Battle of Manupur

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The Battle of Manupur was fought between the Mughal Empire and the Durrani Empire in March 1748 near Sirhind which ended in victory for the Indian coalition.


Battle of Manupur
Part of Indian Campaign of Ahmad Shah Durrani
DateMarch 1748 [1]
Result Mughal-Sikh-Jaipur victory [2] [3]
Alam of the Mughal Empire.svg Mughal Empire
Kattar Dhal Talwar.jpg Sikh Misls
Flag of Jaipur.svg Kingdom of Jaipur [4]
Abdali flag.png
Durrani Empire
Commanders and leaders
Alam of the Mughal Empire.svg Ahmad Shah Bahadur
Alam of the Mughal Empire.svg Itimad-ad-Daula, Qamar-ud-Din Khan  
Alam of the Mughal Empire.svg Mir Mannu
Alam of the Mughal Empire.svg Adina Beg
Alam of the Mughal Empire.svg Safdar Jang
Flag of Jaipur.svg Ishwari Singh
Kattar Dhal Talwar.jpg Charat Singh
Kattar Dhal Talwar.jpg Jassa Singh Ahluwalia
Kattar Dhal Talwar.jpg Ala Singh
Abdali flag.png Ahmad Shah Durrani
Abdali flag.png Jahan Khan


Following the assassination of Nader Shah, last Emperor of the Persian Afsharid dynasty, Ahmad Shah Durrani took control of Persian Afghanistan. In late 1747, he began operations against the declining Mughal Empire, taking Kabul, Peshawar, and, on 18 January 1748, Lahore. By February 1748, a Mughal army under Prince Ahmad Shah Bahadur and Qamaruddin Khan, the Subahdar of Lahore province, had assembled and was moving to drive out the Durrani army. On 1 March 1748, Ahmad Shah began searching for the Mughal army, making contact with them on 10 March outside the village of Manupur.[ citation needed ] On the same time, the Rajput army of Jaipur under Ishwari Singh assembled bear Manupur.[ citation needed ]


When the Mughal commander, Qamaruddin Khan, was killed by artillery in an early exchange of fire, his son, Moin-ul-Mulk, also known as Mir Mannu, continued the battle. Ahmad Shah's Afghan troops swept aside the Rajput flank and raided their baggage train but a fire beginning in a captured rocket cart went on to ignite the Durrani artillery store, roasting thousands of soldiers alive and forcing Ahmad Shah Durrani's retreat. [5]


After the retreat of Durrani, the panicked Mughal were unable to pursue, however Sikh bands under Charat Singh, Jassa Singh Ahluwalia and Ala Singh continued to harass them as they retreated to Kabul. Thus, the first invasion of Shah proved a failure but it gave an opportunity to the Sikhs to organize themselves into Dal Khalsa, an army of Sikh Confederacy, at Amritsar in March 1748. [6] [7]

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  1. Grewal 1990, p. 87.
  2. Grewal, J.S. (1990). The Sikhs of the Punjab. Cambridge University Press. p. 87. ISBN   0-521-63764-3 . Retrieved 15 April 2014.
  3. Jacques, Tony (2006). Dictionary of Battles and Sieges. Greenwood Press. p. 631. ISBN   978-0-313-33536-5. Archived from the original on 2015-06-26. Retrieved 2015-10-01.
  4. Gupta, Hari Ram (1978) [1937]. History of the Sikhs: Evolution of Sikh Confederacies (1707-1769) (3rd ed.). Munshiram Motilal Publishers. p. 85. ISBN   978-8121502481.
  5. History of Islam , p. 509, at Google Books
  6. Mehta, J. L. (2005). Advanced study in the history of modern India 1707–1813. Sterling Publishers Pvt. Ltd. p. 251. ISBN   978-1-932705-54-6 . Retrieved 2010-09-23.
  7. Gandhi, Rajmohan (14 September 2013). Punjab: A History from Aurangzeb to Mountbatten. Aleph Book company. pp. 125–126. ISBN   9789383064410.