Symptoms in the leaf are uncommon but include bleached veins and petioles. Rectangular cracking patterns also occur in the bark of older branches.
The amount (titre) of viroid particles present in avocado trees varies a great deal. Viroids levels can vary by 1000 times between branches on the same tree and by 10000 times between trees. Infected but symptomless trees have a higher concentration of viroid particles than those showing symptoms. Symptomless trees also represent a greater danger in terms of spread of the viroid.
PCR is used to detect infection.
Phytophthora cinnamomi, also known as cinnamon fungus, is a soil-borne water mould that produces an infection which causes a condition in plants variously called "dieback", "root rot", or, "ink disease".
A leaf spot is a limited, discoloured, diseased area of a leaf that is caused by fungal, bacterial or viral plant diseases, or by injuries from nematodes, insects, environmental factors, toxicity or herbicides. These discoloured spots or lesions often have a centre of necrosis. Symptoms can overlap across causal agents, however differing signs and symptoms of certain pathogens can lead to the diagnosis of the type of leaf spot disease. Prolonged wet and humid conditions promote leaf spot disease and most pathogens are spread by wind, splashing rain or irrigation that carry the disease to other leaves.
The potato spindle tuber viroid was the first viroid to be identified. PSTVd is a small, single stranded circular RNA molecule closely related to the chrysanthemum stunt viroid. Present within the viroidal RNA is the Pospiviroid RY motif stem loop common to its genus. The natural hosts are potatoes and tomatoes. All potatoes and tomatoes are susceptible to PSTVd and there is no form of natural resistance. Natural infections have also been seen in avocados and infections in other solanaceous crops have been induced in the laboratory. Until 2017 PSTVd was thought to be unable to infect Solanum sisymbriifolium. Then in May seeds exported by a Dutch company were noticed to be infected. These seeds were shipped from the company, but had been originally bred to their specifications in two Asian countries. Pstv also causes Tomato bunchy top and is seed transmitted in tomato. it contains single stranded RNA without protein coat.
Potato leafroll virus (PLRV) is a member of the genus Polerovirus and family Solemoviridae. The phloem limited positive sense RNA virus infects potatoes and other members of the family Solanaceae. PLRV was first described by Quanjer et al. in 1916. PLRV is transmitted by aphids, primarily the green peach aphid, Myzus persicae. PLRV is one of the most important potato viruses worldwide but particularly devastating in countries with limited resources and management. It can be responsible for individual plant yield losses of over 50%. One estimate suggests that PLRV is responsible for an annual global yield loss of 20 million tons. Symptoms include chlorosis, necrosis and leaf curling.
Peach latent mosaic viroid is a species of the genus Pelamoviroid, which belongs to the family Avsunviroidae. This family is characterized as having chloroplastic viroids with hammerhead ribozymes. Peach latent mosaic viroid is a 336-351nt circular RNA which has a branched formation. This branched formation is stabilised by a pseudoknot between two kissing loops. Peach latent mosaic viroid was first described in the 1980s in Spain by a group of scientists.
Phytophthora cactorum is a fungal-like plant pathogen belonging to the Oomycota phylum. It is the causal agent of root rot on rhododendron and many other species, as well as leather rot of strawberries.
Cephaleuros virescens is an algal plant pathogen that infects tea, coffee and coconut plants, causing algal leaf spot or algal rust.
Sphaceloma perseae is a plant-pathogenic fungus in the division Ascomycota. It infects the avocado plant, a tree native to Central America and Mexico. Currently there are three cultivars of avocados in large-scale agricultural production: Guatemalan, Mexican, and West Indian. The pathogen is currently limited to the P. Americana species but is able to infect all three cultivars. The resulting disease is known as avocado scab for the symptoms which are present on the fruit of the avocado tree. It is believed that the disease developed in Florida in the early twentieth century and is related to citrus scab, Elsinoe fawcetti. Since then, S.perseae has spread to many regions worldwide that support cultivation of the avocado tree. This pathogen threatens the global avocado market, including both importers and exporters of the crop. Countries which import avocados, including the United States, have experienced a rising demand over the past decade which is projected to continue for years to come. An understanding of avocado scab characteristics and feasible prevention methods is essential to maintenance of cultures and economies influenced by the avocado fruit.
Apple mosaic virus (ApMV) is a plant pathogenic virus of the family Bromoviridae. It is named after its symptoms that were first present on apples. ApMV is a positive sense RNA based virus. The disease itself has several synonyms including Mild Apple Mosaic Virus, Hop Virus, Rose Mosaic Virus, and European Plum Line Patten Virus. It causes a severe yield reduction and decreased life-expectancy of fruit trees.
Prunus necrotic ringspot virus (PNRSV) is a plant pathogenic virus causing ring spot diseases affecting species of the genus Prunus, as well as other species such as rose and hops. PNRSV is found worldwide due to easy transmission through plant propagation methods and infected seed. The virus is in the family Bromoviridae and genus Ilarvirus. Synonyms of PNRSV include European plum line pattern virus, hop B virus, hop C virus, plum line pattern virus, sour cherry necrotic ringspot virus, and peach ringspot virus.
Strawberry vein banding virus (SVBV) is a plant pathogenic virus and a member of the family Caulimoviridae.
