Benjamin Carier (1566–1614) was an English clergyman, a fellow of Chelsea College who was a well-publicised convert to Catholicism.
He was born in Kent, in 1566, son of Anthony Carier, a minister of the Church of England. He was admitted to Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, 28 February 1582, proceeded B.A. in 1586, was elected a fellow of his college 8 March 1589, and commenced M.A. in 1590. [1] Soon afterwards he became tutor and studied divinity, especially the works of Augustine of Hippo. He proceeded B.D. in 1597, and was appointed one of the university preachers, and incorporated at Oxford the same year.
Soon after this he was presented by the Wotton family to the rectory of Paddlesworth in Kent, which he resigned in 1599. He was presented to the vicarage of Thurnham in the same county, with the church of Aldington annexed, on 27 March 1600, and that benefice till 1613. In 1602 he was presented, by Archbishop John Whitgift, whose domestic chaplain he then was, to the sinecure rectory of West Tarring in Sussex. In the same year he was created D.D. at Cambridge, and his fellowship was declared vacant.
He was appointed one of the chaplains in ordinary to James I. On 29 April 1603 he was collated by the Archbishop of Canterbury to the living of Old Romney in Kent. In 1608 he was nominated one of the first fellows of Chelsea College, projected by Matthew Sutcliffe as a seminary for defenders of Protestantism.
He obtained the king's leave to go to Spa for the benefit of his health, actually intending to study the workings of Catholicism. He went from Spa to Cologne, where he placed himself in the hands of Father Johannes Copperus, rector of the Jesuit College. King James ordered Isaac Casaubon and others to write to him (August 1613), with an injunction to return to England. Carier’s printed Missive addressed to the king from Liège, 13 December 1613, made his conversion public. Cardinal du Perron then invited him to France, for his assistance in a work which he was publishing against King James. Carier accepted the invitation, but died before mid-summer 1614.
George Hakewill published an elaborate answer to Carier in 1616. Carier’s polemical works continued to be reprinted late into the century. The Carier case had repercussions, in particular for John Howson who had been on good terms with him, and came under the suspicion of George Abbot in 1615; like Humphrey Leech, another convert, Carier moved in the Durham House circle with Howson, around Richard Neile. [2]
Samuel Harsnett, born Samuel Halsnoth, was an English writer on religion and Archbishop of York from 1629.
Daniel Featley, also called Fairclough and sometimes called Richard Fairclough/Featley, was an English theologian and controversialist. A leading Calvinist disputant of the 1620s, he fell into difficulties with Parliament due to his loyalty to Charles I in the 1640s, and he was harshly treated and imprisoned at the end of his life.
Richard Montagu was an English cleric and prelate.
John Overall (1559–1619) was the 38th bishop of the see of Norwich from 1618 until his death one year later. He had previously served as Bishop of Coventry and Lichfield, as Dean of St Paul's Cathedral from 1601, as Master of Catharine Hall from 1598, and as Regius Professor of Divinity at Cambridge University from 1596. He also served on the Court of High Commission and as a Translator of the King James Version of the Bible.
Philip Stanhope Dodd (1775–1852) was a Church of England clergyman.
John Lonsdale was the third Principal of King's College, London, and later served as Bishop of Lichfield.
Christopher Potter was an English academic and clergyman, Provost of The Queen's College, Oxford, controversialist and prominent supporter of William Laud.
Samuel Collins (1576–1651) was an English clergyman and academic, Regius Professor of Divinity at Cambridge and Provost of King's College, Cambridge.
Thomas Goad (1576–1638) was an English clergyman, controversial writer, and rector of Hadleigh, Suffolk. A participant at the Synod of Dort, he changed his views there from Calvinist to Arminian, against the sense of the meeting.
Henry Ussher was an Irish Protestant churchman, a founder of Trinity College, Dublin, and Church of Ireland Archbishop of Armagh.
John Parkhurst (1564–1639) was an English clergyman and academic, Master of Balliol College, Oxford from 1617.
George Meriton was an English churchman, Dean of Peterborough in 1612 and Dean of York in 1617.
Francis Mason (c.1566–1621) was an English churchman, archdeacon of Norfolk and author of Of the Consecration of the Bishops in the Church of England (1613), a defence of the Church of England and the first serious rebuttal of the Nag's Head Fable put about as denigration of Matthew Parker and Anglican orders.
Andrew Willet was an English clergyman and controversialist. A prolific writer, he is known for his anti-papal works. His views were Calvinist, conforming and non-separatist, and he appeared as a witness against Edward Dering before the Star-chamber. Joseph Hall eulogised Willet in Noah's Dove, and Thomas Fuller modelled 'the Controversial Divine' of his Holy State on him.
Nicholas Robinson was a Welsh bishop of Bangor.
Nicholas Grey, was an English scholar and schoolmaster. He was headmaster of Charterhouse from 1614 until 1624, and afterwards of Eton College, from which he was ousted during the English Civil War. He was later headmaster of Merchant Taylors' School and Tonbridge School.
Edward Tenison (1673–1735) was an English bishop of Ossory. An example of the workings of the system of patronage in the Church of England, Tenison also was a significant Whig and controversialist.