Bibliography of Los Angeles

Last updated

Flag of Los Angeles, California Flag of Los Angeles, California.svg
Flag of Los Angeles, California
Echo Park Lake and Los Angeles Skyline Echo Park Lake with Downtown Los Angeles Skyline.jpg
Echo Park Lake and Los Angeles Skyline
Union Station Los Angeles Union Station profile, LA, CA, jjron 22.03.2012.jpg
Union Station Los Angeles
The Sunset Tower on Sunset Boulevard Sunset Tower, 8358 Sunset Blvd. West Hollywood 2383.jpg
The Sunset Tower on Sunset Boulevard
Hollywood Boulevard Hollywood boulevard from kodak theatre.jpg
Hollywood Boulevard
Macarthur Park, Los Angeles Macarthur Park.jpg
Macarthur Park, Los Angeles
Los Angeles Gay and Lesbian Center LAgayLesbianCenter.jpg
Los Angeles Gay and Lesbian Center
Janss Steps, right; Royce Hall, left, at UCLA Janss Steps, Royce Hall in background, UCLA.jpg
Janss Steps, right; Royce Hall, left, at UCLA
The Red Line, Los Angeles MetroRail Breda A650.jpg
The Red Line, Los Angeles MetroRail
Barnsdall Art Park, Los Angeles Barnsdallartpark.jpg
Barnsdall Art Park, Los Angeles
Hollywood Sign Hollywood Sign (Zuschnitt).jpg
Hollywood Sign
Hollywood Boulevard in Thai Town, Los Angeles Motel and two other buildings on Hollywood Boulevard in Thai Town, Los Angeles, 2015.png
Hollywood Boulevard in Thai Town, Los Angeles
Hollywood Boulevard, Los Angeles Hollywood Boulevard at night.jpg
Hollywood Boulevard, Los Angeles
B'nai David Judea B'nai David Judea, Los Angeles.JPG
B'nai David Judea
Vincent Thomas Bridge Vincent Thomas Bridge 2.jpg
Vincent Thomas Bridge
Griffith Observatory at dusk Griffith Observatory - Dusk.jpg
Griffith Observatory at dusk
Los Angeles International Airport TheThemeBuildingLosAngeles (cropped2).jpg
Los Angeles International Airport

This is a bibliography of Los Angeles, California . It includes books specifically about the city and county of Los Angeles and more generally the Greater Los Angeles Area. The list includes both non-fiction and notable works of fiction that significantly relate to the region. The list does not include annual travel books, recipe books, and currently does not contain works about sports in the region.



California histories containing significant material on Los Angeles

Kevin Starr, former Professor of History and California's State Librarian has written many highly regarded books [1] on the history of California including the multi-volume Americans & the California Dream Series which contain a significant amount of history about Los Angeles and the surrounding area.

Americans & the California Dream Series by Kevin Starr

Los Angeles histories

Other nonfiction


Architecture and urban theory



Art and literature

Guides, architecture, geography

Contemporary issues

Planning, environment and autos



Ethnicity and Race


  • Ethnic Los Angeles
  • Race, Place, and Reform in Mexican Los Angeles: A Transnational Perspective, 1890–1940
  • Rebirth: Mexican Los Angeles from the Great Migration to the Great Depression
  • Irangeles: Iranians in Los Angeles
  • The Making of Exile Cultures: Iranian Television in Los Angeles
  • From the Shahs to Los Angeles: Three Generations of Iranian Jewish Women between Religion and Culture
  • The Shifting Grounds of Race: Black and Japanese Americans in the Making of Multiethnic Los Angeles, by Scott Kurashige

Policing and law enforcement

Collections of primary sources



See also


  1. Grimes, William (January 16, 2017). "Kevin Starr, Prolific Chronicler of California's History, Dies at 76". Los Angeles Times. Retrieved 18 January 2020.