This article summarizes different crops, what common fungal problems they have, and how fungicide should be used in order to mitigate damage and crop loss. This page also covers how specific fungal infections affect crops present in the United States.
Armillaria root rot is a fungal root rot caused by several different members of the genus Armillaria. The symptoms are variable depending on the host infected, ranging from stunted leaves to chlorotic needles and dieback of twigs and branches. However, all infected hosts display symptoms characteristic of being infected by a white rotting fungus. The most effective ways of management focus on limiting the spread of the fungus, planting resistant species, and removing infected material. This disease poses a threat to the lumber industry as well as affecting recreational areas.
The hop stunt viroid is a viroid species that infects the common hop plant, citrus plants, grapevines, cucumber, and several Prunus species such as almond, apricot, plum, and peach. It is asymptomatic or latent in most host plants, but in some hosts it can cause stunting and other symptoms. A study of HSVd-infected hops in the USA showed that the severity of yield reduction was highly dependent on the infected hop cultivar.
Citrus exocortis is a disease of citrus plants, caused by the Citrus exocortis viroid. It can cause stunted growth and reduced yields in affected plants. The disease is also sometimes called "scalybutt". CEVd can also infect tomato plants. The resulting disease is sometimes called "tomato bunchy top disease".
Cadang-cadang is a disease caused by Coconut cadang-cadang viroid, a lethal viroid of several palms including coconut, African oil palm, anahaw, and buri. The name cadang-cadang comes from the word gadang-gadang that means dying in Bicol. It was originally reported on San Miguel Island in the Philippines in 1927/1928. "By 1962, all but 100 of 250,000 palms on this island had died from the disease," indicating an epidemic. Every year one million coconut palms are killed by CCCVd and over 30 million coconut palms have been killed since Cadang-cadang was discovered. CCCVd directly affects the production of copra, a raw material for coconut oil and animal feed. Total losses of about 30 million palms and annual yield losses of about 22,000 metric tons of copra have been attributed to Cadang-cadang disease in the Philippines.
The Citrus stubborn disease is a plant disease affecting species in the genus Citrus. The causative agent of the agent of the disease is Spiroplasma citri, a Mollicute bacterium species. The bacterium resides in the phloem of the affected plant. Originally discovered in citrus-growing regions of California, S. citri is transmitted by several leafhoppers, including Circulifer tenellus and Scaphytopius nitridus in citrus-growing regions of California. The disease has now spread to Arizona by the same hoppers, and Circulifer haematoceps in the Mediterranean region.
Leucostoma canker is a fungal disease that can kill stone fruit. The disease is caused by the plant pathogens Leucostoma persoonii and Leucostoma cinctum (teleomorph) and Cytospora leucostoma and Cytospora cincta (anamorphs). The disease can have a variety of signs and symptoms depending on the part of the tree infected. One of the most lethal symptoms of the disease are the Leucostoma cankers. The severity of the Leucostoma cankers is dependent on the part of the plant infected. The fungus infects through injured, dying or dead tissues of the trees. Disease management can consist of cultural management practices such as pruning, late season fertilizers or chemical management through measures such as insect control. Leucostoma canker of stone fruit can cause significant economic losses due to reduced fruit production or disease management practices. It is one of the most important diseases of stone fruit trees all over the world.
Cherry X disease also known as Cherry Buckskin disease is caused by a plant pathogenic phytoplasma. Phytoplasmas are obligate parasites of plants and insects. They are specialized bacteria, characterized by their lack of a cell wall, often transmitted through insects, and are responsible for large losses in crops, fruit trees, and ornamentals. The phytoplasma causing Cherry X disease has a fairly limited host range mostly of stone fruit trees. Hosts of the pathogen include sweet cherry, sour cherry, choke cherry, peaches, nectarines, almonds, clover, and dandelion. Most commonly the pathogen is introduced into economical fruit orchards from wild choke cherry and herbaceous weed hosts. The pathogen is vectored by mountain and cherry leafhoppers. The mountain leafhopper vectors the pathogen from wild hosts to cherry orchards but does not feed on the other hosts. The cherry leafhopper feeds on cherry trees and can transmit the disease from cherry orchards to peach, nectarine, and other economic crops. The Saddled Leafhopper is a vector of the disease in peaches. Control of Cherry X disease is limited to controlling the spread, vectors, and weed hosts of the pathogen. Once the pathogen has infected a tree it is fatal and removal is necessary to stop it from becoming a reservoir for vectors.
Blueberry shock virus (BlShV) is an Ilarvirus belonging to the Bromoviridae family. The Bromoviridae family contains single-stranded, positive-sense RNA viruses. Virus particles are icosahedral and 30 nm in diameter. Blueberry shock virus causes shock of blueberries in Oregon, Washington, and British Columbia. It gets its name because plants are shocked by the initial infection, meaning the flowers and foliage blight and wilt in the early spring, right when the plant is in full bloom. BIShV was first discovered in a blueberry field containing highbush blueberry in Washington in 1991. It continued to spread to Oregon, Washington and British Columbia since that time. In 2009, the disease was found in a western Michigan field, and may be preset in Pennsylvania as of 2011. Since its discovery, eradication is in progress to eliminate the disease and reduce loss of yield from it.